ocean hunter

Chapter 650

Chapter 650
At eleven o'clock in the evening, the Golden Sailfish has reached the open sea, and many ships that came out together will stop one after another.

Some people on the boat were full of energy. They took out their fishing rods as soon as the boat stopped, and prepared to fish overnight.

The more active ones are those sea fishing enthusiasts. They love fishing as a sport, and they don’t take it as a job. They are more motivated. can sleep.

Fishermen go to sea with the purpose of earning money. They must arrange their work and rest time reasonably, so as to ensure that they can maintain sufficient physical strength and energy to work the next day.

When I meet a good fishing spot, I will work overtime and catch a day and a night. I can earn money, and it’s nothing if I don’t sleep. Just like the Alaskan crabbers who don’t sleep for a week, they are much worse than them.

Lv Xiaolu drove this way and encountered a few good schools of tuna, but there are boats around, either the size and quality are not satisfactory, or they are scattered too far away or there are too many sharks.

Lu Xiaolu didn't stop there, and continued to drive forward until he reached the set destination, where there was a wider ocean, and the quantity, size and quality of tuna fish were better.

The crayfish kept opening the way, when suddenly, a shark came head-on, Lu Xiaolu slipped his finger, controlled the crayfish to sink quickly, and was about to go around it.

Unexpectedly, this shark came after the crayfish.

The moment the shark approached, it thought the crayfish was trying to escape, so it shook its head and tail suddenly, speeded up, opened its bloody mouth and charged forward.

Lu Xiaolu couldn't react in time, the screen went black, flickering on and off, and there was the sound of water flowing, obviously being eaten by a shark.

Lu Xiaolu was afraid that it would swallow the crayfish directly, and it would have to kill it at that time. The fish has no economic value, and it is a protected animal. He tried not to harm it unless there was a conflict, such as daring to eat his tuna.

It is very common for sharks to cut off their beards. The last time Shirley caught a big cod, the fish head was left when she pulled it up. She was so angry that she wanted to stab it with a speargun, but finally calmed down.

That's because cod is not worth it. If you try tuna, you have to stab them to death. It is not illegal to kill sharks to protect personal property and personal safety. Shark fins must not be cut. You can only cut shark fins that are not protected. .

Lu Xiaolu slid his finger on the screen, and the crayfish flicked its tail and rushed towards the bright spot.

"duang~" The crayfish hit the shark's teeth and was knocked back.

This shark is a bit stupid, it can't bite and still bites. Fortunately, it didn't swallow the crayfish directly, otherwise Lu Xiaolu would have to open the drill and disembowel it.

After biting for a while, Lu Xiaodonkey became impatient, pressed forward with his fingers and did not let go, bumped its big teeth and pushed it out, and at the same time turned on the drill bit.

With a "clang", three or four teeth were broken, and the crayfish rushed out, finally seeing the sun again.

Looking back, a shark with a missing front tooth was stunned in place, obviously not understanding what was going on.

Lu Xiaolu looked amused, ignored it, and started looking for a fishing spot to anchor.

As for the shark with missing teeth, he is not worried. The teeth of a shark can fall off and grow indefinitely. Fachang, the sharks have starved to death long ago, they are younger brothers without teeth.

Tuna don’t sleep, but their swimming speed slows down at night, and they will clump together more powerfully, in groups, mighty, whether it’s sharks or others, they have to step aside when they see it.

The Golden Sailfish is now located between a school of tuna and three killer whales, and the three killer whales are chasing and killing two pilot whales.

The killer whale doesn't eat small fish. As a toothed whale, if it doesn't hunt large prey, it can't keep up with consumption.

In addition to conventional food such as cod, mackerel, and sardines, marine animals such as dolphins, seals, and walruses are their diets.

Even blue whales, the largest mammals in the world, will be afraid when they see them. It is very common for killer whales to kill blue whales, humpback whales and other baleen whales. They are basically at the top of the marine food chain. They are not afraid to see them. of.

The one that can scare killer whales is probably the largest toothed whale like the sperm whale, which can fight with the legendary king squid.

Anyway, among the whales with teeth, the sperm whale is the most powerful.

As a very small baleen whale, the pilot whale has a very docile personality. Where is the opponent of the top predator in the ocean, being chased and intercepted by the three killer whales, there is no way to go to the sky, no way to go to the ground, very desperate.

A killer whale suddenly turned its head, bit the fin of the pilot whale behind it, pulled it hard, and the entire fin was torn off, revealing red and white flesh, and blood spurted out.

The pilot whale, which lost one fin, lost its sense of balance, and when it swung its tail, it swam crookedly upwards.

Seeing that it was injured, the two killer whales in front also turned their heads and chased after it. The pilot whale in front didn't dare to look back at all.

And the injured pilot whale seemed to know that he was in a desperate situation. When he reached the surface of the sea, he breathed the last air in his life and spouted the last whale jet.

However, it is not so easy for it to want to die, because killer whales are very ferocious creatures. They look good, with a black back and white belly, and two white eye circles, but they have a ferocious temperament, are easy to kill, and are also playful.

When the prey is injured, they will not kill them easily, and they will tear up the prey and swallow them when they are almost done playing.

The pilot whale is not big, only about six meters long. The three killer whales are more than eight meters long, three against one, and the former is still injured, so there is no need to worry about it running away.

The three killer whales swam around the injured pilot whale, bumping their heads and slapping their tails from time to time. If they didn't tear off a piece of meat from time to time, they would have thought they were playing.

After a while, the body of the pilot whale was torn apart, and its tail fin was torn off. It was missing a piece in the east and a piece in the west, revealing the red flesh, still twitching slightly.

When it didn't move much, the killer whale felt tired of playing, so it started to eat and enjoy the prey.

And some sharks came up, wanting a piece of the action.

Although the killer whale is powerful, it cannot take care of everything. One side rushed to drive the shark away, and the other side rushed up to take a bite of its flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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