ocean hunter

Chapter 438 The Immortal Guiding the Way

Chapter 438 The Immortal Guiding the Way
Hearing the sound, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli looked back, Yo, isn't this Xiaobei, and his second uncle.

Now that the sun is not strong, the two of them simply took off their veils and goggles. Anyway, they smell of blood and they are uncomfortable to wear.

"Hey, Xiaobei, you guys are here too, hurry up, see if there are any fish schools, get out of the net quickly before they disperse."


Xiaobei and his second uncle didn't expect Lu Xiaolu to be so enthusiastic, and they were let off the net before they could say a word.

When they were coming here, they were also a little apprehensive, because a boat had already boarded first.

But looking at the seabirds gathered in the sky, I feel a little unwilling. There must be a big school of fish below, and they can definitely make money, or the kind that make a lot of money.

So I drove over, ready to discuss it, let them also catch a net here, such a large school of fish, one boat can't finish it.

As a result, when he got closer, he turned out to be an old acquaintance, so it was easy to handle.

Lv Xiaolu is a tuna fisherman, so he probably won't get into the net.

But you have to say hello, if you come over and get off the net without saying a word, it's okay if you're fine, but if you have something to do, you have to fight.

Of course, Xiaobei didn't worry about this issue. How could he fight with Lu Xiaolu? It's better to borrow his money to buy the tented boat.

Up to now, Xiao Bei still thinks that the money he borrowed from Xue Li belongs to Lu Xiaolu, but their sister Xue Li is in charge of the money.

In fact, many people think so.

At this time, Lu Xiaolu said again: "There will be swordfish and sailfish jumping up here, be careful, there are fewer there, and you should fish there."

Then he pointed them in the direction.

After the immortal showed him the way, Xiaobei still hesitated, so he hurriedly greeted his second uncle.

The second uncle also got off the fluffy boat and gave Lu Xiaolu and Xueli a smile as a greeting.

Then he and Xiao Bei took the boat together, and went to the direction Lu Xiaolu pointed to to lower the net.

There is no need to worry about Lu Xiaolu cheating them, there are schools of fish everywhere, as can be seen from the distribution of seabirds in the sky.

The only thing to worry about is swordfish and sailfish.

That thing is not friendly to them, and they would rather not touch it.

Not to mention the issue of safety, as far as their gillnets are concerned, they will only break the net and not kill the fish.

Fishing nets are very expensive. They brought all the gillnets from home, but there are quite a few. Xiaobei has two 200-meter ones and two 50-meter ones.

Uncle Er's four 200-meter gill nets.

There are also ground cages, crab cages and so on, all placed in the fluffy boat.

Suddenly, five to sixty meters to their left, a sailfish burst out of the water, lifting a salmon more than four meters high.

Xiao Bei and Second Uncle were startled, and swallowed their saliva. The swordfish was two or three meters long, and it would only take a while to prop it up on their small boat.

It was the first time for Xiao Bei to come to the outer sea. When he got here, he didn't know whether he was frightened by the wind and waves, or he was unwell, and his face turned pale.

But when he thought of having to pay for his sister's education and pay back the little donkey brother, he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

At this time, he was frightened by the swordfish, and his body trembled.

All he had seen before were dead fish, and this was the first time he had been in close contact with a live fish of this level.

What is the concept of a fish that is two or three meters long jumping out of the sea at a height of more than four meters?
Xiaobei's house is only three meters high.

This fish is taller than his house!

The feeling of facing this kind of monster was even more shocking than the six-meter-long swordfish he saw with Lu Xiaolu.

The way the swordfish jumped out of the water left an indelible impression on his mind.

Fear is fear, but beauty is also beautiful.

It has a huge body, a smooth body, huge fins, a long snout like a sharp sword, and its graceful posture when it jumps out of the water, supporting a large salmon of more than 30 centimeters.

Xiaobei's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. The opponents that Brother Xiaolu and Sister Xueli face every day must be such monsters. They are really passionate.

One day, he will too.

My second uncle has been to the open sea with others before, and he is more knowledgeable, so he tries to come as far as possible, knowing that there are more fish here.

Although he was a little scared of the sailfish, it was even more scary for him not to make money.

When we sailed to the edge of the school of fish, the second uncle and Xiaobei were already covered in bird droppings. Fortunately, we were prepared and put on raincoats in advance.

It doesn't matter if it's a bird or not, just throw the fishing net down first.

As expected of a school of fish, as soon as the gillnet was thrown down, the huge foam buoy was dragged away.

Both Xiao Bei and Second Uncle had smiles on their faces, this is the right place.

A total of eight gillnets were thrown down. The two were a little dissatisfied and wanted to throw down the ground cage too. The gillnet can only catch the fish on the top, and the ground cage can only catch the fish below.

Xiaobei suddenly slapped his head: "Second Uncle, no, quickly close the net, otherwise the fish on the net will attract those big fish!"

"Yes! Let's go!"

The two hurried back to the first fishing net and stretched out their hands to pull it. Even the second uncle, a middle-aged man, could not pull it.

It can only be placed on the winch, and when the winch is turned on, one fish after another is pulled up.

Smiles appeared on the faces of the uncles and nephews, their big teeth were nourished, and they were happy.

"Hey, this net is enough for me to catch for a week before!"

"Hahahaha, I told you I didn't lie to you by asking you to borrow money to buy a boat, do you believe me now?"

"Hey, let's hurry up and collect the other nets as well."

This kind of fish school is like this. After eight nets are cast, there is no need to wait at all, and then start harvesting from the first one.

If you are greedy and want to wait a little longer, those big fish will probably be attracted by the fish in the net. Eating fish is still a trivial matter. If you tear up the fishing net, the fun will be great.

Not to mention the loss of a net of fish, the fishing nets are all broken and floating in the sea. One less fishing net means less income, and there is no place to make up for it.

When the fifth net was pulled, the second uncle's face changed, because there was a big hole in the pulled net, and the surrounding area was still entangled in a mess.

This must have been done by those big fish.

A good net was torn from the middle, and if it wasn't tied with a rope, it would have been cut into two halves.

"Hey, there's nothing you can do about it. It's normal to lose a little while catching so many fish. Keep pulling the net."


Xiaobei and Second Uncle continued to bring up other nets, filling up the boat, and even sent some to the Pengpeng boat on the way, and the fish hadn't been fished yet.

Of the eight nets, one of them is broken, and it can be used to make do with it, but the hole will be torn more and more, and finally the whole net is useless.

So this fishing net can no longer be used, and it will be repaired when the fish is sent back.

Fortunately, the harvest of these eight nets made the uncle and nephew very happy. They forgot about the destruction of the fishing nets and drove the boat back to fish.

Xiaobei also threw a cigarette to Lu Xiaolu, and grinned, "Brother Donkey, thank you, I'm rich now, hehe."

(End of this chapter)

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