ocean hunter

Chapter 664 Retribution

Chapter 664 Retribution
Not only was there no operational error, but the crew members had been fishing for a relatively long time, and their fish walking skills were a little higher than her and Lu Xiaolu's. Xueli herself admitted that, logically speaking, such a situation should not have happened.

Once or twice was a mistake, and it happened three times in a row, and the way of cutting the line was the same, whether it was early or late, but when the tuna was on the surface of the water, it was cut.

It's as if he insisted on coming up to make Lao Wangtou and the others covetous before running away and mad at them, which is a bit strange.

Lu Xiaolu laughed, took a sip of water, and said in a loud voice: "It must be retribution for doing bad things, we have an old saying here, there is a god who stands three feet above his head, he is immoral, and his bad luck is his own fault. "

Shirley suddenly realized: "Oh, that's good, that's how it should be, forget it, leave him alone, let's cook and eat."

Seeing that the whole afternoon passed by, it was time to eat. Today they caught four fish, and their shoulders were a little sore.

It was still quite cold outside, and the two of them returned to the kitchen and began to prepare today's dinner.

The salmon that Lu Xiaolu handled hadn't been finished yet, it was stuttering and sloppy.

Shirley took over and gently peeled off the fish skin bit by bit with a knife, cut off the fish head, took off two good pieces of meat, and picked out the few fish bones one by one. I learned it on purpose.

In other words, Shirley has to do this job. Girls are more careful and have thin hands.

Generally, people with thin hands are more talented in artistic work, and those who play the piano also have slender fingers.

Lu Xiaolu can't do it anymore. Although he plays the electronic piano, his knuckles are thicker and have calluses because of working since he was a child.

While handling the salmon, Shirley asked his opinion: "Little Donkey Oppa, what do you want to eat, sashimi or what?"

"Cut the sashimi into a small plate, as long as there are a few pieces, how about blanching some cabbage?"

"Okay, then go out and play after you've cleaned the rice, and I'll do the rest."

"it is good."

Lu Xiaolu had exactly this intention, he had to keep an eye on Old Wangtou, he had already made up his mind, as long as Old Wangtou didn't sleep, Lu Xiaolu wouldn't sleep, let's see who can survive the other .

But he was not in a hurry, a fish had just run away from the Shanfeng, and if he wanted to catch another fish, he would have to wait a little longer.

Every time a fish bites the hook, it will disturb the fish in the fish nest and come back slowly.

At this time, the atmosphere on the Shanfeng was very mysterious, the air seemed to freeze, and the three of them all had ghostly expressions on their faces. Why is this?

If you want to say that it is a coincidence once or twice, it is fine, but three times in a row, it was dragged to the surface of the sea and tangent. If this is normal, it cannot be justified.

"Could it be that Mazu really blamed it?" A crew member said in horror.

He was born and bred in the local area, and he hasn't seen the world much. He has been fishing since he was a child, and has never been to school. He believes in these things, which means he is a bit superstitious.

This kind of situation has never happened before, and I didn't take it too seriously, after all, earning money is the most important thing.

Now that it really happened to me, I started to think about it, and the more I thought about it, the more I was afraid.

If this is the case, it will be over. In the future, you will not be blessed by Mazu when you go fishing in the sea. For fishermen, this is simply missing a talisman. Basically no way out.

Now he regrets that he followed the old Wangtou to snatch Lu Xiaolu's fishing spot, and he still understands the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

The key point is that I don’t even have enough for a meal now. What will I do in the future? There is an eighty-year-old mother on the top and a three-year-old child on the bottom. The whole family depends on him to support them. The more I think about him, the more desperate he becomes, and there is confusion in his eyes. color.

Lao Wang waved his hand impatiently and said: "Go, go, what a mess, if this can also be punished, those who snatched my fish will all be punished."

He has also been robbed of many fishing spots, otherwise he would not have come here, and he regretted making such a mess. This time he really lost his wife and lost his army. Stealing chickens is not a loss rice.

Not to mention not earning any money, even this old face was completely lost.

The fisherman was taken aback when he heard his words, and turned out of the dead end.

It is true to say that, if there is retribution for grabbing a fishing spot, those fishermen who snatched their fishing spot in the past would have been fed to sharks by the sinking ship.

Although I am very irritable, the current situation is that it is difficult to get off the horse, and I am a little undecided whether to continue fishing or run away.

The three of them squatted on the deck and swallowed the clouds for a while, the old Wang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "It's only three things, let's fish again, I want to see if I can still cut the line."

If he cuts the line again, he doesn't dare to continue fishing anymore. It's too evil. The point is, it's fine if he can't catch fish. I want to go back and hold my grandson.

After hearing his words, the two crew members gritted their teeth, got up and re-tie the sub-line hook, hung up the bait, cast the frozen bait, and continued fishing.

At this time, a pile of frozen bait had piled up under the Yamakaze, attracting a lot of crabs, shrimps, and small fish to snatch food from the tiger's mouth. Those who were unlucky were swallowed by the tuna directly.

There are more and more tuna, and the red lines on the fish finder are stacked together, densely packed.

The effect was also there. Within 5 minutes, there was movement on the fishing rod. Now the three of them dare not be happy too early. They obviously caught a big fish, but their faces were dignified.

Lu Xiaolu also noticed it, sitting in the captain's cabin, crossing his legs, looking at the controller leisurely.

Don't be in a hurry, wait until the fish is tired, and give them some hope first.

After all, middle-aged people are middle-aged people, and their stamina is really strong. After catching so many fish in a row, they are still not exhausted.

If it was Lu Xiaolu or Xueli, they would definitely be unable to lift their arms after catching so many fish.

If you think about it, it's not for nothing that people have eaten so many years of food.

But if you do the calculations carefully, Lu Xiaolu's harvest today is not bad, it seems that it is not too small, there are four fish, if there are two fish left, if you get up early tomorrow morning, you should be able to catch them.

Lu Xiaolu's original intention was to make Lao Wangtou lose money and go away, but what he didn't expect was that his behavior scared Lao Wangtou and the others.

To be honest, I caught three fishes in a row, and the result was the same every time. It was really scary. The three of them still dared to fish, and it was considered that they had high psychological quality.

If they hadn't seen the dense red lines on the fish finder and were reluctant to leave, they would have run away long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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