ocean hunter

Chapter 375 Fishing Line

Chapter 375 Fishing Line
Shirley and Cheng Min are also talented people. With a roll of their eyes, they all changed into silk stockings and short skirts when they returned to the house, and tied the scabbard to their thighs.

"Donkey Oppa, is it good-looking? Does it look like a fox spirit?" Shirley blinked.

"looks great."

Lu Xiaolu rubbed his nose, his eyes straightened, so that there was no nosebleed.

On this day, the last day of military training for freshmen, there is a military training show to show the training results of the freshmen during this period.

All the teachers and students of the school came to watch and observe, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li also came.

Under the leadership of the instructors, the schoolboys and schoolgirls wore camouflage uniforms and formed a square team, shouting slogans, and walked around the playground.

"One, two, three, four~"

"one two three four!"

The younger brothers and younger sisters were full of youthful colors, full of vitality, and the loud slogans made Lu Xiaolu sigh, "It's good to be young."

The students next to me all rolled their eyes, saying that you are very old, and we are only a year older.

Zang Huazhuang was not interested in the military training performance at all, and kept playing with his mobile phone with his head down, with a smirk on his face. Apparently Lingling started talking to him again recently.

Every morning when I went fishing in the sea, I didn’t say I would return the money to Lv Xiaolu. I ate at the cafeteria at noon, and I ordered a potato shreds and rice. It cost three yuan in total and two bowls of soup for free. Heels are all you want.

Back then, Lu Xiaolu still relied on working in the cafeteria to eat well.

After resting for half a month, Lv Xiaolu and Xueli went to sea again with all their equipment.

In the past half a month, Lu Xiaolu caught an average of 800 yuan of fish every day, and put it into the public account to buy supplies for going to sea.

This time, I will use the line to catch squid, and I need too much live bait.

It is quite expensive to buy live erbium alone, and Lu Xiaolu is unwilling to use it, preferring to pay more labor and fish it by himself.

From the time of sailing, a string hook and a lure were placed at the stern.

The Golden Sailfish has been driving at high speed, the hook cannot sink and has been dragged away.

There was too much movement, and it was impossible to judge whether there were fish based on the length of the rods. Lu Xiaolu walked back and forth between the two fishing rods, twisting the reel from time to time, pulling up fish if there were any, and leaving it alone if there were no fish.

The fishing line should not be thrown too long, otherwise it will be entangled, so just throw it 20 meters away.

The hooked fishing rod is relatively thin and highly sensitive. When Lu Xiaolu touched it with his hand, the feeling from the fishing rod let him know that he had caught a fish.

Not too young.

Lu Xiaolu's face showed joy, and he raised it violently with his hand. This is called lifting a pole to stab a fish, and he learned this term from the fishing friends group.

Just knowing that this way can make the hook stick into the fish's mouth, it is really endless.

Lu Xiaolu's fishing skills are not bad, but he basically has no theoretical knowledge, and he can't understand any of the professional terms they heard in the group of fishing friends.

As for what kind of nest material, bait, formula, tuyere and terrain to use, I don't know anything.

When someone came to ask him for advice, he could only pretend to be aloof, either talking nonsense, or simply not replying to the message.

The whereabouts of fish are unpredictable, and theoretical knowledge and experience can only be used as a reference.

It doesn’t mean that this place has a good air outlet and good terrain, so there must be fish.

Lu Xiaolu puts the hook wherever he sees fish.

There are no professional requirements for fishing rods. For example, his string hook is the cheapest spinning reel, and the lure is a water drop reel. They were both bought at the time.

For small fish, it’s fine if you can catch them.

The fishing rods for tuna fishing are the more expensive the better, and the pounds are marked on them.

He raised his hand and pulled it, the hook pierced into the fish's mouth, and he struggled even harder. With such a fast boat speed, the fish could only be dragged away without even a chance to resist, and was dragged up by Lu Xiaolu. It is a mud fish, that is, a stinky belly fish.

This fish is not good, I don't like tuna.

The fishing rod is still too slow, and the live bait used for tuna fishing is almost the same, and the fishing line must be too late. Those two fishing lines have hundreds of hooks.

When some fish jumped out of the water with the boat, Lu Xiaolu took the net and caught them, but there were still too few.

It seems that the fishing line can only use frozen bait.

I came out early today, and went straight out after eating in the cafeteria at noon. When I got there, it was still dark, and there was half a bucket of fish in the bucket under Lu Xiaolu's feet.

The fish on the water surface are not worth much, they are small and have many thorns, they can only be used as bait, not a good bait, only one flying fish, two sardines, and the others are small miscellaneous fish, not good for tuna fishing Make.

In the evening, let’s set up a net cafe, squid and octopus can be used as live bait.

They haven't been out for half a month, and Lu Xiaolu and Xueli still miss the sunset at sea, so they just sit on the deck, watching the sunset, having dinner, drinking two taels of sweet wine, and then chanting "The sunset is infinitely beautiful, It's only near dusk."

This place was also found by Lu Xiaolu in advance. There is a piece of coral reef underneath. There is no tuna, but there are quite a lot of squid, lobster, and some small and medium-sized fish, and there is also a small school of yellowtail here.

The line is just right here.

After eating and clearing away the bowls and chopsticks, Lu Xiaolu went to bring out a box of frozen bait. He chopped the frozen bait into fish pieces the size of braised pork. There were two baskets of fishing lines beside Xueli, and they went to them one by one. Frozen bait was hung on it.

This is an extremely cumbersome job, and my eyes are dazzled, and I can't wear gloves. It's too slippery, and it's easy to be caught by a fishhook if I lose my mind.

After Lu Xiaolu chopped up the frozen bait, he also came over to hang the bait together, and while hanging, he suddenly sighed.


Shirley was taken aback: "What's wrong with you, little donkey Oppa?"

Lu Xiaolu lit a cigarette: "I don't know why, I always feel like I don't want to work today."

"Are you tired, why don't we talk about it tomorrow?"

"No, let's put down the line first."

All the baits were hung up, and the fishing line was coiled and put into the basket.

Lu Xiaolu put down the rubber boat and jumped on it first.

Shirley carried the basket and handed it to him, and then followed her into the rubber boat.

Lu Xiaolu was in charge of rowing the boat, and Xue Li was in charge of throwing down the fishing line.

First tie a rope to the railing, Lu Xiaolu followed the route he had just watched, and rowed in the distance, Xue Li held the rope with both hands, and threw it down little by little.

The total length of the fishing line is 100 meters, so you must grasp the water depth.

If the fishing line is too deep, it will not sink to the bottom of the water and can only catch fish in the middle and upper layers.

Squids don't like to come to the top, they hide in the coral reefs under the water.

The place Lu Xiaolu chose had an average water depth of 30 meters, which was just right.

After one line was cast, the rubber boat rowed back, tied the other line to the side of the boat, and let it go in another direction.

It is quite fast to cast the fishing line, but it is too cumbersome to hang the bait.

After finishing, it was just dark and the wind picked up.

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli returned to the boat and tied the rubber boat to it.

Today is NO.15, a big round moon hangs in the sky.

"I really want to eat moon cakes, stuffed with five kernels." Lu Xiaolu said suddenly.

Shirley had a black thread: "It's not the Mid-Autumn Festival today, what kind of mooncakes are you eating?"

(End of this chapter)

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