ocean hunter

Chapter 343 The Mistress's Demeanor

Chapter 343 The Mistress's Demeanor
Both Cheng Min and Mizi got up, Cheng Min was ready to go to work, Mizi rolled up her sleeves, lifted the briquette stove out, started to light the fire, and boiled water.

At the same time, the live broadcast on the mobile phone also started, and the surrounding environment was not captured. Mizi is now very concerned about privacy issues, for fear of being followed again.

Today Lu Xiaolu had to carry too many people, so Cheng Min could only go by himself.

When he arrived at school, Lu Xiaolu found that Zang Huazhuang had two dark circles under his eyes, a tired face, and fish scales on his face.

Yes, I didn't quit my job because of love.

"Zang Huazhuang, are you sure you don't want to go tonight? I made a lot of tough dishes today." Lu Xiaolu still asked.

Zang Huazhuang sighed: "Hey~ forget it, next time, I will take Lingling with me next time."

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on his face again, and he had obviously fallen into fantasy.

"That's fine."

Xiaoyan, Chen Zhenzhen and another girl were discussing what to buy, but Lu Xiaolu heard it and hurriedly stopped her.

"Don't buy anything. There are so many people. If you buy it, it will be embarrassing for others."

"That's true, then we will go empty-handed."

"Well, there is nothing missing at home."

"... "

That's right, this guy is a real landlord and gentry in the class, so there is no need for them to send things.

It's a bit shabby to give away cheap ones, maybe they can't afford expensive ones.

Although girls are rich, their living expenses are a little higher than boys, but their expenses are also high. Except for living expenses, cosmetics, seasonal clothes and shoes, there is nothing left.

Lu Xiaolu also greeted Ma Xiaofei, don't buy anything, or it will be embarrassing.

There are others who say the same thing.

In this way, everyone wants to buy it but dare not buy it. It is not good to make others unable to come to Taiwan.

Except for Kenjiro Seki and Qiu Wei, everyone else's life is very tight, how can Lu Xiaolu let them spend money, and I don't lack this.

At noon, Lu Xiaolu made another video call to Mizi, and saw that she was cooking. There were stews in the coal pellet stove, two gas stoves, induction cooker, and rice cooker.

"Mizi, don't worry, it's already noon, let's have a full meal first."

"Okay, don't worry, Captain, I can't starve myself."

She was going to broadcast live over there, so Lu Xiaolu stopped bothering her.

This time it was really thanks to Miko, otherwise I would have to wait until I went back to stew.

Mizi's live broadcast today is also impressive.

From time to time, chickens, ducks, geese, and Xiao Hei passed by the camera, and the audience booed one after another, asking Mizi to kill the chicken.

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Lu Xiaolu went to the pier again to receive fuel and ice.

The frozen bait was not used up last time, and it was stored at the bait boss. Lu Xiaolu drove there again, so he had to pull it by himself.

"Captain Lu, you are the only one who bought five boxes of frozen bait and haven't used them up in half a month."

The bait boss was very helpless. Of the many people who bought bait, only Lu Xiaolu was the most economical.

Lu Xiaolu handed him a cigarette: "Hehe, there's no other way, it's really delayed by something."

It's not for nothing that he stores his bait here, and he gave a pack of Huazi when he came.

And I have been buying bait from him all the time, so there is nothing embarrassing about it.

It's not that his family is the only one selling bait now, if he doesn't want to, Lu Xiaolu will buy it from another family.

Obviously, the bait owner also understands this truth. No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat. Five boxes of bait are also money. How could it not make money.

Anyway, his cold storage is open, so it won't take up much space if he put it here, and he can still get Baohuazi, which is not a loss.

After filling several buckets with fresh water and sending them up, Lu Xiaolu drove back to school.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li took their classmates to the parking place.

Just separated by an iron fence, on the other side is a group of freshmen standing in a military posture.

Then they saw a large group of girls climbed into this Wuling Hongguang, and their eyes widened. Who are these gods?

Wuling Hongguang has a total of seven seats, and the fish tank has also been moved down. There are a total of eight people, and they can sit even if they are crowded.

Ma Xiaofei sat in the co-pilot, and the others were all girls, so he didn't have the nerve to squeeze in behind.

Lu Xiaolu put on his seat belt and played a song to ease the awkward atmosphere in the carriage.

The students in the two classes didn't know each other very well, so it was awkward to sit in the back.

As the hostess, Shirley naturally couldn't be stage-frightened at this time, so she took out a bag of plums from her bag and shared them with everyone, taking care of both sides.

Not neglecting the students in their class, but also taking care of Lu Xiaolu's classmates, talking and laughing, and getting closer to each other.

Fortunately, they are all girls. Let’s talk about celebrities, cosmetics, etc., and get familiar with them after a while.

Although Lu Xiaolu's classmate knew Shirley, they had never been in contact with her. They just knew that Lu Xiaolu and her were always inseparable.

After getting in touch with her at this time, Chen Zhenzhen and others couldn't help sighing, Shirley is so beautiful, and Lu Xiaolu is so lucky.

In fact, communication is not Shirley's strong point.

In normal times, Shirley doesn't like talking to strangers very much.

But today she is the host, she has to take care of the guest's feelings.

Especially since they are classmates of Little Donkey Oppa, if they are left out in the cold, Little Donkey Oppa will lose face.

After driving to the door, Lu Xiaolu stopped at the door of Lao Qiu's specialty store: "Wait a minute, I'll go and talk, and I'll leave right away."

When Lu Xiaolu walked into the store, Xiao Xiao had already finished school and was playing with the big fat cat in the store. The little civet cat had grown up, and the food seemed to be good.

"Little Donkey!"

Seeing Lu Xiaolu coming, Xiao Xiao ran over holding the big fat cat.

"Hey, your sister Shirley is in the car. Go find her and follow our car first."

"it is good!"

Shirley also opened the car door, hugged Xiao Xiao up, and sat on her lap. The big fat cat was in Xiao Xiao's arms again.

"It's really heavy."

"Old lady, Hua'er, brother Qiu, you guys go over together next time, don't worry, I'll take Xiaoxiao there first."

"That's fine, we'll be there at six o'clock."

Qiu Wei smiled, if there were no customers in the store, he would have liked to go there now.

He likes to join in the fun, and the most important thing is to be able to drink freely.

"But donkey, I can't drive after drinking tonight."

Qiu Wei seemed embarrassed and said, Lu Xiaolu smiled and said: "Haha, it's okay, I'll take you back in the evening."

"You don't drink?"

"Don't worry, someone will drink with you."

"That's fine."

Qiu Wei looked at Hua'er's face, and felt relieved when she saw that she didn't say anything, looking forward to the evening wine market.

"Then you are busy first, I will go back to cook first."

"Well, slow down."

Lu Xiaolu returned to the car, stepped on the accelerator, and Wuling galloped towards the second district in the direction of home.

Hua'er, who was packing the snacks, clenched her fingers, her face was pale, and beads of sweat fell.

(End of this chapter)

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