ocean hunter

Chapter 337 The Hen Has Laid Eggs

Chapter 337 The Hen Has Laid Eggs

Just in time, the instructor turned around from the window, and Lu Xiaolu hurried out to stop him.

"Instructor, I invite you to dinner on Friday night at my house."

The instructor was stunned: "This is not good, bad atmosphere is not a good thing."

"Instructor, where do you want to go, it's like this..."

Lu Xiaolu explained why he invited them to dinner, and said that Xiaoyan and the others would also go, and it would be better if the teacher took them with them.

If there is no teacher with them, I am afraid that they will not be able to let go, and there are others.

Going to eat is the same as suffering, so it is meaningless for Lu Xiaolu to treat guests.

The most important thing is that the director helped him a lot last time, so he has to accept this love.

"Okay, I'll take them there on Friday."

"No, come with me in the car then."

"it is good."

Now that the matter was settled, Lu Xiaolu felt a stone in his heart.

Zhien wants to repay, otherwise he will feel bad.

After class, Zang Huazhuang ran away again, knowing what to do without guessing.

It's good for a person to have a goal, whether it's learning something, earning money, or chasing someone he likes, it's all good, so Lu Xiaolu is willing to lend him money.

But some things may be wrong in the first place. If you learn something you shouldn't learn, make money with no conscience, and pursue the wrong person, you will only get deeper and deeper.

About learning things and making money, Lu Xiaolu can still talk about it, but about love, he is not good at it. He has only seen love in books since he was a child, the kind of love between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

So in this regard, he has no right to speak, so he can't give others blind advice.

Even if he's wrong, it's his happiness, and Lu Xiaolu doesn't dare to easily disturb other people's simple happiness.

It's like not saying that you ate a steak when others are happier for a meal of dumplings.

And don't say that your own child has passed Tsinghua University when other people's family celebrates their child's admission to the second university.

You don't have to bless, but don't bother.

This is the most basic quality of being a human being. I just don’t understand why I prefer more people.

Lu Xiaolu returned home in a happy mood. In front of the headlights, a khaki-colored shadow suddenly jumped out, which startled Lu Xiaolu. This could not be Huang Daxian, there was Xiao Hei urinating around here to mark it, How come Huang Daxian dared to come.

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly opened the door and went home, Xiao Hei came up to greet him, it was okay, after such a long time, Lu Xiaolu almost forgot about feeding him soapy water.

"Xue Li, have all the chickens, ducks and geese come back?"

Seeing Xiao Hei wagging his tail and running out, Xue Li knew that Lu Xiaolu was back.

He was about to show off his watch to Lu Xiaolu, when he heard the words, he said, "I'm back, I came back just after dark, what's the matter?"

"Oh, I saw Huang Daxian just now, give me the flashlight, and I'll count how many there are."

"Oh oh."

Shirley ran back into the house wearing slippers, and took out a flashlight to illuminate him.

Lv Xiaolu inspected the cabins one by one, um, the smell was a bit strong, but fortunately, they were all trampled to the ground.

Check the chicken coop first, the chickens have closed their eyes and started to sleep, when they saw Lu Xiaodonkey appearing, they were frightened and tried to hide inside. Shirley's flashlight shined on her eyes and stopped moving.


Counting the body is not easy to check, let's count the head.

When I bought [-] small kang chickens, two died and there were [-] left, just right.

Lu Xiaolu was about to lock the door of the chicken coop, when Xue Li suddenly pointed her finger: "Huh? Donkey Ouba, do you think that is an egg?"

Lu Xiaolu stretched out his head to see, I'll go, really.

"Haha, I finally laid eggs."

It's not easy to raise for so long.

Lu Xiaolu stretched out his hand to dig it out, causing the hens to scream "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

The rooster is "cluck cluck cluck cluck."


It was Lu Xiaolu who barked, and he was pecked twice on the hand.

Enduring the pain of being pecked, Lu Xiaolu finally took out all the eggs.

These hens look like sewing machines.

There are five eggs in total, Lu Xiaolu probably has more outside, these chickens have built quite a few nests in the woods, maybe they laid eggs a few days ago.

After hearing what Lu Xiaolu said, Xueli was about to run outside in a hurry, but was held back by him.

"They are well hidden. It's hard to find them at night, but you can find them during the day."

"oh oh."

The eggs are white, also called grass eggs, and only the chickens raised by them will lay such eggs.

The yellow ones sold in supermarkets are called foreign eggs, which are fed with feed.

The price is quite different.

Grass eggs cost one yuan each, and they are not easy to buy.

Many people who work in the city bring a basket of grass eggs with them when they return home.

The nutritional value and taste are different.

Cheng Min also came out, and Lu Xiaolu handed her the eggs and continued to check the duck and goose pens.

At that time, 20 cubs of three kinds were bought, two chickens died young, one duck died young, and all the geese were there.

The ducks were alright, they would "quack" and would not bite. Lu Xiaolu stretched out his hand and pulled them to make sure that none of them was missing.

The geese became ruthless, and as soon as Lu Xiaolu opened the door, three or four heads with rubies on top of their heads stuck out, pecking at the ground "Zhazaza".

Lu Xiaodonkey's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he stepped back and bumped into Cheng Min.

Fortunately, Cheng Min was stable, otherwise he would have smashed the egg.

After finally checking the big geese and making sure that there was not one missing, Lu Xiaolu felt relieved.

I don't know if the one at the door is Huang Daxian.

If so, it will be troublesome.

Although Lu Xiaolu is not from the Northeast, he is also a northerner, and he is quite taboo towards Huang Daxian.

Although there is no Huang Daxian, but I dare not touch it when I meet it.

I heard that there are still people who have memorial tablets for Huang Daxian in their homes, and they dare not even call Huang Daxian's title, and they all say "that one."

And if you meet Huang Daxian on the way, you will lose two yuan.

Although Lu Xiaolu had never made a confession and had no money to throw away, it was a bit difficult for him to beat Huang Daxian. It was not a matter of superstition or not.

If he doesn't fight, then he can't keep these chickens, ducks and geese.

Don't look at Huang Daxian's small body, but he has a natural blood to suppress poultry. Those big geese are vicious, and they can't fight at all.

There was a family in Luxiaolu village that raised poultry, but Huang Daxian broke in and killed several of them in a short while.

When the family members heard the movement, they put on their coats and came out to take a look with a flashlight. The thing stood up and didn't go away. It wasn't afraid of people at all.

It's not easy to raise some poultry at home, it's all money, this person is going to drive it away, but he fainted from his stinky fart, it was really fainted, his eyes were blue, and he was sent to the hospital for several days Slow down.

The great reputation of this thing makes people not afraid, so Lu Xiaolu planned to send Xiao Hei to sweep the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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