ocean hunter

Chapter 389

Chapter 389

This is the first time I came to the sea, and I have no experience at all.

After reaching the vast sea, at a glance, it is all sea water.

If it weren't for the compass and radar, they wouldn't be able to tell the direction.

After studying the radar for a long time, it was confirmed that they had reached the open sea.

I was a little excited at first, but after staying for two hours, everyone experienced dizziness and seasickness to varying degrees.

The wind and waves here are too strong, and the wind and wave resistance of this kind of boat is too small. They are not used to it yet, and even the locals are a little uncomfortable, let alone them.

After simply cooking some food, everyone endured the idea of ​​nausea and vomiting, and set up the net.

There is no way to find small fish with a fish finder, it can only rely on luck and experience.

The three boats were separated and did not dare to go too far. The distance between them was less than one nautical mile. The vast sea was a little frightening, so it was better to be closer.

Gill nets, ground cages, eel fishing, octopus jars, everything that can be dropped.

Anyway, it’s all here, why not add more?

Then, everyone began to fiddle with the usefulness of the fish finder.

After opening, according to the previous hall and the manual, if there is a red line on the fish finder, it is a big fish.

As for the fish, it is not certain, it may be a shark, it may be a tuna, or it may be other big guys.

To their embarrassment, there was no radio installed on the Peng Peng boat, and there was no signal on the mobile phone. If they wanted to send a message to each other, they had to drive the boat back and forth.

Diesel is also quite expensive, unless it's something important, I don't drive the boat.

But there is no mobile phone, and there are no entertainment facilities. They are not used to it when they go to sea for the first time. They want to find acquaintances to brag about and look forward to the future.

Taking advantage of nothing to do after getting off the net, Xiao Ning and his cousin drove the boat to the middle boat, and the young man couldn't sit still.

"Dididi!" Suddenly, the fish finder sounded frantically.

Everyone was shocked and looked down. There were several red lines on the fish finder, moving around on it.

"There are big fish! This is the big fish." Xiao Yang shouted excitedly.

"Then hurry up and fish! What are you waiting for?"

Everyone ran outside quickly and took out their fishing rods, only to find that there was no bait.

"Quick, quick, catch me a fish!"

Finally got a palm-sized pomfret, hung it on the hook, and just threw it down.

Then waited and waited, but there was no movement until the pomfret died.

"Oh, there is no frozen bait to lure them. I heard that those tuna fishermen use frozen bait, otherwise they will definitely be able to catch them." Everyone looked regretful.

"Let's wait until the gillnet catches a fish."

Finally, two hours later, all three boats began to collect gillnets, and the cages could not be collected until tomorrow.

Not to mention, the resources here are really good. The water depth under the two gill nets is just right, and many fish were caught, all of which were larger than those in the inland sea. There was also a large grouper weighing seven or eight catties.

Everyone's faces were full of joy, it seemed that they came to the right place.

But the other places under the net are not right. They are too deep, and the net cannot go to the bottom. It is not as good as before.

This is the case in the open sea. In the upper waters, unless fish schools appear, it is difficult to gain anything.

Not to mention, I really had a brain and came up with a way.

An iron block was tied with a rope to test the depth of the water. Others saw it and followed suit.

The problem of getting out of the net has been solved, but the problem now is that the caught fish are reluctant to chop up and use it as bait.

At the beginning, it was better to buy frozen bait. In comparison, the fish used for frozen bait was cheaper.

For example, if you catch grouper, it is a waste of money to use it as frozen bait.

You can only pick and choose, and use those fish that are relatively less valuable.

After finally making up his mind, he chopped up the fish and used them as bait, and threw them into the sea.

In the end, there was still no fish, and the baits thrown down were all thrown away, making everyone grit their teeth in distress.

This is the problem faced by tuna fishing. If you don’t want your child to be caught by a wolf, you may throw thousands of dollars of frozen bait without even a movement, and the timid people will not dare to fish again.

Finally, Daqiang's fishing rod moved, and the four screamed excitedly.

"It's the fish, it's the fish!"

"Big fish! Damn it!"

"Hahaha, I'm getting rich now."

The fishing rods were all finished at 90 degrees, which was an experience they had never had before.

As a result, after less than 10 minutes of tinkering, the fish ran away.

The four of them were a little dumbfounded, this...is this gone?
In fact, this is normal. Even veteran fishermen have a high chance of decoupling.

Even when fishing freshwater fish with a hand pole at home, it is very common for the hook to become unhooked.

But this is a very heavy blow to novices. It doesn’t matter if you run away fishing at home. What kind of fish is that?It's worthless, and I don't feel bad if I run away. This is tuna, and it can be sold for money. Maybe this fish is worth tens of thousands.

Thinking that tens of thousands of dollars just ran away from their hands, Daqiang Li Chang and the others almost broke their thighs in pity.

What's more, they threw down so many baits.

There was no more bait on the boat, so Daqiang gritted his teeth: "Chop up all those fish."

Li Chang was a little embarrassed: "These fish cost 40 yuan a catty, this..."

"What do you know, these fish are only worth a few dollars, and the sum is less than 500 yuan. If you catch a big fish, you have everything."

Li Chang was a little moved when he heard that, he gritted his teeth and chopped it up!

As a result, there was still no movement until all the baits were thrown away.

All the fish caught with the gillnet just now were all for nothing, which made everyone feel so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

Chang Li began to complain: "I said you can't chop it up, but if you insist on chopping it up, it's all right now, there's nothing left."

Daqiang blushed, and he didn't expect such a result.

But he couldn't admit it, and still stuck his neck.

"It's because the bait is not enough. Otherwise, you will definitely be able to catch it. You agreed with it just now. Why are you blaming me now?"

"I should have bought frozen bait at that time, and I had to be reluctant to part with the thousands of dollars."

This situation is not only on their ship, but also on the other two ships.

At the beginning, after investing so much money, I was definitely not reconciled to not catching any fish, so I chopped up all the remaining fish and threw them in.

It's like gambling. It's okay if you don't play, but once you start, you can't stop. If you lose, you want to get back the cost, and if you win, you want to win a little more.

In the end, the one who loses goes bankrupt.

Some veteran fishermen still miss, let alone their first fishing.

Qing Chao's boat also caught a fish, but it didn't get off the hook. Everyone was very excited, watching nervously on the deck, cheering Qing Chao and Qing Mu.

After spending nearly an hour, I pulled it up and saw that it was a great blue shark.

Qingmu wanted to get a harpoon, but Menglin said that this fish could not be caught, and it would be illegal to catch it.

(End of this chapter)

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