ocean hunter

Chapter 485 Dumbo Octopus

Chapter 485 Dumbo Octopus

After waiting for a while, a big fish finally bit the hook, and his float was pulled down desperately, but because the float was too big, he couldn't pull it down, and began to swing from side to side.

The fish below grabbed the hook and suddenly rushed towards Shirley's float.

Xueli was also unambiguous, if the two fishing lines were entangled, it would be difficult to get rid of it, and it would be a waste of time to untangle it, so she quickly lowered the fishing rod and began to quickly recycle it.

Lu Xiaolu's first tuna was finally caught. It was a 30 cm long skipjack and weighed three and a half catties.

No matter what kind of tuna it is, as long as it can be used as bait, it's just that the bait is a bit big, and it is estimated that many people have never caught such a big tuna.

In this way, the two stood on the side of the boat and fished for an hour. They threw away all the small fish they caught, leaving only tuna and skipjack.

They were caught and put directly into the living water tank, but they couldn't live in a bucket, and they would suffocate to death in no time without room for movement.

The space in the living water tank is not very large, but at least it is enough for them to swim and obtain oxygen.

There were twelve in total, the small one weighed half a catty, the big one weighed two or three catties, and the biggest herring, which weighed six catties, was caught by Shirley and took 5 minutes to catch it.

But this one can't be used as bait anymore, it's too big, they can keep it and cook it for themselves.

As for the baits bought back, they were all chopped up, hung on the fishing lines, and let the two fishing lines down.

Then boil a pot of hot water, wash your face, soak your feet, and go to bed.

The searchlights were kept on to prevent other fishing boats from seeing them bumping into them by mistake. The two sleeping people did not see them. In the middle of the night, a yellow thing followed the light and slowly climbed up along the fishing rope.

Then I climbed into the bucket on the deck, where there were small crabs that Shirley cast a net and prepared to cook porridge for tomorrow.

This guy is very strange, with two big ears, like an elephant.

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight appeared on the sea, Lu Xiaolu was going to the bathroom, when she suddenly heard Xueli's screams on the deck outside

Lv Xiaolu trembled in fright, slipped his hand, and tore the paper with force.


Before he could get sick, Lu Xiaolu hurriedly took the paper to wipe it off again, before he could wash his hands, he hurried out.

"What happened?"

As soon as she came out, she saw something yellow and starry in Shirley's hand.

"Hahaha, little donkey Oppa, it's Dumbo octopus!"

Lu Xiaolu's eyes widened: "I'll go, why did this guy appear here?"

"I don't know. I got up in the morning to cook porridge with crabs, and I saw this guy stealing crabs from my bucket."

Dumbo is like an octopus, Lu Xiaolu saw it in the popular science column.

They are different from other octopuses. The Dumbo octopus has two long fins, just like the two ears of an elephant, so it is named after Disney's Dumbo.

They like to stay on the bottom of the sea, and generally live at a depth of 1600 meters or even 7000 meters. Shallow seas are rarely found, but not without them.

The living environment of octopuses is in the deep sea, but they can also live in shallow seas. They are temperate molluscs and can come up along the warm current.

So might this Dumbo octopus.

It may be because the sun in the deep sea cannot shine, they will emit light themselves, which is used to illuminate and at the same time attract prey or scare predators.

Unlike other octopuses, the Dumbo octopus has no suckers on its tentacles. Its predation is by emitting light to attract prey, and then wrapping the prey with the mucus secreted by its arms and legs, and then swallowing it.

This guy is very, very cute, so Shirley's eyes are full of little stars, and she has been mesmerized by it.

Although I don't know why it came here from the deep sea, but this does not prevent Shirley from wanting to raise it.

Holding the Dumbo octopus, Shirley called out quickly: "Donkey Oppa, quickly bring my little fish tank here."

"Huh? We didn't bring a fish tank?"

"Oh, it's the kimchi jar."

"Uh, there are pickled radishes in it."

"Pour the radish into the bowl and it will be fine, why are you so stupid."

"Good good."

Lu Xiaolu quickly ran into the kitchen, still didn't forget to wash his hands, poured the pickled radish from the pickle jar into a bowl, then ran to the stern of the boat, washed the pickle jar twice, poured a jar of sea water, and carried it over.

Shirley quickly stuffed the Dumbo octopus into the kimchi jar, and threw a crab into it as food for the Dumbo octopus.

Maybe it was scared by the two of them, or maybe the space in the kimchi jar was too small, Dumbo Octopus has been reluctant to move, staring at its two eyes, its two big ears covered its head, and did not move.

These two ears are their fins, which are used to paddle.

The pure yellow body is like the yolk of an egg, very nice and warm.

The most important thing is that this guy is not dangerous, not even a suction cup, so it's perfect for a pet.

Originally, when scientists discovered the Dumbo octopus, they thought it was a rare thing and included it in the list of protected animals.

However, with the progress of scientific research, they found that this kind of octopus is not rare, but it is not easy to see. Most of them stay in the deep sea, and fishermen can't catch them.

The economic value of this kind of octopus is not high, and no one will deliberately catch them and sell them.

So it is not illegal to use it.

Shirley carried the kimchi jar into the captain's cabin, knocked on the glass jar, and said with a smile: "Little guy, you stay here first, I will live in a villa for you when I get home, and there are many neighbors, I will go to work first gone."

After discovering the Dumbo octopus, Xue Li was in a particularly good mood. Whistling, she hopped to the deck, cleaned up the crabs, chopped them in half one by one, and threw them into the pot to cook porridge.

These crabs are small and have no meat, only its umami can be eaten.

Cook porridge, topped with braised pork and steamed buns packed from the school cafeteria.

Xueli was in a great mood, and led Lu Xiaolu to start today's radio gymnastics.

"The third set of national radio gymnastics for elementary and middle school students, dancing youth, preparation day, get ready~"

After the radio gymnastics were done, the porridge in the kitchen had already been cooked, and the aroma of braised pork wafted out. Lu Xiaolu and Xueli didn't eat too much last night, and they were hungry early in the morning, smelling the aroma, and their Adam's apple rolled Then, he hurried into the kitchen.

A large portion of braised pork was eaten by the two of them in one meal, and the mouth was full of oil. The braised pork was already crispy, and it was steamed again, so it was not greasy at all.

They all said that they had a good breakfast. They ate a good and full breakfast, and they maintained enough energy to use it for fishing later.

He pulled up the fishing line again, and actually caught two big eels, each of which was as thick as Shirley's arm, but they were already dying. It seemed that they were hooked very early yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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