ocean hunter

Chapter 795 Fainting

Chapter 795 Fainting
Not only Xia City, but also all nearby coastal cities have entered a state of emergency like this.

Helicopters, patrol boats, and warships all left the port and headed for the sea.

Fortunately, there were always patrol boats on standby at sea. As soon as they received the news, they approached the surrounding ships and picked them up.

In the deep sea, Lu Xiaolu was driving the boat with one hand, while holding Xueli tightly with the other. The shaking of the boat became more and more violent, and the waves had already surged to a height of more than three meters, hitting the deck, which was breathtaking.

Xue Li has calmed down now, holding Lu Xiaolu tightly, if, if it really comes to that point, she will not regret dying with him.

However, before the conclusion of the matter, the two of them don't know what giving up is. If they can live well, who would want to die.

Xueli still held the crayfish in her hand, which was just told by Lu Xiaolu to bring it up.

It can also be regarded as a back-up guarantee, which should be able to save their lives at critical moments after falling into the water.

Now I am rushing towards the vicinity with full horsepower, the radio is always on, hoping to receive the public channel, if I can find the patrol boat, it will be saved.

It is unrealistic to expect the power of their ship to return to the shore, no matter how fast they can catch up with the speed of the tsunami.

Although the patrol boat can't keep up, its heavyweight is enough to deal with the tsunami, and the tsunami can't do anything to it.

However, Lu Xiaolu and the others came too far this time, and they haven't received the information from the public channel for a long time, and the voice has always been buzzing.

Earthquake waves will not affect the radio. If there is a boat nearby, he will receive the message. Unfortunately, he has never encountered it, and the waves are getting bigger and bigger, and now they are more than five meters high.

The power of the Golden Sailfish was no longer strong enough to resist the power of the waves, and another wave hit it more than ten meters away.

The hull swayed violently, but fortunately, it was quite stable. It did not sink after shaking a few times, and the seawater on the deck was quickly drained out.

Lu Xiaolu's head hit the rudder, blood flowed out, one hand still hugged Xue Li tightly, protecting her in his arms, and after getting up, he continued to steer the rudder.

You can't compare the speed with the waves, you can't compare it, and you can't let the side of the hull face the waves, which will cause too much damage.

Lu Xiaolu gritted her teeth, turned the rudder of the boat, and rushed up against the waves.

Cross over before the waves have fully risen to minimize damage.

Another monstrous wave swept in and couldn't get over it. Xue Li, who was in Lu Xiaolu's arms, sat on his lap and took over the rudder.

"Hold me tight!" Shirley yelled.

At the moment of life and death, Lu Xiaolu was not pretentious, and hugged Xue Li tightly, clasping her legs tightly to the bottom of the seat.

"Grab it!"

Shirley turned the rudder, pushed the car clock to the top, and headed for the gap in the waves, like a surfer.

The difference is that this monstrous wave is too big, let alone a human being, the Golden Sailfish is like a precarious little paper boat in front of him.

The huge waves from below pushed the Golden Sailfish to a height of more than three meters, which has exceeded the usual sea level.

He is now leaning at an angle along the huge wave, and the monstrous huge wave is about to smash down. If it really hits, I don't know if the Golden Sailfish can withstand it.

The waves have already blocked the sun, and the eyes are full of blue sea water, with only a glimmer of light ahead.

Lu Xiaolu had already prepared for the waves and hugged Xue Li tightly.


Amidst the huge waves, a white boat broke through the last water curtain and rushed out.

It escaped a catastrophe, but the windshield in front of the Golden Sailfish has cracked and is in the shape of snowflakes.

The sound of the waves crashing on the top of the boat just now was like thunder, and the two of them were so shocked that their ears were full of tinnitus, and they became temporarily deaf.

However, before there was time to be happy, the next huge wave came one after another.

This time the wave was even bigger, over 8 meters high, like a small building, and this time it really couldn't escape.

Xue Li knew it, and so did Lu Xiaolu.

Therefore, Xue Li no longer steered the helm, and ran outside while pulling Lu Xiaolu, jumping directly into the sea without the slightest hesitation.

If such a huge wave is photographed, the Golden Sailfish will be smashed into a ball of scrap iron in an instant, and there will be no life left on the boat.

Jumping into the sea, there is still a glimmer of life.


Just as the two of them got into the sea, a huge wave crashed down, and the Golden Sailfish was instantly shattered and dismembered.

Fortunately, Xueli had a load on her body, and she and Lu Xiaolu sank to a depth of five meters in the bottom of the sea immediately without being hit by the waves.

A tsunami is a shock wave from an undersea earthquake, volcanic eruption, subsea subsidence, etc. that causes the waves to move forward, resulting in extremely destructive waves.

Lu Xiaolu was hugging Xue Li tightly, and both of them were putting the respirator on each other's mouth.

They couldn't speak again, and after arguing for a while, they sucked each other tacitly for a while.

However, the tsunami is not so easy to deal with. They still have life jackets on them, and they float up quickly, and the weight is useless.

Now the two are faced with a difficult choice, whether to throw away the burden?Or throw away the life jacket?

If the life jackets are taken off, they will die when the oxygen tanks run out.

However, if the life jackets were not taken off, the waves on the sea surface were extremely destructive and could easily injure them.

With no time to weigh the pros and cons, Lu Xiaolu exhausted his last strength and ripped off the life jackets on Xue Li and him.

But the waves had already swept over, and even with a load on her body, she couldn't sink anymore. Lu Xiaolu simply threw away the weight and oxygen tube that were hanging on Xue Li's body. It's pointless to have them now.

The two of them are now like a rag, swept by the waves, like a swaying boat.

The powerful waves in the middle tried to separate them countless times, but they all hugged each other tightly, even though they couldn't open their eyes, their hands didn't relax, as if they wanted to blend together.

A huge wave swept them into the sky, and then took a heavy shot. If it fell like this, the two of them would be seriously injured if they did not die.

They seemed to have a premonition, and they were no longer afraid at the moment of life and death. They hugged tightly and let the waves beat them down.


The two fainted in an instant, blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths, and was washed away by the waves afterward, but both hands were still holding on to each other tightly, fused into one, tightly refusing to relax.

Suddenly, a black figure went up against the current, caught the two falling people, quickly got into the bottom of the water, dodged the waves, and swam far away.



A helicopter hovered above, and the rescuers in the plane fell silent as they watched the shattered and undulating ship.

"Lower the altitude, pay attention to avoiding the waves, search carefully to see if there are any survivors, and be sure to find them."

(End of this chapter)

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