ocean hunter

Chapter 652 Begins

Chapter 652 Begins
In the early morning, the school of tuna began to disperse gradually, looking for something to eat. This is a good time for fishing, and the fish also have breakfast.

The place Lu Xiaolu chose was not bad, and the food was abundant. The school of tuna from last night swam back and was not far from the Golden Sailfish, about 30 meters away, ready to go to another place for food. On this side, there is a coral reef about the size of a football field.

At a glance, there are a total of more than a dozen of them, covering the sky under the seabed, and wherever they go, other fish avoid them one after another.

Lu Xiaolu was overjoyed, there were sharks in the first place, but they were scared away by them.

Do you know the scene where a dozen torpedoes of more than one meter and two meters in length swam past at a depth of 50 to [-] meters below the bottom of the boat? Lu Xiaolu saw it with his own eyes, and quickly hooked up the mackerel and let it down along the side of the boat.

That's not enough, just these few small mackerel could not attract the attention of the big guys at all, and they swam forward without looking back, they were going there to look for food.

At this time, a large amount of frozen bait was needed to help. Xue Li carried a bucket of chopped frozen bait, came to Lu Xiaolu, and threw it towards the sea, forming three bait chains.

It also takes time for the fish pieces to sink, and some small fish will come to cut them, but for a fish piece of half a catty, this kind of small fish will only bite a little bit of meat, which cannot prevent the fish pieces from sinking to the bottom.

Lu Xiaolu's hook didn't sink to the bottom. If it did, the bait would be useless, so it had to be suspended not high from the bottom of the sea, imitating a wounded fish.

Lu Xiaolu knew that there were a lot of fish here, so he wanted to fish with a fishing rod. Now that he has started fishing, he didn't take the controller. He is planning to add another fishing rod to increase the chance of catching fish.

It's not that he doesn't want to sail the boat to the coral reef, but the distribution of this coral reef is a bit peculiar, some places are too high, like a mountain peak, he is afraid that the fishing line will be caught on the reef and cut off.

Wait for another 5 minutes. If the bucket of frozen bait has been poured out and there are still no fish, he will add another fishing rod, or go fishing shallow on the coral reef.

After another 5 minutes, no fish came to eat the hook. Lu Xiaolu glanced at the controller secretly, and it turned out that the school of tuna had already entered the coral reef.

The bait chain cast by Shirley did not attract them, but saved a group of crabs.

Before telling Xue Li to change places, just as Xue Li took a piece of bait out of her hand, a seabird suddenly rushed out from the side with its wings fluttering, biting the fish piece with one mouth, startling Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li.

Shirley was almost scared to cry by frigatebirds like this before, but it’s okay now, she’s used to it, who made more and more seabirds now, it’s normal for seabirds to snatch food.

However, the two of them didn't care, Xiaohong did. She came out of nowhere, and chased after her with a "quack".

The one in front was just a smaller red-throated loon with a wingspan of more than half a meter, with a fish piece in its mouth and refused to let go.

Followed by Xiaohong, a white-bellied frigate bird more than one meter long, one looks like a fighter jet and the other looks like a bomber, gliding quickly at low altitude over the sea.

The red-throated loon in front was about to be overtaken, so it pulled up suddenly and flew straight into the sky. The little red one behind was a bit bigger and didn't turn around so much. After exceeding five meters, it also drew a semicircle caught up.

The red-throated loon couldn't swallow the food in its mouth in flight, but this guy was chasing after him, and immediately caught up again.

But the red-throated loon also has unique skills. Seeing that the stupid bird behind it was too fast to escape, it immediately made a vertical dive, like a kite with a broken string, and fell straight down.

With a "poof", it went directly under the sea surface.

Xiaohong also chased after it, and flew back and forth twice at the place where it fell into the water, but did not see the shadow of the bird.

How powerful is the red-throated loon, it can dive into the depths of seven or eight meters to catch fish, what is the concept of seven or eight meters, it is as high as a two-story building.

When it came up, the place where the water came out would definitely not be where it was. Where could Xiaohong find it.

Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li watched the battle of seabirds, and felt that Xiaohong's fighting power has dropped a lot. Last time, she was almost drowned in the sea by the albatross. This time, she didn't even catch the red-throated loon. Feed it again, otherwise it will become a waste, and it will lose its wildness.

Leaving him alone, Xue Li started the fishing boat and drove towards the direction Lu Xiaolu pointed, which was only 200 meters away.

Fishing here, Lu Xiaolu can only fish shallow, the water depth is about 80 meters, the reef is 30 meters deep, and the hook goes down 50 meters, using a 400-kg fishing line.

Lu Xiaolu didn't really want to come to this place, not only would he hook the fishing line, but he might also destroy the living coral, but all the tunas came here and just wouldn't go out.

Shirley put down a bucket of frozen bait, but there was still no movement, and it would be cheaper to throw in lobster and crab.

Just come here to take the risk.

In this case, we can only keep the coral as much as possible. Don’t destroy these things easily. He even saw the legendary red coral that is priceless. Lu Xiaolu won't do it.

Lu Xiaolu asked Xueli to adjust the boat's position. Generally, after the fish bite the hook, most of them will subconsciously swim in the opposite direction. The coral is behind, so there should be no problem.

This place is much better, those fish are swimming back and forth in this coral reef, looking for food, an unlucky big lobster is hiding in the coral reef, was found by a bluefin tuna, and it is blocked here to prevent it come out.

The lobster was so frightened that it almost peed, and it was desperately backing away, and there was no way to go back.

Fortunately, the head of the bluefin tuna was too big to reach into the cave, so it was temporarily spared, but the two tentacles kept waving, which made the tuna greedy and refused to leave.

At this moment, a piece of fish fell on the bluefin tuna's head, and it bit it without thinking. It pushed the seawater with its head, pushing the falling piece of fish farther away.

Bluefin tuna, a ferocious predator, eats bait in a particularly ferocious way. Seeing the food, it dared to run away, chased after it without thinking, and swallowed it in one gulp.

At this time, another piece of bait fell from the sky. Although he likes to eat live bait, it is impossible not to eat this kind of bait delivered to his door.

In this way, it followed the bait and swam all the way up, swimming higher and higher, and suddenly there were four alive and kicking mackerel in front of it, and they were still struggling in place, obviously injured.

This kind of injured small fish is their favorite, and they catch one accurately, not to mention delicious, and four of them appear at once.

Put four spicy sticks in front of you, do you want to eat them?
The bluefin tuna rushed up, shaking its head, and slammed down on the bottom mackerel.

(End of this chapter)

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