ocean hunter

Chapter 333 Surprise

Chapter 333 Surprise
Then, the young lady showed Lu Xiaolu the functions of this watch. Similarly, the tourbillon, which represents the pinnacle of mechanical watch making technology, is also indispensable.

This watch can also be used for diving, and it also has a counterclockwise scale dial that can be used to record the remaining amount of oxygen tanks.

It is not surprising that it can be used as a diving watch. High-end mechanical watches such as Green Water Ghost and Tissot have this function, and they are all attached.

The difference is the diving depth. For example, Lu Xiaolu’s watch can work normally at a depth of 300 meters, but this Patek Philippe can only work at a depth of 100 meters. If it goes any lower, the watch will break.

In fact, not many people will dive that deep, except for professional divers and scientific research workers, otherwise the watch can hold it, and people can't hold it.

After confirming that there is no problem, Lu Xiaolu nodded, and under the expectant eyes of the young lady, she took out her bank card: "Okay, that's all, swipe the card."

"Yes!" The young lady couldn't help clenching her fists, and then felt that she was a little out of control, so she quickly apologized and took the POS machine and a stack of documents.

After pressing the password, Lu Xiaolu's mobile phone came to remind him that the consumption was 466888 yuan, and the balance was 698750.23 yuan.

Since he came back from Shanghai, he has not used the money in the card, he has always used cash, and there has always been more than 2000 cash in his wallet.

Lu Xiaolu felt a little distressed when she fell back from being a millionaire, but this belonged to Xue Li.

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. Lu Xiaolu is not the kind of person who puts other people's money on himself and feels that the money belongs to him after a long time.

Seeing that Lu Xiaolu signed the document and took the invoice, the smile on the lady's face couldn't be suppressed, the deal was done, at this moment, her achievements came out.

Roughly calculated the commission, 9000%, she can get more than [-] yuan for this order, my god, how can I spend so much money.

Thinking about it, the young lady almost didn't tense up. Fortunately, she has been trained, and her professionalism is here.

When the guests are face to face, we must not lose etiquette.

The young lady put the watch back into the brocade, covered the box, and carefully put it into a wooden box. Next to the watch, there were two silver brooches with broken diamonds, pleated and shining.

According to the young lady, these two brooches are worth 5000 yuan, and they were designed by a master fashion designer in Milan.

And you have no place to buy it, it is a companion product of this watch.

Then, under the wooden box, there is the certificate of this watch, just like those jewelry, it has been authenticated by an authoritative organization.

The box alone is very beautiful and valuable, making people feel that it is worth buying. No wonder there is a saying that "buy the box and return the pearl."

Later, the young lady left Lu Xiaolu's contact information to facilitate future after-sales service, and sent him to the gate of the building.

There is an above-ground parking lot at the entrance of the building. The young lady is looking forward to seeing what Lu Xiaolu's car is.

Then the young lady widened her eyes, watching Lu Xiaolu get into a Wuling in disbelief.

Although there are some less wealthy people who come to buy famous brand watches as a facade, they all buy entry-level watches, which are almost tens of thousands of yuan, and some people will install them in installments.

A person like Lu Xiaolu who bought in full and still has a piece of Richard Mille in his hand, and his speech and behavior, no matter how he looks like a person who consumes ahead of schedule to satisfy his vanity.

What a surprise.

Could it be that you want to keep a low profile?If you are low-key, you will not buy such a good watch.

What a strange person.

But she doesn't care about this, let's go back and carefully calculate how much the commission is.

More than 9000, plus the basic salary is over [-].

She has never signed such a big order.

After happily returning to the store, the other two young ladies all said sourly: "Now you're rich."

"Yes, 9337, you have to treat me."

The young lady just smiled, but felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Why do I have to treat people after I earn money? You have never seen me before when you billed.

It's pretty quick to calculate other people's commissions.

On the other side, Lu Xiaolu was in an extremely comfortable mood, driving the car, playing and humming.

I don't know how Shirley will react when she sees this watch.

It was only five o'clock when we got back to school, and Shirley still had half an hour before school was over.

Originally, he wanted to save this surprise for her until the evening, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.

Lu Xiaolu sneaked into her classroom, and was just about to raise her head to take a look when she heard a roar coming from inside.

Lu Xiaolu's neck shrank. This female lecturer was a well-known ruthless person in the school. She could split bricks with her bare hands. It is said that she even twisted the head of a Terminator robot in a robot fighting competition.

Now is the time for her to lose her temper, Lu Xiaolu didn't dare to touch her head, so she could only walk back with the bag again.

There is no class yet, there is no one in the class, only a few girls chatting about celebrities, and Ji Wenjie is still playing with his mobile phone in his seat.

Zang Huazhuang is not here, so don't even think about it, he must have gone to find his girlfriend.

Seeing that Lu Xiaolu was carrying a beautiful gift bag with a logo on it, I couldn’t understand it, but it looked very pretty, the girls who were chatting about idols smiled curiously: "Little Lu Donkey, what did you buy again? Who did you buy it for?"

The relationship between them is still very good, Lu Xiaolu didn't hide it, and said with a smile: "Just a watch."

"Bought a watch again? You didn't buy it for yourself, did you?"

"Do you still need to ask, it must be for Shirley."

"What brand is this? The bag looks very nice. Hey, no one gave it to me."

Lu Xiaolu smiled: "Let your boyfriend give it to you, Patek Philippe."

"My boyfriend is dead, don't count on it, Patek... what? Patek Philippe!"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the students widened, and even Ji Wenjie, who was lying on the table watching anime, raised his head.

The name Patek Philippe sounds unclear, and unlike Richard Mille, Patek Philippe is like Rolex, LV, and Chanel, and more people have heard of it.

As the trendsetters of the new era, how could these college students have never heard of these brands.

But if you have heard it, you have heard it, and not many people have seen it.

At least the few present here have never seen the real thing, and they all stared wide-eyed and surrounded them with a yell.

Although it's not very polite, some people still couldn't help being curious: "Lu Xiaolu, can you open it for me to have a look?"

Lu Xiaolu nodded, just opened the box, it's all right.

Lu Xiaolu took out the box, put it on the table, and opened it carefully.

Several people onlookers exclaimed.

"Fuck, it's so pretty."

"Oh my god, is that shiny diamond? Four more!"

"What are those two? Diamonds too!"

"Looks like a brooch."

"Lu Xiaolu, can I take a picture? I want to post it on Moments."

"Yes." Lu Xiaolu smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

The girl took out her mobile phone and took a picture of the box in all directions, but she didn't touch it with her hands. This thing is precious, and it's over if you touch it.

When the others saw it, they quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

(End of this chapter)

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