ocean hunter

Chapter 515 Confession night, a tribute to love

Chapter 515 Confession night, a tribute to love

Lu Xiaolu didn't know that a big guy came on his boat, and he discussed with Xue Li and Cheng Min last night what song to play today, romantic and pleasant, suitable for confession occasions.

If there was a band, he would choose Confession Balloon, but he is the only one, and his singing is not good, so he can only choose from the solo piano music.

Lu Xiaolu first chose Sky City, which he played best.

But Shirley strongly opposed it. Although the castle in the sky sounds good, it is not suitable for that kind of scene, it needs to be romantic.

"Lang~man, do you understand?" Shirley even flicked her tongue.

"How about Katyusha?"

"... "

Cheng Min: "Your classmates may beat you to death."

Finally, under the suggestion of Shirley and Cheng Min, Lu Xiaolu chose a classical piano piece, Schubert's "Praise of Love"

The electronic organ can simulate the sound of a piano through a synthesizer.

Although the texture of the sound is different, this kind of small scene is enough, and it is not a concert.

Because he had never played this piece before, Lu Xiaolu was able to follow the sheet music, but just to be sure, he practiced for two hours.

Since you promised others to help, you have to take it to heart, and things are done beautifully.

Otherwise, make a half-baked game and play it like shit, not to mention embarrassing yourself, and ruin the atmosphere.

Qin is a thing that knows everything. After mastering it, except for those extremely difficult ones, you can generally play it according to the score.

The music theory of electronic organ and piano is also the same. Lu Xiaolu tuned the tone into piano mode, and it is really good to play.

A romantic song "Praise of Love" slowly flowed out from the fingertips, but Xiao Bai was so disturbed that he couldn't sleep, so he ran to his piano angrily and began to grab his hand to prevent him from playing.

Zang Huazhuang didn't go fishing today, he got all the people in the dormitory together early in the morning, and went out to order flowers, balloons and so on.

As the first one in the dormitory to get out of the singles, just like the national treasure, everyone else expects him to take care of his brothers and introduce him after he gets out of the singles.

The fat and water don't flow to outsiders, right? Wang Tong still has roommates.

Therefore, everyone was very concerned about Zang Huazhuang's confession night.

Lu Xiaolu also put the electronic organ in Laoqiu's specialty shop, so as not to be played by those grandchildren again in class.

Zang Huazhuang never knew how to keep a low profile. The news about his confession tonight had already spread in the class, and he even organized a team to cheer him on. He was in charge of spreading flowers and filming, saying that he wanted to leave a good memory for the future.

Lu Xiaoluxin said that if he were Wang Tong, everyone who agreed would be scared away.

But this is Zang Huazhuang's freedom, as long as he does his own thing well.

Suddenly, Xiao Bei actually sent him a WeChat video.

"Hi, donkey brother!"

"Hey! Xiaobei, are you back?"

"Ang, I came back this Sunday, and I'm going out tomorrow. I'm on the pier now. Look, there's a bird on your boat. Many people are taking pictures now."

Xiaobei moved the camera over, Lu Xiaolu took a look and recognized it as a frigate bird, but he didn't think about it elsewhere, the birds all looked the same, and he couldn't recognize it, not to mention the distance from the bird he rescued back then. The frigate bird is also long gone.

"It didn't wreak havoc on my ship, did it?"

The frigatebird is a large raptor, so it is not afraid of those iron plates, but Lu Xiaolu is afraid that it will peck his own glass, and the glass cannot withstand its construction.

"No, no, just stood on it the whole time, and even grabbed two fish and put them on your boat, maybe saving them for later eating."

Knowing that the frigate bird didn't do any damage, Lu Xiaolu felt relieved, probably just rested and left after a while.

But what he didn't know was that the frigate bird had been on his boat yesterday.

At noon, Zang Huazhuang gave out a lot of blood, and gave each of the students who helped him a meal, one meat and two vegetables, the standard of 15 yuan, Lu Xiaolu was special, and added a big chicken leg separately.

He is a technical worker, as he should be.

Lu Xiaoluxin said it was okay, yesterday was not as late as Bai Bai practiced the piano, and Xiao Bai was so noisy that he couldn't sleep.

Shirley was opposite him, looking eagerly at the chicken legs on his plate: "My good friend, what did you eat?"

Lu Xiaolu picked up the chicken leg and asked hesitantly, "Have a bite?"

Shirley nodded wildly: "Yeah."

"... "

Shirley gnawed on the big chicken leg and said, "By the way, don't worry about me this afternoon. I've asked Cheng Min and Mizi to go shopping."

"Okay, you can drive the car, leave the tricycle to me, lest there are some places where the tricycle is not allowed."

"Okay, it's still your thoughtfulness, hee hee, come on, I'll reward you with half a drumstick."

While eating, Shirley suddenly thought that it was time to buy a car, and wondered if the jewelry had sold enough.

She and Cheng Min fantasized and discussed every day upstairs, and each of them built a car, filling the yard of the house, and then there would be no need to send it back and forth every day, everyone would have a car to drive.

As for this Wuling, it's better to keep the one that sells fish.

It's just that I don't know how much this batch of jewelry can sell for, and I have to wait two days before Lu Xiaolu has time to go to Shanghai.

It's a pity that I'm going to go to sea this weekend. I won't go to sea for two weeks. I'm a little sorry for Kenjiro Sekiki.

Zang Huazhuang sat down with Wang Tong again, served soup heartily, and agreed to go shopping outside at night.

In order to get the atmosphere in place, Zang Huazhuang deliberately made an appointment at eight o'clock in the evening.

Xiamen University is a scenic spot, and it has also driven the development of tourism in this street. There are maple trees in front of the stores in the whole street, and there are small lanterns hanging on the trees. The whole street will be lit up at night, which is very beautiful. .

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Zang Huazhuang even wrote the script himself, and there is a process, including the time for Lu Xiaolu to play the music.

The process is also very simple, like this, Lu Xiaolu played a song in front of the Laoqiu Specialty Store. At the beginning, it must not be the song "Praise of Love". Looking around, they all have things in their arms.

At this time, Zang Huazhuang led Wang Tong through here again, and Lu Xiaolu started playing the piece, and the crowd suddenly dispersed, leaving only the two protagonists in the middle.

Someone sent a bouquet of roses, Zang Huazhuang took it and took the opportunity to confess his love.

Then someone pushed a cake, which he also ordered at the cake shop yesterday.

Cakes don't have to be eaten on birthdays, and cakes can be eaten on some festive occasions.

Originally, I wanted to put candles on the ground, but the candles dripped on the ground and it was difficult to clean up, so I replaced it with cakes.

Therefore, the cost increases again.

The cakes pushed by carts are multi-tiered, costing thousands of dollars. Of course, he didn’t have the financial resources, so he made a two-tier cake, and the deposit for the cart cost more than 600 dollars. The most expensive expense in the confession.

The expenses of spreading flowers, roses, and cakes almost wiped out all his money. Fortunately, he asked his family for living expenses.

(End of this chapter)

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