ocean hunter

Chapter 352 Wuhu

Chapter 352 Wuhu
This time, he didn't go towards the fish, because there would be a deviation because of the refraction of light in the water, so the position seen by human eyes is different from the actual position of the fish.

In addition, the ship is still moving, so it is very difficult.

Fortunately, the shot hit.

The rope on the fishing gun was straightened suddenly, and at the same time, Shirley had already turned the rudder to the left, and the Golden Sailfish turned to the left.

"Shirley! Keep going, follow it, it's not dead yet!"

After the boat came across, Lu Xiaolu saw that not only was the fish not dead, but the pain had aroused its blood, and it was struggling crazily.

This fishing gun projection is not only the strength of Lu Xiaolu, but also the inertia of the Golden Sailfish.

Almost all of the 1.5-meter fishing gun was submerged, and the rope at the tail was soaked in blood.

But the aim was not right, the shot did not damage its internal organs, its flesh was too thick, and the shot pierced into its flesh from the left back.

Lu Xiaolu didn't have time to think about whether she had ruined her naked body and sold it for less money, it would be the same as in elementary school textbooks, looking at the wild geese in the sky and just thinking about how delicious it is.

The most important thing now is to get it on board.

Fishing gun projection, thumb-thick nylon rope, and being pulled by a boat, it looks like a means of whaling.

The fishing gun has barbs like a scorpion tail, tearing the flesh of the bluefin tuna, preventing it from sinking into the water. As soon as it sinks seven or eight meters, the rope straightens, and it can feel a burst of soul tearing pain.

But there is a problem. The Golden Sailfish is too bulky. Sometimes the fish rushes left and right, and it is too late to turn. The fishing gun is brought out bit by bit, and now it has appeared ten centimeters.

This is not what Bluefin Tuna wants, nor is it what Lu Xiaolu wants.

If this continues, if the fishing gun is pulled out before the bluefin tuna dies, it will be a waste of time this time.

It is even more impossible to stop the ship forcibly. With the tonnage of this bluefin tuna and the tonnage of the golden swordfish, if the ship stops suddenly, there will only be one result, and the fishing gun will definitely be pulled out in an instant.

Lu Xiaolu couldn't guarantee that this blow would kill it.

But the Golden Sailfish is too bulky, even if Shirley has good sailing skills, she can't control it like a car.

Again, the bluefin went under the boat.

Lu Xiaolu, who was pulling the rope, could clearly feel that the fishing gun was being brought out again.

Sure enough, after it left under the boat, Lu Xiaolu could clearly see another section of the fishing gun was exposed, and the rope at the tail was fluttering in the wind, like a blood-stained flag.

If this continues, the fishing gun will be pulled out within a few times.

I don't know if this big bluefin tuna is too clever or something. After this time, it drilled more and more frequently under the boat.

Even though it was painful every time, and the blood stained the area, it still enjoyed it and came back after a short rest.

As if it knew it could escape.

"You're not that smart, if you swim directly underwater, you might be able to escape!"

No matter how clever a fish is, it is still a fish after all.

And the pain is not so bearable. Pulling the barb out from the body is like being hooked by an explosive hook. No one can bear the pain of pulling the hook out.

But now, Lu Xiaolu was not sure if he could pull out the fishing gun alive.

The bluefin tuna dived under the boat again, and the fishing gun was half drawn.

Lu Xiaolu knew that he could no longer sit still and wait for death.

After thinking for a while, he untied the rope from the side of the boat, put it on his wrist, and ran towards the stern.

15 meters of rope, with the tuna on the bottom again, was enough for him to reach the stern without stress.

When the tuna is about to run away, he may be dragged into the sea in an instant, which can be said to be quite dangerous.

Shirley and he both knew the danger of doing this, but they didn't say much, they just tried their best to control the speed of the boat to prevent the tuna from escaping in an instant.

At this juncture, it is useless to say those irrelevant words, and it is not as helpful as actual actions.

Tuna was also taken aback, this time there was no tearing pain on his body just now, and the foreign object on his back didn't withdraw a bit.

Its little brain capacity obviously doesn't know what happened, so it can only do it again.

At this time, Lu Xiaolu had already untied the cable of the rubber boat, and the rubber boat fell directly from the stern.

As soon as the rope in his hand was tightened, the bluefin tuna was about to move again.

Without further ado, Lu Xiaolu jumped down and slapped the side of the rubber boat in the posture of a frog falling into the water, "croak." The sea water splashed all over his face.

Fortunately, the speed of the boat was slow enough, otherwise Lu Xiaolu might just jump into the sea, and then be dragged into the sea by the bluefin tuna.


Lu Xiaolu just got up from the rubber boat, suddenly the rope around his wrist tightened, and he leaned forward to keep him from getting off.

His head was sticking out of the rubber boat. If there was a helicopter watching from above, it would be like watching a bastard.

Fortunately, the tuna felt the pain again, and the attack slowed down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Xiaolu hurriedly adjusted his posture, climbed into the middle of the rubber boat, leaned back, put his feet against the edge of the rubber boat, and grabbed the rope with both hands, otherwise the pressure on the left hand was a bit heavy, and it felt like his arms could Pull and dislocate.

The weight of the rubber boat plus Lu Xiaolu was obviously not at the same level as the tuna, and it was even more incomparable with the Golden Sailfish.

The tuna, whose pressure dropped suddenly, thought it was free, and began to swim to the bottom of the sea.

The rubber boat was pulled down and sank, the water line was too deep, and the sea water poured in, Lu Xiaolu felt his ass get cold.

Fortunately, an inflatable boat is an inflatable boat after all, with great buoyancy.

Pain in the back lets the bluefin tuna know it's not out of the leash yet.

Going downstream was impossible, and it stared at the bottom of the Golden Swordfish, the only place where it could survive.

Seeing the rope shaking and chasing after the golden sailfish, Lu Xiaolu quickly freed up one hand and pressed the intercom: "Xue Li, run, the tuna is chasing you, don't get hit by the propeller!"

Xue Li was about to stop the boat to see how Lu Xiaolu was doing, but after hearing what he said, she quickly kicked the accelerator and rushed into the distance.

It's useless to be caught up by tuna, and it's useless if it is smashed by the propeller.

Even if it stops the boat, it can shuttle through the bottom of the boat, but Lu Xiaolu can't, it won't be knocked off.

In this way, Shirley ran away in the boat, and the bluefin tuna saw where his life-saving straw could go, so he followed behind desperately to catch up.

Swimming parallel to the front in this way is much less painful than swimming to the bottom of the sea.

Because of its size, tuna is not good at swimming on the surface of the sea, so it has been kept at a depth of three or four meters.


(End of this chapter)

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