ocean hunter

Chapter 719 The Arrogant Pippi Shrimp

Chapter 719 The Arrogant Pippi Shrimp
In front of 2 yuan, a clothes rack is nothing, and I will buy it later.

The hollow aluminum pipe is not considered hard, and he cut one off with two pliers.

Suddenly, the light in Shirley's room came on, and her voice came from inside: "Donkey Oppa, what are you doing?"

Hearing the voice, he was still a little confused, and he hadn't woken up yet.

"It's okay, I'll be active, you can continue to sleep."


Seeing that the light in Shirley's room was turned off, he continued to dismantle the clothes rack in peace of mind, trying to keep his voice as low as possible so as not to disturb her. Today is quite tired.

While dismantling it, he looked at the controller from time to time, and used the crayfish to catch up with the black butterfly fish so as not to lose track.

He didn't dare to chase too close, or it would be bad to scare it away. In this vast sea, where to find a butterfly fish, he could only hang behind him far away, and secretly followed his tail.

Cut this drying rack into sections, it's okay, the length should be enough.

This drying rack has three layers, and shoes can be placed under it, so there are more pipes, seven or eight, each about 1.5 meters long.

There is still something to tie them up, but there are only cables on the boat, which are thicker than this pipe, so it is unrealistic to tie them up.

I glanced at the controller again, fortunately, the black butterflyfish did not run away, and swam back again, just wandering in this piece of coral reef, and would quickly burrow into sea anemones or coral reefs to seek shelter when disturbed.

However, its body color is a bit too eye-catching, and it is not easy to camouflage. This may be one of the reasons for the scarcity of the number.

It is also a small tropical fish, those clownfish can't find it wherever they drill, and there are more of them.

After confirming that it was still here, Lu Xiaolu looked at Xue Li's little white shoes and his own canvas shoes.

As soon as I grit my teeth, let’s do it this way. I don’t want the child to be tied to a wolf. Anyway, the shoes of both of them are not expensive. They cost 60 yuan a pair. I can buy a pair of shoelaces and tie them at home. If it’s impossible, I’ll buy another pair.

Bring Shirley's little white shoes and his own, remove the shoelaces, and bring scissors, one shoelace can be divided into two, a total of four shoelaces, divided into eight, enough for use.

It is not easy to tie the stick firmly. You can't tie it directly, otherwise it will fall off after a few moves.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaolu has experience. He aligned the two sticks, tied one end with a shoelace, and then split the two sticks to the two ends. Together, they become three meters long when they are broken apart.

It's not over yet, because of the pulling, the rope that bound the two of them was pulled tightly, and two more were tied with the unused rope, and they were fixed to death.

This time, the tied stick became firm. Lu Xiaolu didn't pull it off, nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the controller, and then continued to work.

Like the gourd painting, as before, all the sticks were linked together, and a total of four sticks were used to form a six-meter-long one, which was then tied to the netting pole.

Originally I wanted to make it [-] meters long, but that didn't work because the pipe couldn't support it and would bend.

However, the eight-meter-long pipe seems to be unable to support it, and it bends as soon as it is picked up. After all, it is not a solid or steel pipe.

After trying it out, Lu Xiaolu had a flash of inspiration, and thought of a good way, and connected two more pipes up, which was more than ten meters away.

It is definitely impossible to pick it up directly. He can move it, but the aluminum tube can't support it.

Lu Xiaolu took the end of the net, put it into the water, and then continued to go into it bit by bit.

It is supported by the buoyancy of water so that it will not bend or break.

The empty pipes will also be pushed up by the buoyancy when they enter the water. Lu Xiaolu also considered this. When cutting those pipes, both sides are cut open, and water will be injected into the pipes, so there will be no situation where they cannot be put down. .

To be reasonable, sometimes his IQ is quite online. The key is to do it immediately when he thinks of it, and find a way if there is no way.

At the beginning, the water did not enter the empty pipe immediately, and it was still a little hard to penetrate. Don't worry, it will break if you poke it hard. The buoyancy at a depth of ten meters cannot be underestimated.

After water was poured into it little by little, the ten-meter-long net fell into the water and appeared in the camera of the crayfish.

The black butterflyfish also happened to swim over, driving in front of a coral reef, only two meters away from his net.

Lv Xiaolu grabbed the pole, pressed it against the side of the boat, and slowly moved it, like a boat oar, the principle of a lever, but the lever is a bit long, and he is on the short end, so it is a bit difficult.

Fortunately, the pole is thin after all, and there are not many resistance points, but it is too long for fear of breaking it.

Look at the controller while pulling the lever, and watch for yourself that dipping net slowly moving forward.

There is no ocean current underneath, and it is quite easy to control, and the black butterfly fish is still swimming slowly, as if it didn't notice the netting behind it, whether it's stupid or big-hearted.

Lu Xiaolu was a little excited. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and the 2 yuan was in his hands immediately.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in the water, and a dull sound came from the controller.

Lu Xiaolu was completely dumbfounded, because the black butterfly fish, which was still alive and kicking just now, flew out for more than half a meter and stopped moving. He didn't know if it was dead or what.

When Lu Xiaolu came back to his senses, a Pippi shrimp appeared in the camera. Unlike the Pippi shrimp he had eaten, the Pippi shrimp in front of him was very handsome and brightly colored.

The shell on the back is blue, the shell on the top of the head is green, there are two rows of black spots like eyes on both sides of the abdomen, the tentacles and a pair of big claws in the front are fiery red, not just red, but very bright anyway , a bit like singing a big drama.

This makes it look like a peacock overall.

If Lu Xiaolu likes to watch videos on the Internet, he can recognize it. This thing is quite popular, but unfortunately he has never seen it, so he can only recognize its body shape, which is Pippi Shrimp.

If Shirley also knows her here, she is a marine biology major, and Lu Xiaolu's major is not specialized in this.

Before he could react, the Pippi Shrimp went forward again, catching up to the black butterflyfish that was already lying dead.

Lu Xiaolu didn't see it clearly, and saw another flash of lightning. The black butterfly fish was straightened, and a piece of its head was sunken. It was obviously dead and couldn't die anymore.

Then, under Lu Xiaolu's eyes, he saw that Pipi Shrimp began to crawl into the coral reef dragging the black butterfly fish.

I happened to pass in front of it copying the net, and I was not afraid at all, very arrogant.

Lu Xiaolu didn't care if it was arrogant or not, what he cared about was that his black butterflyfish was gone!I was killed by the Pippi shrimp in front of me, and I dragged it back to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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