ocean hunter

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

After finishing the net, Xue Li tied the rope around her wrists, and told Cheng Min and Xiao Nan: "Come behind me, don't throw you down."

After the two of them dodged, Shirley grabbed the throwing net, and with the counting sound of "1, 2, 3", the throwing net was thrown out with a "hey".

The net was cast upwards obliquely, and quickly unfolded into a beautiful circle under the action of the lead pendant, and when it landed on the water, there was a "swish", and the frightened squids quickly fled away with a "swish". , and gathered not far away, showing their heads.

The heavy lead pendant sank quickly with the edge of the net. Although it did not reach the bottom of the sea, the mouth of the net was closed.

Shirley pulled hard, and those squids were dragged obediently. The invertebrate molluscs only had a little strength in their limbs, so they couldn't struggle, and their tentacles could only be tightly caught in the mesh, desperately trying to get out.

Cheng Min and Xiao Nan hurried up to help, the three girls shook the net a few times, and controlled the water almost, then lifted the net up, picked out the squid one by one and put them into the small bucket.

These squids are all good in size, the largest one even exceeds two catties.

After one net, the small bucket was half full, weighing more than ten catties.

After all, Xiaonan has been selling fish since he was a child. Seeing this, he only laments the good resources in the outer sea.

As far as the harvest from this net is worth, his brother used to catch it for a day. It was like playing in the open sea, and he didn't plan to make money at all.

Of course, the cost is different in the near sea and the open sea, especially for the big squid boat, it takes at least a thousand catties of squid to earn back the capital.

Seeing that the harvest was okay, Shirley cast a few more nets, and planned to go back and share some with some friends, such as the old lady, Hua'er, and Mizi.

After all, buying a car was such a great event that there was no banquet or anything. After traveling for a day, and because the boat couldn't sleep so many people, I only called Xiao Nan, which made Xue Li feel very sorry, and gave some seafood as a celebration.

Speaking of it, I still miss the Beetle parked at home. This car is just a pleasure to drive, which is different from Wuling's driving experience.

When I get home later, I will drive a Beetle to deliver squid to them, and have a good time.

After casting three or four nets in a row and getting a bucket and a half of squid, Xueli couldn't bear the mood of going home, so she quickly picked up all the seaweed in the net, and waved her small hand: "Go back to Hong Kong!"

Cheng Min and Xiao Nan picked up the oars and started paddling left and right. Because they were unskilled in getting married, the kayak just spun in circles and didn’t go away. Lu Xiaolu on the Golden Sailfish was amused. , Take a picture with your phone.

As far as this is concerned, the two of them are still unwilling to let Shirley take over. They have to learn how to kayak, and they can't even learn how to row a small boat. That's so stupid.

Of course, the two of them are not stupid, but it is really not easy to row for the first time, and the small rubber boat is different from the boat, it is very easy to shake, and it looks like it will capsize when following.

The three people sat inside, let the rubber boat have a deeper draft, and they could touch the sea water as soon as they stretched out their hands. People who came into contact with it for the first time were really panicked.

People like Shirley are much calmer. The rubber boat is not so easy to overturn, it just looks scary.

Seeing the tense faces of Cheng Min and Xiao Nan, Shirley became playful, and now that the bow of the boat was stepped on twice, the already rickety rubber boat became more dangerous, scaring the two of them and screaming continuously.

After finally returning to the boat, looking at the squid in the bucket, Lu Xiaolu couldn't help but nod, this one is really good, much bigger than those 15 yuan skewers of giant squid.

"Little donkey Ouba, let's go back, when the time comes, give the squid to Mizi and the rest of the family."

Lu Xiaolu nodded and agreed: "Well, I'm going to sail the boat, and you can spend more time playing and taking pictures."

Because everyone has their own work and arrangements, there are not so many opportunities to get together, so hurry up and take pictures, and you can take more pictures, save them and post them slowly, and post them once a week, creating the idea of ​​traveling every week scene.

Of course, Cheng Min and Xiao Nan are not that superficial, and the Golden Sailfish is not a yacht, no, even for sunbathing, he has to use his folding bed to make up for it.

Seeing that it was almost noon, the porridge I drank in the morning was not enough to make me hungry, so let me eat fried squid for my last meal.

I killed two squids that weighed a pound, cut them into slices, and served them with green peppers and onions.

"Little donkey Oppa, take a break, don't drive, come over for dinner."

"I'm coming."

Lu Xiaolu turned off the fire of the boat and went to eat. Although there is a constant speed cruise, it is better for people to watch when the boat is sailing, so as to prevent another unexpected situation from happening. Not necessarily safe, in case there is an anchored ship or something ahead.

This time I came out without buying ice or tuna. The speed of the empty boat was very fast. It is estimated that I will be home in two hours, so I am not in a hurry.

This fresh squid is stir-fried with chili and onion. It is spicy and delicious. It has no bones. It is cut into large pieces and has a soft and elastic taste. meal.

After eating and drinking enough, we took a short rest and continued to sail back.

When we got to the pier, there was no fish this time. Those who knew Lu Xiaolu on the pier were a little gloating. This time there was no fish.

Especially for some people, they were in such a comfortable mood, dangling around with their backs on their backs, they just waited for Lu Xiaolu to come and stimulate him when he came down.

He leaned over and was about to speak with a smile, but Lu Xiaolu was carrying the barbecue stove to the car with Cheng Min, how could he have time to pay attention to him, like chasing flies: "Go, don't get in the way."

This tone was like that of a stray dog ​​on the side of the road. The old man was so angry that his heart attack had not recurred, and he took several breaths before he recovered.

Shirley and Xiao Nan lifted the garbage bags on the boat and threw them into the trash can, and then came down with two buckets of squid.

The uncle stretched out his head to take a look: "Hehe, Shirley, the little donkey has been caught quite a lot this time, enough for several meals."

How could Shirley not know him, she immediately became unhappy when she heard the eccentric words, and said unceremoniously: "That's right, our family earns too much money, we can't spend it all, so we go out and spend it, this little squid Look at it, it took tens of thousands to catch it, and you can't afford it."

"... "

Xue Li rolled her eyes: "Cut~ Take care of your own home, you are really meddling, Xiao Nan, let's go."


Seeing Shirley disrespecting people so much, the old man was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him and said: "It's really someone recruiting someone, it's not a family, if you don't enter a family, you two bastards!"

After a while, a fluffy boat and two small boats also entered the port, and the people who got off the boat beat Li Chang and the others. The uncle's face was overjoyed, thinking that he had returned from transporting fish again, and his smile brightened again.

(End of this chapter)

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