ocean hunter

Chapter 609 Contradictions

Chapter 609 Contradictions
Lu Xiaolu didn't know about it at first, but then a woman came to his booth, and she hesitated for a long time, neither buying anything nor leaving.

After all the customers in front of Lu Xiaolu's booth had left, she came over and said in a low voice, "Young man, how do you sell your fish so cheap?"

Lu Xiaolu was taken aback, did anyone think it was cheap?

"Yellowfish is 80 yuan a catty. It's delicious. You can also eat Japanese sashimi. Auntie, how about some?"

The aunt rolled her eyes and saw that there were no tourists coming, so she changed her attitude: "Then I won't hide it anymore, I'll just say it, the pier sells it for 100, and if you sell it for 80, it will destroy the market." Do you know it's against the rules?"

Lu Xiaolu suddenly realized and nodded: "Oh~ you raised prices!"

The aunt was impatient: "Why did I raise the price, young man, don't swear."

While talking, he looked around for fear of being overheard. If this was reported, he would be fined quite a lot, especially since this is a scenic spot, and it is also the key target of the Price Bureau's management.

There are locals who speak out about the phenomenon of slaughtering customers, which seriously affects the image of the city. Last month, one was fined, and that person was punished to cry.
It is normal to fluctuate a little bit up and down, but if the price is 20 yuan a catty higher than the normal price, it will be a big deal if you catch it.

Auntie wanted to say something more, but since he had already arrived, the guest didn't dare to speak any more. She hesitated for a moment, fearing that Lu Xiaolu would report her, so she choked out a sentence: "I also sell 80 over there." Then hurriedly and left.

This was just an episode, and Lu Xiaolu didn't bother to report her, since she had to sell fish.

Although the yellowtail is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye, it costs 80 yuan a catty, which is a bit expensive. The small ones weigh two catties, which costs 160 yuan.

The larger one, about five catties, costs more than 400 yuan, and you can order a table in a restaurant for more than 400 yuan. Who would come to eat such a fish at home? It is much more expensive than beef and mutton.

However, the sales of those 30 yuan a catty in the building were good, and there were not many caught at first, so they were sold out in a short while, and only one yellowtail was sold.

Including orchid crabs and swimming crabs, it sold for a total of 380 yuan, and the remaining yellowtails seemed unsalable. Some tourists saw this fish in front of the booth, but when they asked about the price, it was 80 yuan per catty. ,just forget it.

Moreover, most restaurants do not use this kind of fish. Most of them are used for sashimi by Japanese food stores, and they generally have special supply channels.

There were too many yellowtails, so it would not be a problem to sell a few at a time, so Lu Xiaolu took out his mobile phone and called Kenjiro Sekiguan, explained his purpose, and asked him if he wanted it.

It's just a simple question. Buying and selling is buying and selling, and it doesn't match human favors. Favors can be discussed later, and there is no relationship between forced buying and strong selling.

Of course, Kenjiro Sekiki would not want anything he didn't want because of favors, so he asked Lu Xiaolu to take a video for him to see the size and vigor of these fish.

After looking at it, he thought it was okay, so Kenjiro Sekiseki accepted the fish at 78 yuan per catty, which was two yuan per catty cheaper than the market price.

Lu Xiaolu here weighs about 60 catties, and it sells for less than 120 yuan, which is okay and acceptable. If I don’t know how long it will take to set up a stall, it will cost more than 120 yuan to die.

Kenjiro Seki is not blackmailing him either. For business, the retail and wholesale prices are of course different.

Lu Xiaolu was about to pack up his things and deliver the fish to Kenjiro Sekimono's shop, when he heard a familiar quarrel in his ears, it was his old acquaintance's dialect.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw two groups of people confronting each other. On one side were Li Chang, his cousin, his father and son, and on the other side were Da Qiang, Da Ye Da Niang, and Xiao Ning.

Li Chang's face was flushed, and he held a stack of money in his hand.He said incredulously: "Based on this calculation, the two of us haven't earned 5000 yuan a month? 2500 yuan per person?"

The aunt didn't speak, but the uncle held the account book, blushing without panting, and said: "I only earn so much money, what can I do with it, the account book is here, old cousin, can I still lie to you?"


In desperation, Li Chang didn't care about his seniority anymore, just kidding, now someone steals his money, does he have to swallow his anger and keep smiling?Still have to call brother?

Although seniority is very important, it also counts. If it comes to money, let alone an old cousin from another generation, even if it is his own brother, he can't let it go.

If you think about it, it's outrageous, 2500 yuan per person a month, less than 100 yuan a day, then what a fart he is, he pays three or four hundred yuan a day for installing steel bars on the construction site.

It’s okay if he doesn’t understand this. There’s nothing he can do if he’s fooled. The problem is that when they used small boats to fish in the offshore, the average cost per person was one or two hundred yuan a day. Yes, together with his son, the two of them can earn a small amount of tens of thousands a month.

When they bought the big boat, their family said nicely that they didn't have much money, so they asked themselves to give more, and then returned it to him when they earned money.

Going to the open sea does make money, but the fish can’t be pulled out, because the boats are pulled back one by one, and it’s not like he hasn’t sold fish before, so how could he not know the price of those fish? He originally brought a scale on the boat, Every time before sending the fish back, make an appointment and keep an account.

As a result, Daqiang's family said that he didn't trust them, so he didn't have the nerve to bring them.

At the beginning, it was really okay. He earned much more than he did in Neihai in one month. Although he would lose a lot of money fishing for tuna, it was not enough for the two fathers and sons to earn 5000 yuan a month. It was not as good as his son’s salary when he worked in a factory. high.

How can this make him willing to get it?

Daqiang, who was smoking beside him, couldn't hold back any longer, so he said, "Cousin, we have lost a lot in tuna fishing recently."

Upon hearing this, the uncle immediately echoed: "Yes, that's right. Every time I buy bait, I spend thousands of yuan. This is the loss. You also fished tuna together, so you can't rely on us."

Li Chang was so angry that his face was blushing and his neck was thick. He couldn't speak clearly, but this time he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Losing money fishing for tuna is losing money, but you can't lose so much, right? The few fish you caught also earned a lot, right?"

He also knows that tuna fishing loses money, but it is not without gains, and the few tuna he catches can also earn back a little of the cost.

As soon as the uncle saw that he was not speaking well, he insisted on this reason, and said forcefully: "That's the loss here, and you don't need money for gas money or anything!"

Anyway, he firmly cannot admit the fact that his family ate up the money. One is that he hid some of it himself, and the other is that Daqiang's wife doesn't care about the amount of money every time he takes it away, and she will come to ask for it anytime, anywhere.

After all, it was his daughter-in-law and a family. He couldn't possibly tell outsiders that his daughter-in-law took it away.

(End of this chapter)

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