ocean hunter

Chapter 326 It's Too Cheap, I Can't Sell It

Chapter 326 It's Too Cheap, I Can't Sell It
"Dad, you have to pay the money." The sister-in-law said while crossing her arms.

The uncle looked bitter: "Both your mother and I have no money."

"Why don't you have any money? It's not that I didn't give you the money from the previous sale. Besides, Lu Xiaolu is your nephew. Either you ask him for a boat, or you pay for it."

"This is for my money. Don't you usually spend my money on food and drink?" The uncle muttered in a low voice.

The sister-in-law stared: "What's wrong with eating here, isn't Xiao Ning your grandson? Xiaoya is not your granddaughter!"

Her voice was so loud that the uncle didn't dare to speak. He turned to look at his son. Daqiang just "coughed" twice, turned his face and went to smoke.

In this family, none of them can win the sister-in-law, and Daqiang himself wants the uncle to pay, so he
From the beginning to the end, the aunt didn't even dare to make a sound, she hugged Maoya and pulled the uncle.

"Forget it, forget it, there are so many people here, tell the little donkey again, isn't his boat only used in the morning? Let's wait for him to use it up before using it. It's a big deal to cheer him up."


The uncle sighed, and wanted Xiao Ning to find Lu Xiaolu, but Xiao Ning was thin-skinned and probably embarrassed.

In the end, is it still the only way to let him go?
Forget it, let's go.

The uncle stepped onto the boat, and before he could speak, Lu Xiaolu scooped up a bowl of water, splashed it over with a splash, and doused his pants.

"Ah!" The uncle frantically dusted it with his hands. This is not ordinary water, but also detergent.

The uncle hadn't made any trouble yet, but Lu Xiaolu took the initiative: "Ah, I didn't see it. You came on the boat by yourself. It's not my fault."


What else can the uncle say, now he has something to ask for.

The uncle put on a smiling face and said generously: "It's okay, donkey, our old family has been here for so long, and you haven't been here to see it a few times. Why don't you find a free time to come and get together! Lalagua?"

"No time, let me go."

Lu Xiaolu pushed him away, called the ice bin again, and moved the frozen bait to the cart, a total of five boxes.

"How about I help you?" The uncle rubbed his hands together and said.

"No, don't show off your old waist, you'll blackmail me when the time comes." Lu Xiaolu refused mercilessly.


Xiao Ning, who was below, wanted to come up to help, but was grabbed by the sister-in-law: "You have no place to use your strength, right? Go and play, and hurry up and find someone who will give me a long face."

When the sister-in-law thought of Lu Xiaolu's beautiful lover, she became very angry. Lu Xiaolu was no better than her own son, and she couldn't afford to eat before.

After Lu Xiaolu finished moving the frozen bait, he went into the ice bin with a shovel. The uncle didn't know what he was going to do, so he stuck his head out: "Little... ah!"

A cloud of ice hit him in the face with water.

"If you don't follow me, you have to follow me. It's not my fault."

Lu Xiaolu shoveled the ice on his own, not even in the mood to go up and have a look.

The ice cubes weren't too bad, the uncle was completely chilled by the ice water. It was early in the morning and the weather was a bit cold.

"Aww!" After screaming strangely for a while, the uncle said again: "Little donkey, isn't your boat only used in the morning? I'll give it to your elder brother when you're done using it, okay!"

"Okay, give me the money, 100 yuan a day, and the gas will be paid for by myself, excluding fishing nets."

"Why do boats need to be rented?"

"Hehe, why doesn't the boat need money?"

For 100 yuan a day, you have to refuel and buy the net yourself. Isn’t this a joke?After deducting the gas fee and rent, Uncle and Daqiang earn less than Lu Xiaolu for every penny.

"That won't work, donkey, look, we are all relatives of our own family, so we don't pay rent."

"Is there anything else, you can go if there is nothing else."

Lu Xiaolu also finished clearing the ice, locked the door, and jumped off the boat with the garbage bag.

Daqiang wanted to extend his hand to keep him, but Lu Xiaolu ignored him and drove away in the car.

"This is your good brother!" The sister-in-law said angrily.

"Okay, there are so many people." Daqiang muttered, then turned to look for the aunt again: "Mom, buy another boat, so I can get some money, okay?"

"I don't have that much money, you can go to your old cousin to borrow some."

Li Chang and his cousin, who were setting up a stall, suddenly felt a chill behind them.

Back at school, Shirley just finished a class, and Lu Xiaolu called her to come over.

"Little Donkey Ouba, what's the matter?" Shirley wondered why Lu Xiaolu wanted her.

"Well, you're short of money, and I'm not lending it to you. This watch is half of yours. Follow me to the bank and I'll transfer it to you."

"Oh, I don't want it. You didn't sell this watch, and wearing it on your hand is half of mine."

"Then I'm not going to sell it, I have to give you the money."

"I don't want it!" Shirley kicked him, turned around and left.

Lu Xiaolu rubbed his calf and muttered, "I'm quite tempered."

What can I do if I don't need money, then buy her something more expensive. So far, Shirley has bought a lot of things for herself.

But counting money hurts too much. He can do it with others, but not with Shirley.

Back in class, Lu Xiaolu suddenly asked Zang Huazhuang: "Zang Huazhuang, do you know what is a good gift for a girl?"

Zang Huazhuang regained his spirit: "You've got to ask the right person about this, you must give me cosmetics, look at me..."

As he said that, he opened his circle of friends again: "No 998, no 688, now only 388, my girlfriend was moved to tears."

"Get out of here." Lu Xiaolu went back and asked Xue Li and Cheng Min, saying that this kind of micro-business sells fake products, bought for a few dollars, bought hundreds of dollars, and used it on the face to disfigure people. possible.

"Hey, little donkey, let's take a look. Well, I won't sell it anymore. Seriously, I'm good at giving gifts to girlfriends. Let me show you."

Zang Huazhuang opened his Taobao record, and Lu Xiaolu's eyes widened when he saw it. There was a long list of orders, such as Hanfu, jk, lipstick, snacks, clothes purchased on behalf of others, etc., all of which were hundreds of dollars. It's not finished after a while, but there are more below.

"Uh, you bought this for your partner?"

"Hehe, she hasn't agreed yet."

"You want a gift if you don't agree? So much?"

"It's not what she asked for, but I offered it."

"Okay, take it easy, but these gifts of yours are not suitable for me."

"What's the matter? Can't bear it?" Zang Huazhuang said proudly.

Although he is not as rich as Lu Xiaolu, he is more generous than him.

"No, it's too cheap, I can't afford it." Lu Xiaolu said flatly.

"Pfft~ Forget it, I won't tell you."

Zang Huazhuang turned to look at Lingling's chat history again, hey, she posted it on Moments.

"Children still know how to buy candy for the girl they like. Are you talking about "I love you" in a few words, and you are perfunctory?"

Then there is a screenshot of the red envelope transfer below.

(End of this chapter)

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