ocean hunter

Chapter 312 Steamed Mantou

Chapter 312 Steamed Mantou

"No, I'll buy it and hang it on the wall to watch."


Lu Xiaolu doesn't like other people's sales the most. If it's useful, it's okay, like fitness, swimming cards, etc., you can see it every day at the school gate.

Similar to "Handsome guy, learn about swimming and fitness." This kind of words are heard every day.

"Alright then." The boss smacked his lips regrettably, it's a pity that he didn't get a referral fee.

In the end, Lu Xiaolu bought a complete set of diving equipment and left. The boss wanted to introduce him to all the big brands but was rejected.

Why do you want to be so good?It can't resist the water pressure for you, no matter how expensive it is, it will have the same effect.

There is no need to worry about counterfeit and inferior products for cheap products. This is a matter of life and safety. Inspection is very strict, and unqualified products cannot be released to the market.

The boss was very disappointed. He just failed to sell the course, and he didn't even sell the diving suit worth several thousand yuan.

Lu Xiaolu didn't care what he was talking about, and just said, "Which one is the cheapest?"

A diving suit plus an oxygen tank is only 500 yuan, and there is also a portable oxygen machine to inflate the oxygen tank, which is also the cheapest 600 yuan.

Adding one piece is only 100 yuan.

After buying all these things, Lu Xiaolu didn't rush into the water.

Although he can swim, he hasn't used these equipments before, so it's better to go home and look at the information.

Never play with your own safety.

When I got home, the chickens and ducklings were all running wild in the woods, and there were no wild dogs or cats, or even people, so I was very relieved.

I don't want to cook for Xiao Hei, so I pour some dog food down, that's what dog food is for.

Lu Xiaolu opened a can of happy water, leaned on the sofa, and browsed the diving information.

Recreational scuba diving is generally at a depth of 40 meters, and if you want to go down, you need a professional.

Generally, professional divers can reach a depth of about 100 meters, and the highest record is 332.35 meters.

The sun is no longer visible at that depth, and divers will go down with waterproof flashlights.

If you say that you can dive even if you dive hard, your body just can't bear it.

The water pressure there is too deep, divers have to go into the low pressure chamber to adjust slowly after coming up, otherwise they will fall into diving sickness.

Even for recreational diving, the eardrums will be hurt by the water pressure at a depth of 40 meters, so when diving and rising, you will slowly adapt to the pressure a little bit.

Lu Xiaolu's diving watch finally worked.

After studying for so long, he already knows how to use it.

One is used to calculate the remaining amount of the oxygen tank, just twist it, you need to adjust it yourself.

The oxygen tank he bought, the boss said it can stay underwater for 10 to [-] minutes.

Lu Xiaolu purposely brought an oxygen tank to experiment, and turned the dial to the corresponding scale.

It is worth mentioning that this dial rotates counterclockwise, which can more accurately let divers know how long they have been diving.

At 15 minutes, the scale of the dial reached a red line, which reminded the divers that it was time to float up.

Finally, at 22 minutes, the pointer scale reaches zero, and the oxygen is exhausted.

This may be related to not being in the water, and everyone's lung capacity is different.

But overall not bad.

The function of the tourbillon inside is to prevent the watch hands from being affected by the force of the earth and causing errors.

Mistakes in the watch during diving can really kill people.

The 300-meter diving watch is enough for him.

He does not have a decompression chamber to help him adjust, and it is impossible for him to go to a depth of 300 meters.

Put the oxygen tank on the oxygen machine, plug it in, and it will be fully charged in about 20 minutes.

Who told him to buy cheap stuff?

There are also masks, which are different from swimming goggles. The masks can cover the nose and ears, which can relieve the eardrum pain symptoms of diving.

Diving suits are close-fitting waterproof suits whose surface is designed to imitate shark skin. They can swim more smoothly in the water and can also resist cold. After all, water a few meters deep is very cold.

The flippers are relatively wide and thick, and there is a water tank, which can bring more power. The power of wearing flippers is about three times that of not wearing flippers.

For example, you need to kick your legs three times to reach the designated place with bare feet, but you only need to kick your legs once if you wear flippers.

Lu Xiaolu read on the Internet that it is best to walk backwards when wearing flippers, but he still didn't believe it, so he stumbled, but fortunately there was no one at home.

"Xiao Hei, what a fart you are laughing!"


In fact, there is another kind of equipment that is more powerful, with a copper round helmet, and the waterproof suit on the body is the same as the spacesuit.

That thing is more powerful, and it is generally only used by scientific research personnel on the seabed, and they go down with the submarine.

Ordinary people don't even think about it, the price of that set would not be able to afford even if Lu Xiaolu was sold.

"Didi, little donkey Oppa, let's come back."

Shirley and Chengmin are back.

Seeing the diving suit Lu Xiaolu bought, Xue Li's eyes lit up: "Little Donkey Oppa, you want to dive."

"Well, diving to catch some lobsters or something."

"Do you know?"

"What's the matter, let's go downstream."


Shirley originally wanted to try a diving suit, but unfortunately the size was too large. She wore it like a jacket, and she probably poured water into it when she entered the water.

After letting go of this thought, Xueli remembered something, and turned around in front of Lu Xiaolu: "Little Donkey Oppa, don't you notice that I am different?"

"The hair is black."

"It's still hot, okay?"

Not only Shirley, Cheng Min also had her hair cut, she said it was Ji's hair, which was similar to the princess's cut, but less cut than the princess's, with a more exuberant temperament.

Shirley dyed her hair back, curled it a little, and the slender earrings around her ears were faintly visible, resting on her collarbone, um, Miss Yu.

"By the way, I almost forgot one thing."

Xue Li suddenly took out a bag from her bag: "I bought the baking powder, let's steam the buns."


Steaming steamed buns was no big deal, Lu Xiaolu washed his hands, put on his apron and started kneading the dough.

There is no ratio, it just depends on the feeling, the Chinese cook only two words, appropriate amount.

After kneading the noodles, you have to wait for it to grow. In order to let the yeast work faster, Lu Xiaolu put the basin under the quilt, covered it with a quilt, and it will be ready in half an hour.

Take it out and poke it with your finger, it will be soft and it will bounce back slowly, that's good.

Divide the dough into two pieces, knead them into sticks, and cut them into small pieces with a knife.

Xueli is responsible for stuffing the washed red dates and red date steamed buns into the dough.

Cheng Min has already boiled the water, but the Liezi is too small, you can only put six small steamed buns at a time, just put them on top and steam them.

This kind of steamed bun is small and can be steamed in 15 minutes.

Lu Xiaolu's skill in steaming steamed buns is really not good, even Shirley and Cheng Min can't open their eyes and tell lies, saying that he is better than other professional steamers.

Fortunately, the aroma of red dates adds a lot of points to the steamed buns, and it's just out of the pan, so it's quite delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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