ocean hunter

Chapter 387 The Chic Fishmonger

Chapter 387 The Chic Fishmonger
Zhang Shengsheng cursed endlessly in his heart, not only him, but also Awei and others, they are all adults, who can't see the pointing and cursing?
I thought so in my heart, but I still had a smile on my lips, flattering Wang Tao.

"Call sister Bingran and Xiaobai Xiaohe together." Wang Tao made a gesture to make a phone call.

Awei quickly took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call Bingran."

He didn't want Wang Tao to have more contact with Bingran.

"Hello? Of course, let's have a meal together and go to a restaurant."

"If you don't want to eat, you can eat."

Bingran is throwing up what she eats now, she is still hanging on glucose in the hospital, how can she be in the mood to eat.

Not to mention Xiaobai Xiaohe, who had just quarreled with Wang Tao and his parents yesterday, what a fart.

However, fortunately, the team has not been disbanded, and the mentality is still good, and they did not say that they would give up when encountering a little setback.

Among them, Awei's brainwashing is indispensable.

On the other side, seeing that Lu Xiaolu and the others didn't fight, the onlookers were a little disappointed.

It's a pity that it didn't look like a lot of fun.

Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li cleaned up everything that should be cleaned on the boat, and packed everything that should be thrown away into the trash can.

The vegetables in the refrigerator and the frozen bait in the ice bin are also packed and placed in the car.

The rear seats were all crammed, and Shirley was sitting in the co-pilot with a kohlrabi in her arms.

Thanks to Wuling, it wouldn't be able to fit in another car.

You have to deliver the items to Sekiki Kenjiro's shop first, otherwise the quality of the salmon will be affected.

Seeing them coming, Kenjiro Sekiseki thoughtfully asked someone to prepare two meals.

Lu Xiaolu waved his hand and refused: "Don't bother, I had dinner in the morning, and there are salmon in this bag, please ask someone to bring a bucket and fish out the yellowtail."

Lu Xiaolu opened the trunk, and the sight in the fish tank amazed both Sekiguan Kenjiro and the welcoming lady.

"Si Guoyi, what a beautiful yellowtail."

"What a big squid."

Indeed, the yellowtail is very beautiful, just like the skin of the League of Legends video game series.

In contrast, those big squids are much uglier.

Kenjiro Sekiki had a bucket brought and fished the yellowtail in.They are weighed, accounted for, and finally dumped into the aquarium.

Lu Xiaolu took the killed salmon out of the bag and put it on top to weigh it.

That big salmon sold for 1190 yuan.

With those yellowtails, the total is 2998 yuan, which is not bad.

For the remaining squid, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li estimated the value at around 2000 yuan.

That is to say, I got 5000 yuan for the sea trip this time, which equaled the cost of ice and fuel.

The loss is the labor, the two boxes of frozen bait that have been thrown down, and the fishing line money.

"Boss Guan, I'm sorry, but your store is out of stock." Lu Xiaolu said a little embarrassedly.

He hasn't brought back any fish for three weeks, which is even worse because Kenjiro Sekiseki's shop is out of stock.

He had already seen the sign, which said that the tuna dish was limited to ten servings, and there were three remaining today.

It's not even noon yet, and almost all of them are booked out.

This is not a dish, bluefin tuna, albacore tuna, yellowfin tuna, big eye tuna.

Sashimi, sushi, everything about tuna is affected.

Kenjiro Sekiki chuckled: "Don't worry about it, Mr. Lu. This is not what you want to see. I've already heard about it."

Not only did he hear about it, he was also scolded by private messages.

It is normal for these people to find videos of cutting tuna and dissecting puffer fish every day. Now he has experienced the feeling of Lu Xiaolu being raped by the Internet.

Although I have some complaints about him not catching tuna for a long time, it really can't be blamed on others, if you want to blame, you have to blame those people.

"Okay, let's bring back as much as possible next week."

"Hehe, I hope so, why don't you go after dinner?"

"No need, we have to go back to sell fish."

Saying goodbye to Kenjiro Seki, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li drove back to the pier again.

The traffic here is much larger than that of the school, and the fish is sold faster.

Now many fishermen set up stalls here, and many restaurants will come here to purchase, including Lao Ma.

After Lu Xiaolu and Xueli arrived here, it was getting late, and the fishermen were almost sold out, and they were all clearing up their stalls and preparing to go home.

The three fluffy boats were still parked at the pier, probably because the permits had not yet been issued.

It happened that Xiao Nan and Xiao Bei had just finished packing their stalls and were about to go home.

Ask Lu Xiaolu to drive the car over, open the trunk, and take out two stools.

There is no need to yell now, there is a small blackboard that is not used in Chen Min's school to be thrown away, thinking that Xue Li can use it for selling fish, so she picked it up.

Xueli took it out and wrote down 28 catties of squid and 24 catties of small yellow croaker.

Then the two of them just sat like this, fanning the wind with palm-leaf fans. When someone came up to buy, they would weigh the fish for the customers.

Especially Shirley, who hit people with a wrench in the morning.

After all, the passenger traffic here at the wharf is relatively large, and the little yellow croaker was directly taken away by the owner of a small restaurant, and it was sold for a total of 800 yuan.

In fact, squid is not too expensive, 28 per catty, which is about the same price as pork.

It's just a bit big, and the tentacles crawling around in the bag are a bit scary. A little girl bought it, but when she took it away, she was so scared that she threw the bag on the ground and wanted to return it in tears.

Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li had dark lines on their faces, but they were still sent back.

Shirley then gave the little girl a lesson, showing off her skills in catching squid with her bare hands.

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Cheng Min told them to go back to eat, and there was one squid left in the fish tank that hadn't been sold.Those who lost to Kenjiro Sekiki sold a total of 5500 yuan today.

After thinking about it, let's take this one back and eat it, anyway, it's like buying pork and eating it.

It is said that those who sell mats sleep on bare beds, and those who sell salt drink light soup. Now that living conditions are better, there is no need to be so economical.

Hanging pickles on the beams of the house, eating a mouthful of food with one look, and being scolded for being a miser after looking twice more, in reality, it is not uncommon, but Lu Xiaolu is not.

What's the use of making money if you can't even bear to eat?

What impressed him the most was that there was a family in the village who pickled the beans in sauce. When eating, they put them in their mouths for a sip, then put them back into the sauce, and so on.

Anyway, he can't do this kind of thing. Instead of spending that little effort to save money, it's better to use that energy to make more money. Are those few soybeans really missing?
Saving money is not so economical.

Knowing that the two of them will not go to sea today, Cheng Min specially went to buy a piece of stewed vegetables in the morning and came back.

Braised duck head, braised duck neck, braised duck feet, and a dozen pineapple beers, the supermarket offers special prices.

"What? You called his parents? It's not ashamed of such a big man, he's not as good as the kids in our class. Why don't you ask me to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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