ocean hunter

Chapter 659 Don't Believe in Evil

Chapter 659 Don't Believe in Evil

It is true that there is a lot of bait over there, which attracts all the fish. On average, a big fish can be caught once in more than half an hour, but before the fish comes up, no one is sure whether it is tuna, except Lu Xiaolu, who knows .

Shirley was a little nervous and kept muttering, "Shark shark, shark, shark."

Lu Xiaolu looked at it amusedly: "Look at you, if you are afraid of tuna, go in first. If it is a shark later, I will tell you and tell you to come out and see."

Xueli was a little moved, she didn't want to see the Shanfeng catch tuna, otherwise she would be angry, these fish should belong to her in the first place.

"Then our fishing rod?"

"It's okay, I can just watch here."

"That's fine, if it's a shark, call me out to see it!"

"Do not worry."

Shirley went into the house to hide, otherwise she was afraid of getting mad at herself.

Old Wang's fish-stalking technique is very superb. Once he retracts and releases, he can speed up the exhaustion of the tuna's physical strength, which is faster than Lu Xiaolu and Xueli.

In just 20 minutes or so, the tuna was brought to the surface, and it was another bluefin tuna.

This made Lao Wangtou and the other three very excited, temporarily forgetting about the big bluefin tuna.

"Pull, pull, pull!"

"Alas! What's going on! Fuck!"

The old Wang was dumbfounded. This time he did it himself. He obviously felt that the feel in his hand was not right. He was still pressing the drum hard, but when the resistance suddenly loosened, his hand that was pressing down suddenly lost its support. His upper body Lie down at once.

Old Wang's head subconsciously closed his eyes tightly and closed his mouth. With a "snap", his mouth hit the ship's side directly.

"Aw~" Old Wang Tou wanted to scream but couldn't. He opened his mouth and spit out a tooth mixed with blood foam. He just sat on the deck, leaning against the side of the ship.

The two crew members didn't want to ignore him. Although they were scolded by him just now, they were a little angry, but they were their own captain after all, and they had been together for so long, so they hurried up to help him.

The old Wangtou waved his hand, "&#&@."


The two crew members were stunned, why did they fart again? They knew that the captain came back from the United States, so they would fart from time to time, but when did it happen?

"Captain, stop talking about foreign language, we don't understand it either."

"My Buddha, leave me alone and go to see the tuna." Old Wang said inarticulately.

The crew suddenly realized that it was not farts, but a missing tooth, and the words leaked out. The two looked up and saw the tuna swimming towards the deep sea with its tail waving, causing a whirlpool, and the whole fish disappeared.

A crew member hurried to the fishing rod, and there was no resistance at all when turning the drum, so he didn't know what was going on.

"The captain is not good, and the tuna has escaped again!"

"I just said that the fishing line is not good, and this set of fishing line is not good, and let the fish go away again!"

A crew member complained that he was not to blame for this, the captain fished it himself, and even changed a fishing rod, and the line was cut again.

Although this fish was not as big as the one just now, it was also a bluefin tuna, and at least it could get him 900 yuan. Now it's gone. Can he not complain?

The old Wangtou got up quickly, took the fishing rod in disbelief, and pulled it hard twice, then sat down on the deck again in a slump, exhausting all the strength in his body.

He almost died of joy when he caught the huge bluefin tuna, but he was so excited that he let the fish go at the last moment, and he was so angry that he almost poked two holes in the crew with a speargun .

After finally calming down temporarily, I thought about continuing to fish. Unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of fish here, and I caught another fish in just half an hour, and it was bluefin tuna, which made Lao Wangtou feel like riding a roller coaster. Ups and downs.

Although it is not as big as that one, but if you guard this fishing spot, there is definitely hope for a liquidation. Maybe you can catch that blue flag tuna again.

So, with such a mood in mind, he is still looking forward to this fish. If he can catch it, it will also boost his morale, and he himself is very happy.

Moreover, he can also brag about it, they can't catch it, but they can catch it as soon as they get started, gaining the prestige of a long captain.

The front was quite smooth, whether it was walking the fish or something, the performance was remarkable, and the fish was pulled up very smoothly, and it was a bluefin tuna.

As a result, history is always surprisingly similar. The scene encountered an hour ago is repeated again. The bluefin tuna has obviously been caught, and it is only one step away from being hoisted to the deck for bloodletting. You can clearly see it. That huge body, that represents a thick banknote.

As a result, just like an hour ago, the bluefin tuna reached the surface and were tangent again.

Although I have encountered tangential situations before, there are also tangents on the water surface. The sickle-like tail of the bluefin tuna crosses the fishing line and can be cut off easily.

But they clearly saw the tail of the tuna with their own eyes, so it can only be said that the quality of the fishing line is a problem.

It's normal for an accident to happen, and it's not guaranteed that there will be no accidents.

But within these two hours, it happened twice in a row. The quality of the fishing line is not so bad. They also used this fishing line before!
Could it be that they snatched the mermaid nest and were blamed by Mazu, and retribution came, other than this, there is no way to explain it.

But, how should I put it, although I believe in Mazu and do worship sincerely, it is just a belief, and I pray for blessings. As a modern person, I generally don't easily believe in this kind of theism.

The old Wang sat on the deck in a daze for a long time, subconsciously licking the gaps in the missing teeth with his tongue, what a crime, it was the front teeth that fell out, and the air leaked when he spoke.

After thinking about it for a while, Old Wangtou is an old fisherman who has been fighting at sea for many years. He was also the chief mate of a tuna fishing boat in the past.

"Fishing! Keep fishing! I still can't believe it! I can cut my fishing line every time."

The old Wang blushed and shouted with a thick neck, a bit hysterical.

This made the two crew members a little scared, and they didn't dare to pursue whose fault it was, and it was meaningless to pursue it now.

Alas, I can only reinstall the sub-line hook, hang up the bait, and continue fishing.

"Didn't I say that you need to check the fishing line first? What if it breaks again? You pay for my tuna!"

"... "

The two crew members had no choice but to check the fishing line bit by bit. Although the quality was not good, there were no scars. It shouldn't be.

But now is not the time to discuss this. After confirming that there is no problem with the fishing line, continue fishing, one puts the fishing line and the other throws frozen bait.

(End of this chapter)

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