ocean hunter

Chapter 602

Chapter 602
But just as it got out of the sea, the wave directly hit it head-on, flipping it into the sea.

Xiaohong didn't have time to react, she was lying on her back in the sea, she had to turn over to fly.

It kept thumping in the sea water, trying to turn over, but just as its head was exposed, another wave came over and poured into its nostrils.

Birds can also choke on water, and it does now.

This moment made it flustered, its fluttering wings were chaotic and disorderly, just like people, the more anxious they are when they fall into the water, the more accidents are likely to happen, and if they can't keep calm, they can only die.

The huge body stirred up huge waves on the sea surface. The more intense the struggle, the more dangerous its situation was. If it didn't turn its body over, it would never be able to fly.

For the time being, it is still floating higher than the surface of the water because its body is huge, and its wings are flapping the surface of the water, making circles in place all the time.

Gradually, it felt that its wings were getting weaker, and the water splashes became smaller.

After a while, it will lose the strength of its whole body, and the fish that were originally its food are already waiting for its death, and when the time comes, they will get a share of the pie.

When it sinks to the bottom of the sea, its body is already mutilated, and then it will attract aquatic insects, crabs, lobsters and other scavengers, and finally be degraded by decomposers, leaving no trace, only the sky proves that it has been there , a generation of overlords of the sky disappeared from this world.

It doesn't want to die, it still wants to soar in the sky, continue to be its air robber and eat fish.

So, it used all the strength of its whole body to do the dying struggle, but the energy of the body was exhausted, the body couldn't listen to its commands, and the wings that were very powerful in the past could no longer swing.

The eyes covered with eye patches allow it to open its eyes in the water, and it can also see the blue sky through the water, and the white clouds like cotton candy, that is its territory, and it wants to go back.

Suddenly, a hand appeared in its field of vision, and it pecked at it without thinking.

"Fuck! How dare you bite me."

The hand shrank back, then grabbed its neck, and lifted it up.

"Dude, it's heavy."

Lu Xiaolu held Xiaohong by the neck, finally pulled it up, and threw it into the cabin.


Xiaohong lay on her stomach in the cabin and yelled twice. The water in her trachea and lungs made her uncomfortable, and she couldn't move anymore.

But seeing that it can still call, it shouldn't be a big problem.

At least after getting to know each other, Xueli personally named it Xiaohong. Of course, Lu Xiaolu would not refuse to save him. When he saw the frigate bird falling into the water, he thought it was all right and he should be able to get up by himself, so there was no Take it to heart.

As a result, Xiaohong didn't fly up, but turned around on the water surface, splashing the water.

Only then did he know that something had happened to Xiaohong, and he probably couldn't turn it over. He quickly turned on the diesel propulsion, drove the Merry over, and then picked it up.

Fortunately, it was still moving, its chest was heaving, and it could still bark twice, so it probably wouldn't die.

"This is the second time I've rescued you. Think about how to repay me by catching more fish for me."

Lu Xiaolu muttered while sailing to collect the fishing nets.

Xiaohong slowed down for a while, stared blankly for a while, and gradually became more energetic, and began to shake her head and feathers, like a dog, to shake off the water on the feathers.

If it is exposed to water for a long time, it will catch a cold. Wild animals either don’t get sick, or get sick when they get sick. Unless they are found by the rescue station and taken back for treatment, they will die easily.

Or some animals will find herbs to eat by themselves, and they can get a life back.

Lu Xiaolu didn't care, and found the net that he had set down on his own. The foam buoy was pulled and trembled in the water, showing that there were a lot of fish in the net.

These are all big fish, the kind that are two catties upwards, and the amberjacks are more powerful, which makes people happy to see them.

He drove the boat over, grabbed the rope on the buoy, and copied it up.

Just when I was about to wind up the winch, I caught a fish in the first section. When I was half a meter away from the water, I saw a white shadow. I pulled it up hard, and there was a yellowtail over 20 centimeters. Beautiful, struggling on the net, tail splashing.

Seeing that it was still tightly attached to the net, Lu Xiaolu didn't rush to take it down, wrapped the rope around the winch, and started the winch.

Booming, with the rotation of the winch, the fishing net was slowly pulled down, and fish came one after another. Any fisherman would be delighted to see this harvest scene.

Lu Xiaolu was no exception, the yellowtails were pulled out of the water one by one, all of them were very round and plump, which made him smile, and he didn't even have time to remove the fish.

The amberjacks were tangled in the net, and the net was winched to the winch, turned in a circle, and then fell into the hold.

Lu Xiaolu waited with the dip net, looked at the net that was still underwater, and saw that some fish were not sticking tightly, or were too big, or were struggling too hard, so he used the dip net to catch them in advance Hold them so they don't run away or tear up the nets.

A yellowtail struggles in the net because its head is too big to fit its body through the mesh from which its fins and tail fins would have hung.

With this struggle, the pectoral fin fell out of the mesh, and most of the fish's body fell out, leaving only the tail fin still hanging in the king's eye.

Following its movements, the caudal fin was about to fall out, and Lu Xiaolu slammed into the net to catch it, just in time, the yellowtail also slipped off the net, and if it was a second later, it would be free.

It's a pity that it was destined to have such a catastrophe, and its life was ruined by Lu Xiaolu's snatching of the net, but if it struggled desperately and fell off the fishing net a second earlier, it would not end up like this, this is fate.

He fished the yellowtail back and threw it directly into the cabin, then continued to hold the dipping net and waited aside, staring at the water surface.

A huge white shadow appeared in the water, more than half a meter away from the water surface, Lu Xiaolu saw its outline, fully 40 centimeters long.

The gillnet was pulled straight by the winch, but it was still swayed by the fish.

The winch is still rumbling, and the huge power of the diesel engine allows the gillnet to be pulled up no matter how heavy it is, but the net may not hold up.

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly reached over the net, covered the silhouette's head, and pulled it onto the boat with the operation of the winch.

"It turned out to be a tarpon, no wonder it's so big."

The sea carp was still struggling desperately after it got out of the water, Lu Xiaolu's scooping net failed to completely cover it.

The body of the tarpon is relatively slender, and the large one has been fully pulled, but half of the body has got into the mesh. During the struggle, the gillnet was made into a mess, and the gillnet, which was nearly one meter long, was entangled together. .

(End of this chapter)

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