ocean hunter

Chapter 452 Documentary

Chapter 452 Documentary

Classes started at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Xiaolu had nothing to do at home, so he spent a long time leisurely.

If it’s cooking, I’m too lazy to do it alone, so let’s eat in the school cafeteria later.

Speaking of it, I still miss the fried pineapple and banana in the cafeteria.

After reading the magazines for a while, Lu Xiaolu felt a little sleepy, so she lay down on the sofa and put a blanket over her body.

Suddenly I feel that playing games is not so interesting, sleep is the happiest thing.

Speaking of this house, what Lu Xiaolu is most satisfied with is that there are no cars passing by around, and it is not noisy at all.

When he first bought this house, he was still a little dissatisfied with the location here, thinking about whether to sell it and change it later.

Now that I think about it, I still feel a little bit reluctant. If I let him change to a community in the urban area, I really don't want to.

Although I have never lived in it, but when I first started school, I had the experience of living in a dormitory. If something fell on the floor upstairs, it would scare people half to death.

I can often read on the Internet, about the noise upstairs and downstairs, the decoration outside, and some people dancing in the square, arguing, throwing shit and urinating, blocking the keyhole, nothing.

His house is better, a small single-family house, basically no one comes, and the sheep herders are far away.

It would be even better if the surrounding facilities can be improved.

It's a pity that you can't cut down trees casually, otherwise the forestry bureau will come to you.

Thinking about it, Lu Xiaolu fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, Xiao Hei climbed up to the second floor with Xiao Bai in his mouth, and Xiao Bai pulled the sofa, finally climbed up, climbed to Lu Xiaolu's chest, narrowed his eyes, and started snoring after a while.

Xiao Hei was lying in front of the sofa, with Lu Xiaolu's slippers on his pillow.

After sleeping for about half an hour, Lu Xiaolu started sweating and woke up suddenly.

Xiaobai, who looked at his chest, was very helpless, no wonder he was having nightmares.

Seeing that it was still early on the watch, it was only past ten o'clock, so he grabbed Xiaobai, put him on Xiaohei, and continued to sleep.

I was woken up again by Xiaobai's "meow meow". This guy was hungry. Before Cheng Min left, he put cat and dog food for him and Xiaohe, but the cat bowl was downstairs, so he I can't go down by myself.

Lu Xiaolu was very helpless, grabbed it and went downstairs: "If you don't want to go down, tell me why you came up, and let Xiao Hei take you up."

It was not the first time that Xiao Hei took Xiao Bai upstairs, but every time he brought him up and refused to take him down, it was very troublesome.

Fortunately, Xiao Hei doesn't have any major problems, and this little mischievous taste is still acceptable.

It was raining today, so the chickens couldn't go out to eat, and they couldn't graze the two sheep. Lu Xiaolu distributed the last bit of food to them, and then wrote it down on his mobile phone to buy food.

Otherwise, it will be forgotten by then.

"Okay, stay home, I'm leaving."

The door of the living room cannot be said, otherwise they will shit in the house.

Xiaobai is timid, he won't run outside when it rains, don't worry.

Xiao Hei doesn't have to worry anymore. After taking the medicine that time, Shirley specially trained him not to eat what others gave him.

Xiao Hei's combat power is still relatively fierce, and his physique is getting bigger and bigger, his limbs and dog's mouth are more slender, and he is now a full adult.

This body type was born specifically for racing, because the nutrition can keep up, the fur is smooth and smooth, and it looks mighty and extraordinary.

If it wasn't for the rain these days, Lu Xiaolu would have wanted him to catch rabbits.

Speaking of it, I still miss the rabbit meat at that time, the dry pot rabbit meat.

The rabbit skin has been completely dried by the wind, turning from brownish yellow to light gray, which looks like a scarf.

Shirley recently bought bath sand online, and then wash the skin to make a neckerchief, and save it for winter.

The heavy rain still didn't stop, and the road back was full of mud. Fortunately, Lu Xiaolu's car was relatively durable, and it was front-rear-drive, with superior off-road performance.

Looking at the muddy water along the way, he was also a little upset.

This is the disadvantage of his house, anyway, it is impossible to make everything go your way.

It would be great if I could pull a few carts of gravel to pave the pavement, but unfortunately the road is too long, otherwise Lu Xiaolu would pay for it himself, even if it cost thousands of dollars, it wouldn't matter.

The real heavy rain is not easy to slip, just like this kind of forest blocking, the falling rain wets the ground, and there is not too much water, so it is the easiest to slip.

Lu Xiaolu's Wuling was crooked on the road, moving forward in an S-shape. He was frightened along the way and didn't dare to stop. Once he stopped, he probably wouldn't be able to run.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and finally on the main road, Lu Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief.

There were more than two hours before class, so Lu Xiaolu simply went to the market first and bought a sack of grain.

This kind of grain for feeding chickens and ducks is relatively less full, and some are empty shells, which are relatively cheap.

But it's not pure wheat bran either, that stuff is fed to pigs, not chickens or ducks.

After such a long time, the pork that Captain Zhang and the others gave them that time has also been eaten up, and Lu Xiaolu happened to buy some more in the market, so that Cheng Min would not buy again.

It's 26 yuan and 5 pounds a catty, and it's also reduced by [-] cents.

After buying here and there, I went back to school.

This van was built, hey, let's go back and wash the car.

Lv Xiaolu didn't go out to fish and sell fish recently, every day was the classroom, cafeteria, library, three points and one line, he felt ashamed and then brave, which made Ma Xiaofei very pleased.

Kenjiro Sekiki sent a message, which is the finished film of the documentary.

As soon as Lu Xiaolu got out of class, she took out her mobile phone from her seat and began to watch it.

The cover is very shocking, it is a picture of a swordfish jumping out of the water, Lu Xiaolu recognized it, it was him who took the picture.

As soon as it is turned on, a very familiar sound enters the ears. Isn't this the background music of man and nature?

The narration is a very flat male voice, Mandarin is very good, a bit interesting.

Following his voice, the picture slowly unfurls, Lu Xiaolu casts the bait, and Xueli throws the fishhook.

Then, the screen changed, and it was the scene of the school of fish appearing.

There are hundreds of seabirds in the sky, and huge schools of fish in the sea are moving and mighty, but in the soothing background music and the warm sun filter, everything looks beautiful.

Even the fishing in the back is the same, there are no bloody scenes of spearfishing and bloodletting, only the scene of Lu Xiaolu and Xueli fishing seriously on the deck.

The movements were concise and capable, and between retracting and releasing, the big fish not far away jumped up, bringing huge splashes.

The whole process made people feel refreshed, even Lu Xiaolu was stunned, if he hadn't been back for a few days, he would have believed it.

The documentary cut out the bloody scenes, including the appearance of Lu Xiaolu stabbing the swordfish with a dagger.

That was the first angle of view. At that time, Kenjiro Sekiki was stunned. Mr. Lu was so cruel, including Shirley, who kicked the long kiss into the gills of the swordfish.

What if this is seen by those whores on the Internet?
As a result, all the bloody scenes were cut out, leaving only the beauty of the sea, which makes people yearn for it at first sight.

(End of this chapter)

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