ocean hunter

Chapter 396

Chapter 396
Finally, before the last ray of dawn faded over the horizon, a large bluefin tuna about two meters long floated to the surface, was shot in the eye by Shirley, flopped twice, and then stopped struggling.

In the end, they were hoisted on the deck by the two of them with a crane.

Through the binoculars, everyone saw the two of them bled the tuna happily, and gritted their teeth and slapped their legs jealously.

This kid's luck is also very good, he just arrived here, and he caught a tuna in an hour.

A few young people who had passed the examination even recognized that it was expensive bluefin tuna.

"How about Xiao Ning, how much do you think this fish is worth?" Da Qiang and Li Chang gnashed their teeth and said, their fish only sold for 4000 yuan, so I don't know how it compares to Lu Xiaolu's.

Xiao Ning pondered for a while, where did he know how much it was worth, and he never sold it.

Just know it's expensive bluefin tuna.

It feels bad to directly say that you don’t know, or others will say that his education was for nothing.

He had also seen Lu Xiaolu sell bluefin tuna on the pier before, so he guessed that it was about the same size, and made up a random number: "This fish must be worth 2 yuan."

"... "

Daqiang and Li Chang were dumbfounded, their fish only sold for 4000 yuan, and Lu Xiaolu got 2 yuan when he first arrived, the gap is too big.

No wonder he was able to buy a boat and a house.

The same was true on the other two boats. They heard that this fish was worth 2 to [-] yuan.

Earning 2 to [-] yuan, what is it to cast hundreds of dollars in bait?
Could it be that they couldn't catch fish because they were reluctant to cast bait?

They hurriedly brought out their bait, imitating Lu Xiaolu, gritted their teeth and threw it in.

I can't bear to let my child not find a wolf.

Indeed, being willing to cast bait is also a factor in whether you can catch tuna, but the most important thing is whether you can accurately find the fish school. If the bottom is full of sharks, casting a boat of bait is useless.

Not to mention, there are really a few tuna around them.

The three boats cast bait desperately, and they really attracted the fish.

In two hours, the three boats were all on the fish, but two of them ran away, the strong one was unhooked, and the thread on Li Wei's side was pulled off, and no fish was even seen.

Only Menglin caught an albacore tuna that just crossed the fishing line.

Although not big, this was the first tuna they caught and the biggest they had ever caught in their lives.

This made the people on the boat happy, tied the head and tail of the tuna with a rope, and pulled it aboard by hand.

They heard what Daqiang said, and the fish collector said that after the fish are caught, they must be bled, their intestines and internal organs removed, and washed with sea water to cool down.

Moreover, when spearfishing, he tied the speargun to the bamboo pole on purpose, held the bamboo pole directly, and stabbed the tuna's eyes twice with precision and elegance.

Although this is a stupid method, it is very easy to use. It will not be inserted into the fish because of inaccurate techniques. It is just to pull the fish to the side of the boat. big fish.

When I came back yesterday, I brought not only bait, but also a box of ice cubes and an oilcloth.

At this time, half of the ice cubes had melted, so everyone hurriedly stuffed the ice cubes into the fish belly, wrapped it in oil cloth, tied it on the boat, and prepared to pull it back overnight.

There were laughter and laughter here, and the other two ships saw such a big movement, their fists were clenched red with jealousy, and their teeth were gnashed.

At this moment, everyone was horrified to find that the Golden Sailfish was fishing again!

Nima, how long has it been? Are you going to catch two fish in a row after only half a day?

They have been here for several days, including Daqiang and the current one, there are only two fish in total, and they are not as valuable as his one.

It's no wonder that I can't bear to buy a fishing rod, just a fishing rod, and I can't bear to buy bait. I don't have any experience in finding fish, so I rely on a fish finder. If I can catch it, I'm lucky.

"I don't believe it, it's still tuna!"

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli were going to rest for the night and start fishing tomorrow, but the time was too early. It was only around 7:00 after the fish was delivered to the ice bin.

Even though Lu Xiaolu and Xueli have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, as a modern person, 7:00 is the beginning of the second half of life.

When chatting with classmates, I learned that they don't go to bed until at least 10:00, and it's normal for one or two o'clock, and even overnight.

I just lay in bed and swiped my phone. If there is anything to see, it’s not so good, but I just kept swiping, and then the sky dawned before I knew it.

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli don't have this bad habit because they have to work, but it's true that they can't fall asleep at 7:00.

It’s a bit dangerous if you don’t want to catch tuna when it’s dark, and it’s not good to see the state of the fishing line, so it’s easy to make mistakes.

Just before boarding the boat this time, Shirley saw good bamboo and rattan reclining chairs when she was shopping, so she bought two and brought them to the boat.

So the two of them moved the deck chairs on the deck, rocked the deck chairs leisurely, each had a glass of rum, and enjoyed the night view of the sea while blowing the sea breeze.

In the distance, there is a piece of jellyfish emitting blue light, which is mysterious and beautiful.

Seeing a dying pomfret on the deck, Shirley intended to pick it up and eat it, but subconsciously hung it on the hook. This is an occupational disease.

Just hang it up, Shirley threw it in the sea before she remembered that she didn't want to fish.

With a smirk, Xue Li wanted to pull up this pomfret, take it back and eat it. After all, it weighed almost two catties, and it would be a pity to throw it away.

In the end, after only a few pulls, the fishing rod suddenly sank into the sea. At this time, Xue Li held the fishing rod in her hand. Xue Li screamed and almost threw the fishing rod away.

It was too late, but it was so fast, Lu Xiaolu, who was still dangling on the recliner just now, suddenly jumped up, grabbed the fishing rod from behind Xue Li, opened the safety at the first time, and let it catch the fish. The thread is pulled away.

Then, he quickly inserted the fishing rod into the fishing hole, turned off the safety, and the fishing rod bent down again with a "click".

Lu Xiaolu took out the fish hauling routine again, opening the safety when the fishing line was tight, then closing it, and opening it again.

After repeating this two or three times, the situation gradually stabilized, and the outbreak of the fish under the water was resolved.

Shirley smiled shyly, "Hey, little donkey Oppa, you are amazing!"

Fortunately, Lu Xiaolu reacted quickly, otherwise the fishing rod would have been dragged away.Where can I find it this late at night?
Their fishing rods have also been updated twice, and the busbars have also been replaced, but they are not entry-level. The total cost of this set is at least 4000 yuan.

Shirley would be pissed if she was dragged away by the fish.

(End of this chapter)

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