ocean hunter

Chapter 349 Three Rods

Chapter 349 Three Rods
Sunfish, also called sunfish, and porpoise are old cousins.

Don't look at the big difference in size, but they have the same turtle speed swimming speed, so they are easy to be bullied by other sea creatures.

The porpoise can also fight against the enemy by blowing its air and the spines on its body, but the sunfish has no way.

They don't even have a tail, just a head, also known as the "swimming head."

They like to lie on their sides on the sea to bask in the sun, one is to help digest food, and the other is to allow seabirds to remove algae and barnacles from their bodies. Some people call them sunfish.

They are also called moon fish in some places, and fishermen on the east coast of the United States call sunfish larvae "lucky fish."

If you catch them, you are even happier than catching bluefin tuna, thinking that something good will happen next, and you will be able to catch big fish.

This kind of fish has little economic value and has been given the title of "lucky fish" because no one will kill them.

But it is still listed as a near-threatened species. One can imagine how bullied they are in the sea.

The swimming speed is too slow and the meat is too much, and other carnivorous predators eat them as a buffet.

Even just follow them, take a bite when you are hungry, and take a bite when you are hungry.

But the sunfish doesn't have any ability to fight back, and it can't run away even if it wants to, so it can only swim while being gnawed.

Sometimes those who are bitten can see their internal organs and still swim, and they can't be freed until they lose their vitality. It can be said to be very miserable.

The swimming ability is poor, but the diving talent is strong. As a sea surface fish, they always like to go to the bottom of the sea to eat crustaceans, and they will inevitably be targeted by those predators.

But tuna only likes to devour, and will not eat such a big fish. There is no reason to attack sunfish.

Possibly purely bullying it?
Lu Xiaolu didn't dare to put in the hook now, this tuna is already big enough, if it gets entangled by sunfish again, it will be inevitable to cut the line.

It would be even worse if the sunfish ate the bait and lost a pair of fishing lines.

Let's observe and observe first.

Then, Lu Xiaolu saw the tuna rubbing against the sunfish, as if asking for love.

This is considered cross-species, and there is reproductive isolation.

However, it was only then that Lu Xiaolu noticed that the tuna fish had a cut in its lip.

He hurriedly let the crayfish take a closer look, good guy, he could see two hooks at a glance.

As always, this fish is a veteran who has eaten the hook many times, and it hasn't fallen off yet.

The opening was also caused by the deadlift of the heavy-pound fishing line.

Such a fish is very cunning, it is not easy to handle it.

As for the reason why it hit the sunfish, Lu Xiaolu had a rough guess.

He has known about sunfish as a creature, and it seems that its secretions can cure injuries, and it is called a marine doctor.

It’s just that this doctor Haiyang is a bit miserable. He is completely a tool person. In addition to being a doctor, he also works part-time as a takeaway job. It is a takeaway.

The sunfish obviously couldn't do anything about the tuna's harassment. The sunfish tossed and turned on the bottom of the sea, trying to swim to the top of the sea, but was knocked off within two strokes.

Lu Xiaolu looked anxious, and wanted to let the crayfish go up to help it, but he was afraid that the tuna would be killed and he would not be able to catch it.

There is no way, we can only wait until this tuna has had enough fun.

"Donkey Oppa, it's time to eat." Shirley poked her head out of the kitchen and shouted.

The remaining tomato stewed beef brisket last night, heat it up, cook rice, it is convenient and quick.

"Well, here we come."

Lu Xiaolu walked into the house and watched them while eating to prevent the tuna from escaping.

This big tuna is top-notch in size and appearance. It is the best bluefin tuna he has ever encountered. If he can catch it, it will be worth spending a day or two.

It is not impossible for one fish to directly match the harvest of six or seven fish in the past.

Seeing his focus on playing with his mobile phone, Shirley gave him an annoyed look, scooped a few spoonfuls of potatoes and beef into his bowl, and poured some broth on Xiao Hei's rice.

Beef is so precious that Xiao Hei would not eat it unless he performed well.

Or it's the turn of the beef if it's spoiled and it's not finished.

"Donkey Oppa, shall we go fishing here later?"

"Well, just fish here."

The tuna may have been smeared with wound medicine, and the sunfish was released, and it did not do the kind of killing the donkey that was eaten after it was used up.

The sunfish was bruised and bruised, and dared to swim away without saying a word.

Seeing it go far away, Lu Xiaolu decided to fish here.

The tuna didn't run away, just looking for food in this area.

After eating, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli came to the deck to chop bait, cast bait, and stick fishing rods.

This tuna is obviously a veteran, very cunning, just eating the bait thrown in front of it, it just won't come up.

Lu Xiaolu could only ask Xue Li to continue setting out the line for bottom fishing.

I had already cast a fishing rod, and after waiting for 10 minutes, the tuna just couldn't come to bite the bait.

"Shirley, add another fishing rod."


Shirley hung up another bait and dropped the second fishing rod to increase the chance of catching fish.

There is no way to do this. Tuna will not necessarily come to eat live bait, and the only way to increase the chance is in this way.

One more fishing rod means one more chance.

Some boats also use three-pole and four-pole methods.

Sea fishing enthusiasts have seven or eight poles in a boat, and the chances of catching fish are even greater.

However, only when there are too many people can they close the line in time.
For example, there are only two people on the Golden Sailfish, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli, and they can't handle so much. Three fishing rods are already the limit. After a while, there is no movement, so add the third rod.

At the same time, the consumption of live erbium is also quite a lot.

The live bait used today is flying fish, which ran with the boat on the way just now, and was caught by him.

Flying Fish is as thick as Shirley's wrist, very beautiful.

It's a pity that such a beautiful fish didn't attract the attention of that big tuna.

This big guy is very cunning and very vigilant, he would rather eat frozen bait than come to join in the fun.

It is estimated that the wound from the last time still hurts.

Lu Xiaolu also had a headache enough, so he could only stop casting bait for the time being, otherwise he would cast so many baits and feed the tuna to his full, how could he catch.

After another 10 minutes, there was still no movement. The tuna was swimming around, but the live bait could not be seen.

The flying fish was dying and had no vitality, let alone attractiveness to the tuna.

There was no other way but to replace it with three pieces of fresh live erbium.

One rod was mackerel, one rod was pomfret, and the other had to be small tuna.

Not to mention, it really worked.

Seeing that the tuna was about to swim away, it suddenly swam up.

The one-pound pomfret is just above its head.


"Let go!"

Lu Xiaolu immediately jumped up, opened the safety, and the drum rotated crazily.

At the same time, Shirley collected a fishing rod as quickly as possible.

Still wanting to collect the second one, Lu Xiaolu yelled, "It's too late, cut it off! Go sail!"

(End of this chapter)

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