ocean hunter

Chapter 558

Chapter 558
Zang Huazhuang was quite surprised when he learned that Lu Xiaolu was not going to participate in the competition, and then he began to think carefully.

Zang Huazhuang sneaked over and said, "Little donkey, there is no class tomorrow afternoon, so go and help me."

Lu Xiaolu spread his hands: "I advise you not to rush for the prize money, the most important thing is to participate. They fished for three days in a row, how did you win?"

Zang Huazhuang curled his lips noncommittally: "It's true that the important thing is to participate, but what's the difference between not running for the championship and being a salted fish."

"Then why do you still want to cheat?"

"Could asking for help outside the field be called cheating?"

"Can't you?"


"No time to."

"... "

Just kidding, even if you help, you have to help Shirley, the fat water doesn't flow to outsiders, right?

But the Rocky Fishing Contest is all about participation, if it's for the 5000 yuan bonus, it's completely unnecessary, it's better to play a few more nets, so Lu Xiaolu didn't plan to use this to help Xueli cheat, just make her happy.

When school was over in the afternoon, Shirley went back to the boat to get the Genji fishing rod, and then drove to the fishing tackle store to buy some sets of better quality hooks.

According to Shirley, the time is not enough, and the mantissa is not as good as the mantissa. We can start with the weight of the single tail. If we catch a big guy who weighs [-] catties, we will be the champion directly.

At the suggestion of the boss, I chose a set of bus lines with a load capacity of [-] kg and three sets of sub-lines. The thick one is almost as thick as the fishing line for tuna fishing.

Lu Xiaolu's face was dark: "How big is the rocky fishing line? This fishing line is too hard, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to catch. I've seen all the fish. Change to a thinner one."

The same thickness, the quality of rock fishing line is obviously not as strong as that of hand rod fishing line. It is too long. This small roll must be at least 200 meters long. If it is placed in the spinning wheel, it is easy to touch the reef when dragged out, and it will get stuck It is easy to break in the crevices of the reef.

The hand pole is three to four meters long, as long as it can hold the force and pull it up, there will be no such troubles. Therefore, the fishing line with the hand pole is not easy to break, and often the fishing pole cannot hold it, and the frying pole breaks.

This is also the reason why hand poles are more expensive. While maintaining toughness, strength and lightness, they have to be long. If you use a long line to catch big fish, at the same price, hand poles are definitely not as strong as short poles such as rocky fishing poles.

The rocky fishing rod does not have this trouble. It is short and sharp, and can be thrown far, and most of the sub-lines will be broken.

Listening to Lu Xiaolu, Xue Li chose a thinner fishing line and took another box of clamworms.

Most of the fish caught in the rock are small fish, and they don’t expect to catch tuna, so they all use clamworms and mudworms.

Mudworms are long and disgusting. Although Shirley is not afraid of them, there is no need to buy mudworms if there are better ones. A box of Nereis is only 10 yuan, which is only two yuan more expensive than mudworms, and it is more expensive. Popular with fish.

I don’t buy nesting materials, I can’t go out by boat, and I can’t make nests. The waves on the reef are very strong, and the nests are washed away.

Other fishing tools are available at home, so there is no need to buy them, such as fish guards, Maza, sunglasses, masks, baseball caps, etc., they are all available at home, but they are not as good as those deep-pocketed sea fishing enthusiasts, such as fishing boxes and parasols What's the matter, a fishing box is small, ten thousand yuan, and it can make tea and do other things, it's not necessary.

Back home, Shirley said pitifully, "Hey, it's a pity that no one came to support me."

Cheng Min was washing rice, when he heard the words, he said, "You can bring Xiao Hei Xiao Bai to cheer you up."

"Yeah, that's fine too."

Shirley was lucky, she had no class all day on Wednesday, so she took Xiaoheixiaobai to the pier to report early in the morning.

Because the conditions are poor and the scale is too small, I simply registered, and then I found a reef and squatted to start the game. The staff on site were also volunteers of the Sea Fishing Association, wearing red hats and armbands on their arms. Responsible for registration, inspection, weighing and water delivery, mineral water is free.

There are many people participating in this fishing competition, and the tourists watching the competition are also eager to move. The soul of fishing is burning. Some people saw the business opportunity and moved all the fishing rods and fishing gear to the competition site for sale.

Everything from fishing rods and fishing gear to food and drink, as well as children’s toys, etc. are sold. The faces of the hawkers are full of smiles. This is also the purpose of holding the competition, to stimulate consumption and drive local economic development.

The venue for the competition is still quite large, stretching along the pier for two or three miles. As long as there are reefs, there are people standing there. As far as the eye can see, it is a vast area, full of laughter and laughter.

Some came to participate in the competition, and some were simply greedy and bought a fishing rod temporarily for fun. The children held various snacks in their hands and watched their father fishing. It was very lively.

There are also various self-media, video bloggers, anchors and so on, all rushing over to get a piece of the pie, after all, people like to be lively.

To develop the local economy, of course, reporters from local TV stations and official Douyin accounts are indispensable. In today’s Internet age, advertisements are easy to advertise.

Although the scale of the competition is small, as long as you have fun, the fishermen are happy, the tourists are happy, and the sellers are also happy. It can be said that everyone is happy.

Those local fishermen who do not participate in the competition are a little proud. They swim in the sea in small boats, attracting the attention of many tourists.

Smart guys start to use their brains, leading tourists out to sea for ten yuan per person, three or four, four or five per boat, a lot of money after a round, and more money can be chartered for fishing, I don't participate in competitions, and no one cares about fishing by boat.

There is also a serious sightseeing boat, which is in the beach next to it.

Anyway, this competition is held very well, and those who earn and spend money are happy.

When Shirley appeared on a relatively flat reef with a fishing rod and fishing gear, leading Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, all the nearby fishermen were excited.

Although there are women among the fishermen, most of them are men. Most of the women here are tourists, taking pictures next to them or following their boyfriends, husbands and family members to join in the fun.

Young and beautiful female fishermen who come alone like Shirley are rare, almost none.

The unintentionally exposed watch made those young guys stare wide-eyed, and some people saw that she got off the pink Beetle on the side of the road, darling, they all said that fishermen are rich, it seems that they are not bragging , This is like a little rich woman.

For a moment, Shirley became the focus of the nearby people. The people on the nearby reef were so excited that they looked here frequently, not even noticing that the buoy was being dragged away.

"Hey old Zhang, old Zhang is hooked!"

Old Zhang looked confused: "Ah? What?"

The friend said helplessly: "It's okay, I have already run away."

He also wanted to see Shirley, but he had no choice but to have his girlfriend by his side, so he could only sneak a glance, and was worried about being discovered.

"Where are you looking? Ah! Didn't you say you were fishing?"

"You're still fishing, get the hell out of here!"

"... "

Those with girlfriends can't help it, single dogs have nothing to worry about, they all come here one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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