ocean hunter

Chapter 671 Kayak Fishing

Chapter 671 Kayak Fishing

The fishing rod looked like it was about to be torn off. It was obvious that the Golden Sailfish had caught a big fish, a very big one.

"God bless, hope it's a shark, amen."

While muttering, the old Wangtou stretched out his fingers and tapped on his chest and forehead respectively, looking pretty decent.

The two crew members were speechless. They had known for a long time that the captain had the problem of farting foreign farts. Why did it become more and more serious? The ones who came back from the United States were different.

The reason why the Golden Sailfish stopped was also because Shirley suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of a good method, which was the method they had used before, that is, book fishing.

That time, he also caught a top-quality bluefin tuna, dragged Lu Xiaolu for a long run, and finally bumped into a huge reef, and brought him a trapeze.

After stopping the boat at a constant speed, Lu Xiaolu came to the stern of the boat while slowly setting out the line.

Xue Li had already run out and put the rubber boat down, and before Lu Xiaolu could react, she had already jumped on the rubber boat.

Xue Li stretched out her hands, raised her face, and said anxiously, "Come on, give me the fishing rod, little donkey Oppa."

Lu Xiaolu held the fishing rod tightly, and frowned: "Don't make trouble, come up quickly, I'll fish."

Shirley shook her head: "No, I'm going to fish today, give it to me quickly."

Lu Xiaolu had already been fishing at the bow for two hours, and with the addition of the fish he caught during the day, his body was exhausted. His face was pale and his lips were blue, obviously blown by the wind.

Xue Li had almost rested after sailing the boat for two hours. Anyway, she was in better condition than him, so she decided to fish the rest by herself.

Lu Xiaolu was still a little reluctant. After all, fishing in a rubber boat was a bit dangerous, and many situations were out of control.

That is to hold the fishing rod in your hand, and the tuna will change its course at any time. If it makes a sharp turn, the rubber boat will drift, and the people on it will be thrown out.

Just like the last time he lay down on the rubber boat, he was almost dragged out. In the end, a trapeze came. If he hadn't been sitting in the rubber boat, he would have fallen hard enough.

While he was hesitating, the fishing rod on his shoulders was still trembling with great force, causing him to stumble back several steps.

Xue Li raised her eyebrows: "Give it to me quickly, don't be silly, why is a big man so ink-stained, you can catch me, why can't you catch me, do you look down on me, or look down on women!"

"... "

Well, now that I have said all this, what else can Lu Xiaolu do? The slogan of equality between men and women is not for nothing, so he can't label himself as sexist.

And Shirley is indeed not much worse than him, and even has better fishing skills than him, but she is a little weaker, this is innate, there is no way.

Now that Xue Li said so, then Lu Xiaolu didn't hesitate anymore, the big man was really outrageous, and he was really tired, so he put some more fishing line, bent down and handed the fishing rod to she.

"Be careful, tighten your pedals, and lean your body back." Lv Xiaolu reminded a little worriedly, holding the fishing rod tightly, refusing to let go.

Shirley grabbed the fishing rod, smiled softly and said, "It's okay, baby, give it to me."

"Then I let go."

"Let it go, let it go."

As soon as Lu Xiaolu let go, Xueli tightly grasped the fishing rod and drum, and the kayak was taken out in an instant.

Lu Xiaolu quickly ran to the cockpit, followed by the boat, and didn't even look at the Shanfeng from the beginning to the end, all his attention was on Xueli.

It wasn't until the two boats were far away that Lao Wangtou murmured, looking at the hoisted yellowfin tuna was a bit uncomfortable, feeling like a cat scratching his heart, and especially wanted to know what kind of fish they caught.

Looking at the movement on the fishing rod, it feels like the way a tuna bites. Sharks and other fish generally don’t bite like this.
If it was tuna, Lu Xiaolu made a big profit again this time.

This kind of movement reminded him of the fish he ran away this morning, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, and he could only pray that Lu Xiaolu and the others would not be able to catch this fish.

I'm afraid he will take the lead in this competition again, "Oh~" the old Wangtou sighed, wondering why Lu Xiaolu and the others had such good luck, and why his luck was so bad.

He could have made a fortune today, but now he has managed to get a small yellowfin tuna.

The crew member suddenly said: "Captain, the fish they caught could not be the big fish we ran at noon today!"

"I suspect so."

The three of them looked at each other, their brows were deeply frowned, it was possible, after all they were together today, after they left, the big fish might still be there. Article is likely to be.

After all, it is not easy to find tuna of this level. How can there be so many? If there is such a flood, it will not be worth so much money.

This made them even more uncomfortable when they thought about it. A fish that big had escaped, and they would not be able to sleep or eat for at least a week. Whenever they thought about it, they would beat their chests and feet. Why did they let it escape?

In the end, someone else caught her away in a blink of an eye. This feeling is no less than a girl you have been chasing for several years, and someone who has known her for less than a day is taken away by someone who has known her for less than a day. vomiting blood.

No, the more the three of them thought about it, the more something was wrong. If they didn't catch up and take a look, they would always feel uncomfortable.

The old Wang gritted his teeth and chased after him!The big deal is that I won’t fish tonight, and I’ll fish tomorrow. Anyway, I’ve lost so much money today, so what’s the oil for?

In normal times, they would definitely not be willing to spend fuel and time catching up, just to see what fish others caught.

But today is different, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you will definitely not be able to sleep tossing and turning tonight.

Surprisingly, the three of them agreed in the same opinion. If you earn less, you should earn less. It is good for peace of mind. Although it is useless to see that the fish is the one that I ran away today, I just want to see it. .

So, they gave up this new fishing spot, and Lao Wangtou immediately set off to catch up with him.

Shirley got into the kayak, and gradually stabilized after the initial panic. In fact, this fishing method is very suitable for this kind of big fish, and it is much better than using fishing holes on a big boat.

If it is fixed on the fishing hole, it needs to wrestle with the tuna. It is no exaggeration to say that if Lu Xiaolu continues to fish like that on the big boat, even if he can catch it, he will definitely not be able to lift his arms tomorrow.

And like this fishing method, a large part of the tuna's strength is used to run away with the kayak.

With the kayak sharing, Shirley can save a lot of energy, as long as she holds the fishing rod and drum tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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