ocean hunter

Chapter 380

Chapter 380
It is neither the fishery administration nor the coast guard. What right do they have to inspect?
Xueli was angry, and Lu Xiaolu was also angry.

Such a request was too much. I thought they were just watching here to prevent themselves from catching rare fish.

Just look at it, anyway, this sea is not theirs, and donkeys and donkeys can't control them stopping the boat here, just fishing for their own fish.

To be honest, he didn't really want to cause trouble. After all, he was going back tomorrow afternoon, and he hadn't gained anything yet.

Arguing with them here is a waste of time, they are so idle, but I am very busy.

Never expected that they would have such excessive demands.It's almost like pushing your nose on your face.

Although there is only one salmon in the ice bin, it's okay to check them, and it can save a little trouble.

But the other party is not a public servant, so what qualifications does he have to inspect his ship.

Once this precedent is set, it means that he is cowardly, and they will check if they want to check in the future.

And he would be a joke among fishermen.

As soon as others mentioned him, they would smile and say, "Isn't he just that soft-headed guy? The boats let people board casually, and such a person is ashamed to be a fisherman?"

Lu Xiaolu is a shameless person, he can't do this.

Shirley was even more so, she had never heard such an unreasonable request, it was simply absurd.

"Then what if we don't?" Shirley narrowed her eyes and said, reaching out to touch the high-pressure water gun.

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli's tough attitude made everyone hesitate.

After all, it was the first time they had done such a thing as boarding a boat for inspection, and it was only for Lu Xiaolu and the others.

No matter how stupid you are, you know that this matter is unreliable. At first, you thought that Lu Xiaolu and Xueli would obediently let them check, and they could show off their power.

I didn't expect their attitude to be so tough, so that everyone would not know what to do. Could it be that they have to forcibly board the ship?Isn't that what pirates do?

Xiao Bai frowned: "Isn't this a little too much?"

Xiaohe agreed: "Captain, we can't do this."

When the specifications were formulated before, although it was a little bit, but now it is too much to board the ship for inspection.

If there is a third boat here, Xiaobai Xiaohe has already left by boat.

To be honest, Awei was also a little hesitant. There were only two people on his boat, and there was a pretty big beauty. Isn't it a bit bad to be so rude?

"Of course, let's forget about it, we are here to watch them fish for a day and supervise them."

In fact, Bingran was a little bit upset at first, but after Xiaobai Xiaohe and Awei said it, Bingran immediately became angry.

"What did you guys say before you came here? Now it's like this again, forget it, anyway, you are the captain, you can do whatever you like, I don't care."

As soon as these words came out, Ah Wei became anxious: "Of course."

Bingran used to correct his address, but now she doesn't even want to talk to him.

This is not possible, Awei stood up: "Lu Xiaolu, let me tell you, I will tell you in a nice way, don't be ignorant of flattery, hurry up..."



Before he could finish speaking, a jet of water sprayed out from the water gun and hit Awei directly on the face. He just stood up and was not able to stand still, but was thrown directly into the sea by the jet of water.

The scene suddenly got out of control.

"Help me! Gulu Gulu."

"team leader!"

"I rely on!"

Everyone was in a hurry to get Awei up. None of them were wearing life jackets. It seemed that after today's battle, they would update their equipment next time.

They obviously did not expect that Shirley would take the lead.

In fact, Lu Xiaolu didn't expect it either, and looked at Xue Li with a shocked expression.

Shirley kept a stern face, she was so bad, she dared to threaten the little donkey Oppa, and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Shirley tried hard to control her body, the first recoil of the high-pressure water gun was too strong, and she almost couldn't stand still.

Putting down the water gun, Shirley said with a stern face, "Be careful what you say."

At this time, Awei was caught by Zhang Shengsheng and others, and he said angrily: "If you don't want to eat a toast, you will be fined, serve it to me." Then he took out a stink bomb from the box and threw it over.


Shirley picked up the water gun again, turned on the switch, and twisted the gun head. A water curtain was formed in front of the gun head, which was about two or three square meters in size. It blocked the stink bomb and fell into the sea.

This is a move that Shirley has studied for a long time, and it can be used for defense.

There are several options for the nozzle of the water gun, which can control the size and shape of the water flow.

It can be sprayed out, or it can form a water curtain for defense. It is very similar to a fire-fighting water gun. It is a castrated version. It is not so powerful and cannot stop a fire, but it is no problem to block a stinky egg.

The war was started by Shirley, and it got out of hand.

The other party chose to attack, and she couldn't just sit still, so she twisted the nozzle again, forming a high-pressure water column, and sprayed it at Ahwei.

At this time, Bingran also started to act, started the speedboat, and loudly ordered the three people behind to attack with stinky eggs.

But Xiaobai Xiaohe still held the camera calmly, only Xiaoyi obeyed the order, and began to attack vigorously with stinky eggs.

When the fight started like this, Lu Xiaolu was still a little confused, but he couldn't let Xue Li face it alone, so he didn't care who started it first.

He dropped the machete in his hand, stood up immediately, helped Shirley put on the gas mask, put on her raincoat and hat, tied the rope around her chin, and wrapped her body tightly.

Then he himself did the same, put on the full body protective equipment, and took over the high-pressure water gun in Shirley's hand.

"let me."

The force of this high-pressure water gun is still very strong, Xue Li couldn't stand still at all, and she kept gritting her teeth.

The two ships dropped rotten eggs at the same time. Lu Xiaolu opened the water curtain with a water gun and shuttled back and forth on the deck to block their rotten eggs.

"Xue Li, hurry back and hide." Under the gas mask, Lu Xiaolung shouted loudly.

A rotten egg had already hit the deck, and a ship circled to the other side of the deck, adopting a double-team tactic, and threw them here one after another.

The donkey and the little donkey were holding the water gun, and they were already under a lot of pressure. How could they be able to take pictures of it?

Seeing a rotten egg hit the donkey and donkey's hat, Shirley gritted her teeth and came over, controlling the water gun together with him.

With Shirley joining in, the two of them were finally able to control the water gun steadily, keeping the water curtain on to block the stinky eggs they hit one by one.

The so-called Dao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high. Bing Ran gave up attacking them on the deck and drove the boat to the rear side of the Golden Sailfish.

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli were dragged by Awei's boat, so they didn't have time to take care of the back.

Bing Ran also stopped the boat, took the stinky eggs by herself, and threw them on the boat to her heart's content.

This trick is called "striking east and west".

(End of this chapter)

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