ocean hunter

Chapter 569 Desire

Chapter 569 Desire
As soon as this remark came out, the male teacher was so frightened that he almost passed his urine. He was the only one pestering Cheng Min in the school, and no one knew about it.

What does it mean to disappear from school?
For a moment, the male teacher was in a state of confusion, sweating profusely, looking at Cheng Min expectantly, if she really said it, would the dagger in the man's belt stab him.

Before Cheng Min could speak, he hurriedly said, "I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first, you two can talk."

Then Sa Yazi ran away, leaving Lu Xiaolu and Cheng Min staring at each other.

"It won't scare him away from work, will it?"

According to the original plan, Cheng Min should say "forget it" and take Lu Xiaolu away, lest he be too scared to come to work, which would be a bit bad.

Unexpectedly, before he could speak, he ran away by himself.

Lu Xiaolu waved his hand: "Forget it, he deserves it for being scared, who made him so disgusting."

From his point of view, Cheng Min has repeatedly stated that it is impossible, and that she should not pester her if she has a little bit of quality, and even came to block Cheng Min from letting her go. This kind of behavior is naive at best, and obscene at worst. There was no difference between the perverted Li Zhi before, except that he looked a bit like a dog.

Therefore, Lu Xiaolu didn't have any psychological pressure to get him away.

Cheng Min also didn't have a Virgin Mary, saying that Lu Xiaolu used too much force, which frightened people.

He came to help him, to put it bluntly, no matter how wrong he was, Cheng Min would unswervingly stand by Lu Xiaolu's side and help him fight together.

"Thank you so much for today, little donkey brother."

"Hahaha, don't talk about two different families, let's go, sister Cheng Min, go home."

"Well, wait a minute, I've run out of bananas at home, I'll buy some back." Cheng Min went into the nearby fruit shop and bought some bananas and lychees.

Before leaving, he grabbed a banana for Lu Xiaolu, and suddenly asked, "Little donkey brother, I have a question for you."

"Well, what's the problem?"

"What is the relationship between litchi and longan?"

Lu Xiaolu paused while peeling bananas: "..."

"Hahaha, let's go, let's go home."

The two returned home one after the other, and when they got home, Shirley had already returned, barefoot, leading Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai for a walk on the cobblestone road.

Walking on this bumpy road was particularly boring. Xiao Hei Xiao Bai obviously didn't like it very much. She wanted to run, but Shirley held the rope and refused to let her leave.

"Come here, massage the soles of your feet is good for your body."



"Huh? They're back, let's go, no more walking." Shirley let go of the rope and went to put on her shoes.

Xiaoheixiaobai was finally relieved, seeing the car coming this way, they all huddled together, the bells around their necks jingling.

Cheng Min got out of the car and picked up Xiaobai: "Why is Xiaobai tied up too?"

Shirley put on her shoes and came over: "Ang, I saw someone selling them on the street today, so I bought another one. Xiao Hei has some, and we Xiao Bai can't miss it, right Xiao Bai?"


The ropes of Xiaoheixiaobai are all red ropes, which look very festive. The snare around the neck has rivets, which is a bit punk style, just like the style of Lu Xiaolu's band.

There is also a bell hanging on the bottom, a bit like Doraemon, "jingling" when it runs, it is estimated that Xiaobai will not be able to catch the mouse anymore, and the movement can be heard from a long distance.

"What's the matter, did the little donkey Oppa scare that man today?"

"Well, he was scared away directly."

"Hahaha, the little donkey Oppa is pretty good, come on, tell me how he performs."

Shirley simply hugged Xiao Hei, and one hugged Xiao Hei and the other carried Xiao Bai for a stroll at the door. Cheng Min vividly explained to Xue Li Lu Xiaolu's expression and movements at that time, and how the male teacher was so frightened. various manifestations.

Shirley's eyes lit up when she heard it: "Is it so wonderful?"

"Ang, I told you that little donkey brother can act, and what he said was true. I was already involved in the play at the time, and thought he was really my bodyguard."

"Hahaha, then he probably won't pester you anymore tomorrow. What a pity, I didn't see it."

Lu Xiaolu was embarrassed to listen to people's praise, so she went into the house and started cooking. There was still a lot of smoked fish from yesterday, and there was no hot pepper mutton, so just boil some rice and heat it up.

There were some more members in the fish tank, all of which were caught by Xueli today, and no big fish were caught, they were all groupers, snappers, and some small octopuses, which were used as rations.

The little yellow lived well. It wrapped a little sandfish in mucus and dragged it into its cave to eat. There was also a starfish lying on the sea sand.

After the meal was ready, Lu Xiaolu came outside and shouted, "Xue Li! Cheng Min! Come to eat!"

"Here we come!" Shirley's voice came from a distance, and the two of them strolled far away.

Shirley's record is still maintained. Today, someone caught a 15kg yellowtail, which was even worse than Shirley's.

But it only ranks No.10 in terms of mantissa, so don’t even think about the mantissa champion. If no one catches a bigger one tomorrow, Shirley will be able to win the single-tail weight champion, 5000 yuan.

In contrast, Shirley is full of confidence and feels that she is sure of everything.

Both Lu Xiaolu and Cheng Min complimented, "If it's necessary, who will give you first."

Xue Li nodded with satisfaction: "Come over tomorrow to watch me accept the award, everyone else has relatives and friends."

Cheng Min: "No problem, I get off work at two o'clock tomorrow."

"Well, I'll go there tomorrow after I get the supplies ready."

On Friday, the last day of the competition, staff from the sub-district office and the Sea Fishing Association came to cheer up the fishing friends who participated in the competition in front of the reporters, and also promoted a wave of delicious food on the pedestrian street.

Then, a small stage was temporarily set up to receive the awards. It was only a little bit bigger, and it was built with scaffolding. There were two stacks of banknotes and two certificates of awards on it, and staff guarded them.

The curtain is coming to an end, and the director of the sub-district office is still a little bit reluctant, wishing that the competition would go on forever, but that's unrealistic.

Tourists are tired of looking at the competition every day, so the competition is meaningless, and one has to be held every once in a while.

Today, the Beetle is still driven by Lu Xiaolu. Xue Li said, let him also improve face in front of the students, so that others will not say that he is bragging.

Lu Xiaolu was naturally overjoyed, and hung the key chain on his finger since entering the classroom.

It's a pity that the students gathered together to discuss the matter of cheering for the teacher and Zang Huazhuang this afternoon, but no one noticed him.

So Lu Xiaolu turned the key and walked back and forth at the door of the class several times, going in and out, going in and out again.

(End of this chapter)

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