ocean hunter

Chapter 408 Fame and fortune 2 words

Chapter 408 Fame and Fortune
The Japanese food is similar to Korean food, and the taste is lighter, so it's okay to come here to eat from time to time.

In comparison, Shirley and Cheng Min still prefer to eat Chinese food, especially the bacon and sausages that Lu Xiaolu pickled.

Of course, when you go out to eat out, the important thing is not the quality of the food, but the mood you eat.

Today, the three of them are in a good mood, replacing wine with tea, exchanging cups, laughing and laughing constantly.

The already light food is paired with a cup of fragrant green tea. Although it doesn't have much taste, it tastes very comfortable, refreshing and transparent.

If you want to lose weight, eating Japanese food is a good choice.

Xueli Chengmin and Lu Xiaolu are not fat, so they don't need to lose weight.

But eating heavy Chinese food every day, and having a light Japanese food clear oil from time to time, it is good to improve the taste.

It was almost enough to eat, Shirley patted her stomach, and went to pay the bill. The three of them spent 635, not counting the three eel meals.

These are all low-end dishes. If you have tuna sushi, lobster sea cucumber, etc., you can't beat it without a few thousand yuan.

It’s so expensive, but Kenjiro Sekiseki’s shop is full of customers. Just now, I saw several people holding up their mobile phones to live broadcast and shoot videos in the shop.

After spending so much money on eating out, I can't just leave after eating, I want to chat here for a while.

The waiter was called to remove the tableware, and a pot of green tea was made again, and the three of them chatted while drinking tea.

"Cheng Min, when are you free to go to the boat with us, buy a bikini and wear it, hehe."

"You want to wear it, and you still pull me."

"Hahaha, I don't have one, I want to see you wear it."

Lu Xiaolu was also used to the two of them talking like this, so she wasn't embarrassed. She edited a few good shots of the video she took when she was fishing and sent it to Moments.

Kenjiro Sekiki was the first to comment: "Miss Shirley is really a woman."

Xiaonan: "Miss Shirley is so handsome!"

Miko: "Wow, Shirley is so handsome. It's been a long time since you guys came to see me."

Zhao Jingxin, who hadn't seen it for a long time, also liked and commented: "It's amazing, the bait is bigger than the fish I catch, I really want to travel to your place."

After a while, Kenjiro Sekiki sent a message to Lu Xiaolu asking him to come out and talk about the documentary.

"Xue Li, Cheng Min, you guys chat here first, Boss Guan is looking for me, I'll go out for a while."

"Okay, no problem, let's go."

The two came to the stands and found an empty seat to sit down.

Kenjiro Sekiki pointed to the four big screens on the stage, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Lu, how about these screens? They are of the same type as the screens on the League of Legends World Finals, with the same design and style. ?"

Lu Xiaolu nodded: "That's right, how much does this screen cost? I think it's a good replacement for the TV in my living room."

Victoria's Secret is being played on these four large screens, which can be seen by everyone in the hall, and each area has independent speakers, which makes people feel immersive, just like the band singing beside you.

The sound quality of the speaker is high, and the volume is also carefully adjusted, so that it will not make people feel noisy and irritable.

Kenjiro Sekiseki smiled: "My one is definitely not comparable to that of Shiguan, but it is not cheap either. The four screens alone cost 10 yuan and the audio equipment 30 yuan."

"... "

If you don't count the speakers, it means that a screen costs [-].

His family's 72-inch Xiaomi smart TV is only 5000 yuan, and it costs [-] yuan to buy a screen. Not to mention himself, Shirley probably would not agree.

Prodigal son ah that is.

"Hahaha, with Mr. Lu's income, it's nothing to buy a screen. It's only the price of a tuna. To get a whole set is just a matter of throwing a few more poles."

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay."

It feels good to be called rich by others. Lu Xiaolu now looks more and more pleasing to the eyes of Kenjiro Sekiguan, and it is still comfortable to chat with him. No wonder so many people like to brag about business.

"Mr. Lu, I have an idea, that is, you record a video every time you go out to sea, and you don't need to record it specially, just fix the camera on the deck where it doesn't get in the way."

"Then, edit it, add a relaxing bgm, and play it on the big screen in our store and on the account, what do you think?"

"Is this fishing too boring?" Lu Xiaolu asked doubtfully.

"No, Mr. Lu, you often go fishing, so you feel a little aesthetically tired."

"More guests come to coastal cities for the first time. Even if they are locals, few people will go to such a distant sea and not see such a magnificent scenery."

"To be honest, I once went out to sea on a yacht, eating grilled octopus and drinking beer on the deck. I still linger on that feeling, and this is your daily life, Mr. Lu."

"It would be great if customers could also feel that atmosphere in the store."

"More importantly, let more people see the bravery and greatness of tuna fishermen. What do you think, Mr. Lu?"

Kenjiro Sekiki said so much in one breath, but the last sentence was the one that fit Lu Xiaolu's heart the most, and it touched his heart at once.

This is why he agreed to Kenjiro Sekiki to make a documentary.

What does he do?A fisherman, a tuna fisherman.

Although fishing is for money, this does not prevent him from being proud of his identity.

Tuna fisherman, the man who conquers the sea is a sailor, synonymous with bravery.

It's just that this profession is still a bit too niche.

How small is it? In a normal family, if you tell your family that you are going to fish for tuna at sea to make money, your family will definitely give you a big slap in the face and go to work in a factory!

There are only a dozen tuna fishing boats in the two coastal cities.

Although there are many people and few people do not affect their earning money, people live in society, and everyone wants to be recognized by the public. It would be better if they can be familiar with and respected.

For example, ask a child, what do you want to be when you grow up?

They must be scientists, soldiers, and astronauts. After hearing this, grandma bought her favorite Xizhilang jelly.

If you want to go fishing, you have to give your favorite big mouth.

However, fishermen are not without their merits, except that they are a little grumpy, they are hardworking, brave, not afraid of wind and waves, and they are tenacious.

In the past, when he couldn't get enough to eat, he didn't think so much. Now that his life is better, if it doesn't affect his earning money, Lu Xiaolu is still willing to shine for this industry.

Of course, there is also a little vanity in it, who doesn't have vanity, Lu Xiaolu is an ordinary person, of course there is vanity.

Life is nothing more than fame and fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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