ocean hunter

Chapter 628 Honor

Chapter 628 Honor
Of course, the fish that are prohibited by the law are still not caught. Not only will you not be counted as a score, but you will have to call the police for you. Those fish are breaking the law even if they are dragged onto the deck. Don’t even think about the bonus, but you can get a pair of silver bracelets .

As the champion of last year's sea fishing competition, the Golden Sailfish has naturally become the favorite to win this competition.

The tavern was very lively. After such a long time of painstaking management by old man Yang, the tavern has completely become a veritable fisherman's tavern.

The price is cheap, the wine is good, and you can chat here and brag to foreign tourists. Fishermen will come here when they are free. You can spend a dozen yuan to order a glass of draft beer and a plate of fennel beans, and you can sit here for an afternoon.

Now people are discussing about this sea fishing competition, about who will be the champion this year. Last year's champions, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li, were obviously mentioned more often.

And people also respected them a bit, from Diao Mao and Xiao Zi to Captain Lu.

A fisherman took a sip of his frothy beer, gritted his teeth, and took a breath.

"Hiss~, don't talk about it, Captain Lu and his partner really have two brushes. The two of them plus one is not as old as I am, but fishing is something we can't accept."

Another continued: "Who says it's not? I don't know what to eat to grow up. It's really crazy. I have been at sea for so many years, and I can't do what they do. Every time I return with a rewarding experience."

"It's more than that. They come out for two days at a time, which is more than we catch in a week. I heard from the fish boss that this guy buys three or four boxes of bait at a time, and sometimes he can't use it up. Do you think it's evil? "

"Three or four boxes? It's real, it's bragging, it's not enough for me to use for a day on the boat, so it will save money."

"There's nothing you can do about it. They're really awesome, or else they'd buy a car and a house."

"I see, the champions this time are likely to be the two of them again. Who can compare?"

"Hey, that's not necessarily true. The two of them are college students, right? You can go to sea for two days a week. If you work hard, maybe you can really pull them down."

"Then I can't do it either. Captain Wang is about the same. He came back from the United States and is good at fishing."

"... "

Old Wangtou's fish catch this year is not bad. These days, whenever he is free, he comes to the tavern to enjoy the compliments of others. Every time he comes in, he hears them say "What's wrong with Captain Wang", and he feels very happy.

But today he couldn't be happier, listening to them all discussing the two youngest fishermen on the Golden Sailfish, he felt very upset.

Especially if you praise him for his good fishing skills, you can praise him, and he has to compare with Lu Xiaolu. From this point of view, he has to be able to win if Lu Xiaolu is too late to fish in class.

What kind of nonsense is this talking about, it would be disgraceful for him to win, because Lu Xiaolu has no time for class, and losing is even more embarrassing, and others have no time, you can't compare.


Lao Wang drank the draft beer in his hand, slapped the money on the table, snorted, turned and left.

The fishermen looked at it: "Eh? Old Wang Laowang, don't go, let's talk! I'm praising you."

Old Wang didn't even bother, pushed the door and went out.

Those fishermen look at me and I look at you.

"Hey, this old man has a big temper, even if you praise him, you can't hear it."

Old man Yang at the bar rolled his eyes when he heard that, are you boasting?Don't hurt people to death, old Wang's temper will be considered good if he doesn't do anything.

Like Lao Wangtou, there are several other highly skilled players who were very upset when they heard it. They were the champions last year. What can I say this year?

Fengshui takes turns, this year comes to my house, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, it is still unknown who will win the sea fishing competition this year, just wait and see!

The same as last year, every time the competition starts, the fishermen in the offshore area are quite enthusiastic and will come to join in the fun. Even if they know that their chances of winning the championship are 0.001%, they still want to feel the tense atmosphere of the competition.

Of course, there are also reasons why the organizers deliberately arranged the competition. The competition was organized with great effort to promote the development of the surrounding tourism and fisheries. It would be embarrassing if not many people came.

There are only [-] or [-] tuna fishing boats in the two cities, and how many sea fishing enthusiasts can there be in the competition.

The event was held so grandly, but in the end there were only dozens of people participating, which meant that there was too much thunder and little rain.

So the organizers explained that the village chiefs of each fishing village should actively mobilize the villagers to participate in the competition.

There are also sea fishing enthusiasts from all walks of life. Those who have free time have already started calling friends in the group and preparing to charter a boat together.

It is said that it is a national sea fishing competition, but not all fishing friends from all over the country gather here.

There are so many coastal cities, and it is not only held here, but also in other places, and the competition time is not always at this time. Those who have time and like fishing will run wherever there is competition, which has contributed to the growth of fishery GDP. Certain contribution.

Although there is no money to sign up for the competition, travel expenses, boat rental, buying bait, food and water, and hotel accommodation must all cost money.

Whether by value or weight, this competition is arguably for the tuna fisherman.

The fish caught is big enough and the value is high. Although the cost is also high, the cost is not included.

Anyway, I usually fish by myself, maybe I can win a championship, and I will get an extra 10 yuan.

In addition to money, there is also the issue of honor.

Don't look at honor, which is invisible and intangible, and cannot be eaten or drunk, but it is very important to most people.

Otherwise, old man Yang would not have used an electronic piano to gather Lu Xiaolu last time, just to prevent those fishermen from other places from winning the championship.

His sense of collective honor, like Lu Xiaolu, was only for money in the past, and he only wanted to make money.

Later, after working as a fisherman for a long time, he accepted this profession from the bottom of his heart and had a sense of belonging.

And winning the championship in a value industry and being the top is the mentality that every practitioner should have.

For example, those who play games want to participate in professional competitions and win the championship of the global finals.

In the same way, fishermen also want to participate in the competition and win the championship.

Although there are not as many audiences and attention as e-sports competitions, it is enough for fishermen.

Those world-renowned anglers are in this circle, just like well-known players are in the game circle.

As for the sea fishing competition that Lu Xiaolu and the others are currently participating in, of course it is not world-class. According to the e-sports competition, it is almost equivalent to a city-level league.

(End of this chapter)

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