ocean hunter

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

"Well, okay, this is simple, just sit and rest for a while."

Boiled shrimp is the simplest, just boil it with onion and ginger.

Shrimp are cold in nature, men are okay, but women will have a stomachache if they eat too much.

Lu Xiaolu chopped some minced ginger and mixed it with balsamic vinegar. Eating it with shrimp can dispel the cold.

Xue Li swallowed, blinked her eyes and said, "Donkey Oppa, my arm hurts so much, can you peel the shrimp for me?"

"I know it hurts now. I'll give you a massage later, or my arm will be swollen when I get up tomorrow."

Lu Xiaolu babbled as she peeled the shells and deveined the prawns, dipped them in ginger vinegar and stuffed them into her mouth.

"Bajibaji, it's delicious, I want more! Hee hee."

"Open your mouth."


These prawns are very big, each weighing one or two, with a lot of prawn meat, which tastes very refreshing.

Xue Li's eyes narrowed when she ate, and she didn't forget to let Lu Xiaolu eat too, which is really rare.

It's just that this thing can't be used for rice, and it's definitely not enough to just eat shrimp. Lu Xiaolu cooked another bag of quick-frozen dumplings.

After the meal, Xueli was going to clear the table, but Lu Xiaolu pressed her on the chair: "Don't move, just sit still, and I'll give you a massage when I'm done."

"All right."

Lu Xiaolu cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, boiled the footwashing water, and brought it in front of Xueli.

Shirley had already taken off her shoes and socks, and put her feet into the basin with a smile.

"Little Donkey Oppa, you can wash it too."

"That's fine too."

It's not like it hasn't been washed.

Lu Xiaolu was not hypocritical, he took off his shoes and socks and stretched into the basin, it was cold today, he didn't sweat, and he didn't smell bad.

Shirley stepped on his big feet with her little feet and rubbed them, saving her hands from getting wet.

Lu Xiaolu pulled her arm over and squeezed it carefully.

"Little donkey Oppa, my body is also sore, please pinch it for me."


Casting the net requires twisting the waist, so it's no wonder she doesn't feel any pain.

Lu Xiaolu poured out the footwashing water, Xueli was already lying on his bed, and Lu Xiaolu stood aside, giving her a massage.

Press from the toes to the thighs, then to the waist, back, and then the temples.

This is what I learned when my young lady gave him a massage in the Guanguan restaurant, but I didn't expect it to be useful.

It was still raining lightly outside, but fortunately there were no storms, so Xiao Hei fell asleep under the table after dinner.

While Lu Xiaolu was massaging Xue Li, she chatted with each other one after another.

"Is it heavy?"

"Exactly, a little to the left, yes, it's so comfortable."

"Shirley, Shirley?"


She actually fell asleep. Looking at her tired face, she knew that casting a net was not easy today.

The little bed was uncomfortable to sleep on, it was so uncomfortable, Lu Xiaolu carefully picked her up, the good guy didn't look fat at all, and was quite heavy.

Carefully send Shirley to her own room, cover her with a quilt, and close the doors and windows, otherwise the night wind will catch her cold.

Lu Xiaolu returned to the captain's cabin and lay down. The bed was still warm and there was a scent.

That night, Lu Xiaolu slept very soundly, drooling, and didn't know what dream he had.

The misty rain still didn't stop, and the sky was drowsy, making Lu Xiaolu think it was still early, so he glanced out the window, turned over and wanted to sleep again.

Xueli had already gotten up, did not call Lu Xiaolu after washing up, went to the kitchen to fry the steamed buns she bought before she came here, and brought them to the captain's cabin.

Xiao Hei ran over to rub against her leg, Xue Li could only throw one to it first, then went to Lu Xiaolu's bed, took the bun and put it in front of her nose, watching him dazedly sniffing and laughing Come.

Suddenly, Lu Xiaolu bit her finger.


Xue Li's scream woke up Lu Xiaolu, who looked around in a daze: "What's wrong?"

Xue Li glared at him, and stuffed the bun into his mouth: "Eat, you, what time is it and you still don't get up."


Lu Xiaolu swallowed the buns in two gulps, raised his hand to see that it was already 07:30.

Get up, wash and eat, it's raining today, so you don't need to do morning exercises.

Lu Xiaolu asked while biting the steamed stuffed bun: "Xue Li, how are you? Are you still sore?"

Shirley shook her arm: "I'm not sore anymore, but my arm is still a little bit, but it's not a problem."

"Well, that's good, wait until I come to fish, don't go on it."

"Yeah, I'm watching from the side."

Xue Li said that she didn't do anything, and she didn't stay idle. She helped Lu Xiaolu chop bait, reel in rods, tie the rope buckle after catching fish, bleed the tuna, and so on.

On this day, the Golden Sailfish went to three places and caught two bluefin tuna.

Don't look at just two, the quality is really good.

The first one is a fat man, he is not big, but he is estimated to weigh 130 kilograms, which is considered a small best.

Shirley estimated the price at 8000 yuan, and Lu Xiaolu estimated it at [-] yuan.

The second one made Lu Xiaolu suffer a lot, he didn't hold her back alone, but Xue Li finally fell for it.

In order to exert all his strength, Lu Xiaolu stuck tightly to Xue Li, cheek to cheek, and struggled for nearly an hour before pulling him up.

This bluefin tuna is terrifying, at least five times Shirley's weight.

It was supposed to start the boat, but Xue Li couldn't make a move, so Lu Xiaolu insisted on gritting his teeth at that time. It is estimated that without Xue Li, the fishing line would be pulled straight away.

The "creaking" sound of the fishing rod is shocking.

Fortunately, he persevered in the end. The bluefin tuna, which was about [-] meters tall, was finally killed by Lu Xiaolu's gun.

If this was seen by those whores, he would be too cruel.

This one is bigger, but according to Lu Xiaolu's experience, the meat quality can only be said to be average.

He cut open the tail of the tuna and looked at the fat layer, which is the experience he has learned from selling fish for a long time.

Not sure, but it can be estimated.

The meat quality is not enough, and the weight is combined. This fish is about twice the size of the fat man just now. Putting it together is like father and son. The father left all the good things for the stupid son to eat, and made the son fat.

The estimated value of this big fish is between [-] and [-].

This big fish alone will not be too tiring, the key is that two more were caught in the back, so I worked hard to pull it up and have a look, big blue shark.

Angry Lu Xiaolu wanted to get it up to make shark's fin, but unfortunately it was against the law, even if it was caught on a boat.

At the end of the day, Shirley's arm really couldn't fish any more, she couldn't even chop bait, and it hurt when she raised her hand.

Lu Xiaolu waved his hand: "No more fishing!"

Anyway, I bought less frozen bait this time, and now I have used more than half of it, and there is only one box left.

"How can I do without fishing? The fuel consumption this time is much higher than before." Xue Li sighed.

This time I came out against strong winds, and the fuel consumption was half as much as before. It would be a loss if I returned to Hong Kong now.

"Don't worry, I can cast a net."


After cooking and eating, Lu Xiaolu massaged Xueli's whole body again, and drank some wine to relieve her fatigue.

Then, he started looking for schools of fish in the upper layer of the sea.

Crayfish are not only used to catch tuna.

(End of this chapter)

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