ocean hunter

Chapter 641 Eating Buffet

Chapter 641 Eating Buffet

There is no trolley in this cafeteria, so they can only be carried back one by one.

Lu Xiaolu made more than a dozen plates of bacon, ham, fat beef, and pork belly and brought them over. These were stacked together, and there were only two or three slices in one plate, which was too troublesome.

Shirley turned on both the rotisserie stove and the two stock pots, and started roasting the meat with tongs.

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly turned around to get the seafood again, those swimming crabs were all dead, he didn't take them, he was a fisherman himself, live swimming crabs could be eaten whenever he wanted, and they were not too expensive, so he wouldn't be reluctant to eat them.

There are live hairy crabs, but they are too thin, and they are all male. The female ones have been picked out long ago, so there is nothing to eat.

A girl was interesting. She picked up a crab and put it on the plate, but the clamp could not be taken away. The crab crawled on the plate and even climbed her hand. She was so scared that she screamed and almost cried. put it back.

Or Lu Xiaolu couldn't stand it anymore, and gave her another plate, sandwiched the crab in the middle, and finally took the crab back.

Lu Xiaolu wondered if this was the way of the cafeteria, only giving people this kind of dishes, people can't hold crabs, they can put one at a time, and it takes a lot of effort, because they are afraid that people will eat only crabs.

Lu Xiaolu took a lot of shellfish, snails, oysters, starfish and other seafood. Xue Li divided them into two portions, poured one into the mushroom soup pot, and poured the other into the spicy pot, while still looking at the barbecue stove.

Lu Xiaolu ran many times a day, took some of the desserts, sushi, salmon, steak, screwdrivers, etc., and took a bottle of Ruiao for Xue Li, and took a bottle for herself. Drinks, he has to drive later, he can't drink.

It is worth mentioning that the beverage machines in the cafeteria are too deceitful. I don’t know if they are made from concentrated liquid. Anyway, they are particularly bad. Both Sprite and Coke have a strange taste.

If you want cans, take the cans. This is the experience Lu Xiaolu has gained from eating buffets a few times.

"Shirley, what dip do you want?"

"I want two kinds, one with sesame sauce and crushed peanuts, one with Korean chili sauce, this one needs vinegar, and the others can be added as you like."


After the dipping sauce was prepared, the first batch of grilled meat and boiled seafood was ready, Xueli fished them out, and shared half with Lu Xiaolu, filling up the plates, while the second pot had already been put in.

Shirley poured a glass of cocktail and said with a smile: "Then you drive back, I'll just drink."

"Well, come on, cheers."

"Cheers, wow~ Let's eat and eat."

Burning two kinds of hot pot and eating barbecue, in comparison, eating buffet is quite cost-effective. You can eat many kinds of dishes at once, including cold dishes, stir-fried dishes, and steaks, which is equivalent to eating many kinds of restaurants at once.

The ticket price for a single person is 89, and it’s a good deal if there are fewer people to eat. It’s 178 for two people, and the next restaurant will cost so much.

If there are too many people, it will not work. It is more cost-effective to go to a restaurant to order a table if there are too many people.

It's been a long time since I went out to eat out, and once in a while, Shirley is quite satisfied. She laughed while eating, and the chopsticks never stopped.

Usually, you have to eat the staple food, rice and steamed buns, but you can’t eat it in the cafeteria. Everyone who eats the buffet comes here with the intention of eating back.

It is said that there was once a man who went hungry for a day and a night to pay back his food. When he arrived at the cafeteria, his eyeballs glowed green. As a result, he ate too quickly. five hundred.

Lv Xiaolu and Xueli have already developed a good appetite because of fishing in the sea. The seafood is not filling their stomachs, and it is very appetizing and refreshing when dipped in the dipping sauce. After peeling off the shells of several dishes, they all fell down. Twice.

There are only two or three slices of pork belly and bacon in a plate, and they shrink to a small size as soon as they are baked. They are sprinkled with cumin and chili noodles, and the dozens of plates are gone in a while.

Lu Xiaolu quickly went to get some more.

As for those cold dishes, he doesn't take stir-fried dishes. There are also routines here. The chef deliberately stir-fries them a little salty to make people drink more water. If they are full, they will not be able to eat.

Those who have experience in eating buffets know this, so they don't eat those.

There is also sushi, which is made of glutinous rice. If you eat it in your stomach, you will feel full after drinking a glass of water.

Lu Xiaolu took two pieces of sushi, because both Shirley and he liked the meat floss in it.

I didn't take the salmon sushi, the color of the fish was not fresh. He himself could catch fresh salmon anytime on the boat to eat, so he didn't like it very much.

After eating the sushi in the cafeteria, Shirley smacked her mouth twice, and commented decently: "Well, it's much worse than the one in Boss Guan's shop."

"That's right. Boss Guan's place is for Japanese food. If you can't make sushi, don't open it."

This is the difference between authentic and non-authentic. Sushi is easy to make. A bamboo curtain, a piece of seaweed, a bowl of rice mixed with sushi vinegar, then put ham strips, pickled radish, cucumber strips, egg skin, meat floss, roll up and cut into pieces , and then put tomato sauce or salad dressing according to personal preference, if you want to eat salmon, put a piece on it, anyone can do it.

However, the ones made in Renseki Kenjiro's shop are indeed different. Whether it is the exquisite materials used, or the delicacy and taste, they are much better, and the price is not unreasonable.

Although the taste of the sushi in this cafeteria is mediocre, since you take it, you can't waste it. Shirley also invented a new way to eat it, dipping the sushi in the dipping sauce.

Taking a bite, Xue Li's eyes widened: "Mmm! Donkey Oppa, this is delicious!"

"Really? I'll try."

"Come and dip in my dipping sauce, mine is delicious."

"Tsk tsk, it's okay."

"I still want to eat, I'll go get some more."

As Xue Li was about to get up, Lu Xiaolu hurriedly took her hand: "Hey, you're stupid, this sushi is only worth a few bucks, you'll be full if you eat a few, expensive ones."

"OK then."

Shirley can only sit down and continue to deal with seafood and barbecue. It is really not worthwhile to eat sushi, it is better to eat expensive ones.

Cheng Min sent her a message, it was a picture of her eating in the cafeteria, one meat dish and one vegetarian dish were placed on a plate, the meat dish was green pepper sliced ​​meat, just a few pieces of meat, it was not bad, but compared with Shirley and the others going to the restaurant Not far.

Shirley laughed loudly, and took a video of Cheng Min and sent it to stimulate her.

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli came here today with the idea of ​​not giving up if they didn't eat, and it was stipulated that they could only eat for two hours, so they insisted on eating until the end.

Shirley hummed uncontrollably, her stomach was a little round, she slumped on the sofa and said, "Oh, I can't do it, little donkey Oppa, I can't move anymore."

Before Lu Xiaolu could speak, the waitress came over and reminded: "Hello, your dining time is already up, and there will be an extra time fee in 5 minutes."

Shirley quickly picked up her handbag and bag and went out without humming.

Lu Xiaolu was still chasing after him with the deposit slip: "Hey, wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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