ocean hunter

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

The No.2 contestant was very annoyed, the difference was only 0.5 kg, why couldn't that ronin trevally be bigger.

The other contestants and the audience looked at this beauty in amazement. This is too amazing. One person has won two honors, and there is also No.1.

Chairman Li of the Sea Fishing Association also nodded with satisfaction. Fishing is not only a sport for men. It can be seen from the vigorous development in recent years. The national sport is the real good sport. As a veteran in the circle, of course he I want to bring more fresh blood into it.

Director Wang also smiled brightly. This event was very successful, and his performance has increased. Maybe he can go up even more before he retires.

Vendors and children were the most disappointed, wishing the competition would continue, one was for business, the other was for sweets and fun.

Every age has its joys and troubles.

A group photo of fishing friends was arranged, and Xue Li stood with several female fishing friends, in the front row, with a banner above it, "Warmly celebrate the complete success of the [-]th Rocky Fishing Invitational Tournament".

That's right, this is already the eighth session. It has been held irregularly since the development of tourism here. It was not very popular before, not many people came to fish, and there were not many onlookers. It was very embarrassing. As the construction here became more and more It's getting better and better, and the competition is getting more and more lively.

After posing for a photo, even if the competition was over, fishing friends and tourists left one after another, and a few young men came to ask Xueli for WeChat, but they were all rejected one by one.

Holding two certificates and 5000 yuan, Xue Li bounced over to find Lu Xiaolu and the others, with her little face raised proudly: "How about it, am I not very good?"

The three of Lu Xiaolu complimented repeatedly: "Awesome."

"Hahaha, give in, give in." Shirley cupped her fists and said with a somewhat crappy accent, imitating heroes who won battles in ancient times. Recently, she was watching martial arts movies.

Xiaohei and Xiaobai don't understand anything, they are only interested in the fish in the fish guard that Lu Xiaolu is holding, this fishy smelling pier is simply heaven, especially Xiaobai, the whole cat is high.

Ma Xiaofei, who received the certificate, was very excited. He gritted his teeth and bought a cup of milk tea for each of the students present. He even specially called Lu Xiaolu over and gave him four cups of milk tea.

"Donkey, these are for your friends, everyone has a share."

"Thank you, teacher."

"You're welcome, haha."

Today Ma Xiaofei was bleeding heavily, together with Shirley Chengmin and Mizi, they bought a total of 27 cups of milk tea, 8 yuan a cup, and spent a total of 216.

After I go back, I probably have to explain where the money went. The fish I caught these days might as well be bought with money, and I bought more.

Here, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li didn't go out to sea immediately, first went to the stall with Cheng Min and Mi Zi to eat a bowl of mutton steamed buns, and handed over Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai and the bag of fish to Cheng Min before saying goodbye The two left the port on the Golden Sailfish.

At this time, it was already dark, and the lights on the pier were first turned on, and the neon lights came on. The Golden Sailfish sounded a loud siren, bid farewell to the land again, and took advantage of the night to sail into the vast ocean.

With the roar of the engine, the Golden Sailfish drew a single white wave on the sea, farther and farther away from the crowded coast, and those lights turned into blurred fluorescent lights until they disappeared.

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli's ears also gradually lost the noise, and the surroundings fell into silence, only the sound of "crashing" waves.

Xueli also gave half of the 5000 yuan to Lu Xiaolu, and it was agreed that each person would get half of all the proceeds.

The past three days have been quite tiring. At eight o'clock in the evening, I was sleepy before the boat left the inland sea. My eyelids were drooping and my head was shaking.

Lu Xiaolu took over the rudder and said, "Go to sleep, I'm sure you're sleepy."

Shirley rubbed her eyes and said in a daze, "Well, I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed. If you're sleepy, call me to change shift."

"Don't change, you can rest assured to sleep, if I get sleepy later, I will stop the boat, and I will go when I wake up."

"Well, that's fine, I'm going to sleep."

"Go, go, slow down."

"Good night, little donkey Oppa."

"Good night Shirley."

Lu Xiaolu really didn’t intend to fight it out to the end. The voyage this time was a bit far, similar to that one, and it took about eight hours. It was already midnight when we got there, and there was no way to fish the next day, so we planned to drive all the way. Rest all the way, don't rush at this moment.

Passing by an offshore operation platform, there is actually a boat fishing. The fishing rod is a hand rod, and it should be a sea fishing enthusiast.

Offshore operating platforms are often encountered in the sea, including drilling, oil production, and infrastructure, some of which are fixed and some are mobile.

After all, Lu Xiaolu is a marine science major. He knows a little bit about this, and he can see that this is a fixed infrastructure platform. This kind of platform is huge in size, about the same size as his house and yard, and tens of meters high. Under the water, I don't know.

There are also a lot of fish at the bottom of this kind of place. Snappers like to gather here, and people who like fishing love to come here. During the day, you can drive a boat under the platform to block the sun.

People who work on this platform will bring a fishing rod to fish here if they have nothing to do.

Going around far away, without disturbing them, Lu Xiaolu continued to sail to the deep sea, where he and Xueli's battlefield was.

After driving for another three hours, at around twelve o'clock, the Golden Sailfish reached the open sea, still two hours away from the destination.

Lu Xiaolu couldn't hold it anymore, her eyelids were extremely heavy, she turned off the fire, lowered the anchor, lay down on the boat, and fell into a deep sleep within 5 minutes.

This is a skill that I developed after fishing for tuna. In the past, I used to spend a whole day fishing. After exhausting my strength, I replenished it and then exhausted it. At night, I fell asleep almost as soon as I touched the pillow, and I didn’t have the trouble of insomnia.

In the early morning, accompanied by the sound of seabirds, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli woke up from their dreams at the same time, and went to the toilet at the same time.

The two looked at each other and stretched out their hands at the same time: "You go first."

They said in unison, "Okay." Then they went into the toilet together, and got stuck by the door.

"... "

After washing up, I was finally not so dazed, and then I went to sit on the deck for a while, watching the seabirds in the distance.

"Where did Xiaohong go?"

"I don't know. It was too dark when we sailed yesterday, so I didn't see it."

"Quack!" Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and with the dawn of the morning, the frigate bird came out of the sun with a flying fish in its mouth, threw it in front of Xue Li, then turned and left, very cold.

Looking at the flying fish that was still alive, Xue Li hesitated: "Is it for me to eat or let me keep it?"

"Let's eat."

"I think so."

(End of this chapter)

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