ocean hunter

Chapter 274 Only 999

Chapter 274 Only 999
Shirley carefully placed the glass squid in the live water tank.

The tuna is all gone and no fish will pose a threat to it.

And the life of squid is generally very tenacious, don't worry about it.

After finishing, Shirley ran back with a "thump thump" and shouted excitedly.

"Keep fishing, keep fishing, there may be more down there."

In the end, before the glass squid came, a dark guy came.

"This is, glutinous rice dumpling? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, donkey Ouba, here comes the glutinous rice dumpling!" Shirley shouted excitedly, but was afraid of scaring the little seal away, so she quickly lowered her voice.

Lu Xiaolu also ran out quickly, this is his savior, don't neglect him.

"Wait, glutinous rice dumpling, don't go yet, I'll get you some fish to eat."

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly carried the small bucket, ran to the live water tank, and fished out the remaining fish, hey, there is a blue squid here, let's fish it out and let it eat together.

Fearing that the little seal would leave, Lu Xiaolu trotted to the deck with the bucket in hand and fed it with fish.

Cheng Min seemed a little scared, Shirley signaled her not to be afraid, and reached out to touch a fish for her.

"It once saved Oppa the donkey, but it's alright, if you feed it a fish, it will like you. Wait a minute, this is a glass squid."

Xue Li hurriedly exchanged another fish for Cheng Min, and put the glass squid back into the live water tank.

Lu Xiaolu and Cheng Min stretched out their hands at the same time, the little seal looked at them, rolled around in the water, and clapped their hands in front of Cheng Min.

Cheng Min was overjoyed: "Hahaha, come and open your mouth, you're so good."

Lu Xiaolu had black lines on his face, this guy values ​​sex over friends.

Xue Li also ran back, all three of them had fish in their hands, and only Xue Li and Cheng Min ate glutinous rice dumplings.

Lu Xiaolu didn't believe in evil, and thought that the fish he took was not good, so he gave it another sardine, and reached out at the same time as Cheng Min and Xue Li.

In the end, it ate, even after eating, it didn't even look at Lu Xiaolu, and turned to smile at Xue Li and Cheng Min.

"Little Donkey Oppa, we don't have enough fish, go and get some more."


Xue Li didn't catch much fish yesterday, but now that the glutinous rice dumplings have grown a bit, her appetite has greatly increased, so she quickly ordered Lu Xiaolu to go catch fish.

What else can Lu Xiaolu say, this is a savior, he can't make people hungry.

Turning the searchlight to the other side, Lu Xiaolu ran over with the net, and after waiting for a while, a school of fish gathered.

Lu Xiaolu "Ka Ka" went down the net twice, five or six squid, and wanted to catch more, Xue Li urged.

"Little Donkey Oppa, have you caught it? There is the last one left."

"Here we come." Lu Xiaolu hurried over with the bucket.

Seals can live to be more than 20 years old. They are white and have fluff in their juvenile stage. Now they are in the growth stage. They grow slowly and do not change much.

Others may look at seals that look similar, but Shirley can recognize them at a glance.

Lu Xiaolu can recognize it because of its iconic movements, and wild seals have not been trained, so not many will be like it.

Well, after being full again, the glutinous rice dumpling clapped its hands, gave Shirley and Cheng Min a smile, got into the water and ran away.

Well, this time I didn't even say hello.

Shirley explained to Cheng Min the indissoluble bond between glutinous rice dumplings and them.

It can be said that if there were no glutinous rice dumplings, Lu Xiaolu would have already fed the fish by now.

While talking, Shirley suddenly thought, what should she do if it really happened at that time?
Seeing that she didn't speak, her eyes were dull, and tears were still shining, Cheng Min waved her hand in front of her: "Hey, what are you thinking?"

Shirley woke up suddenly, sniffed, choked up and said, "It's okay."

Lu Xiaolu was a little strange, wasn't she fine just now, why did she look like she was crying.

"Shirley, what's wrong with you?"

Shirley pushed him away: "Oh, I'm blinded by the sea breeze, hurry up and boil the water for washing your feet, it's disgusting!"

"oh oh."

Lu Xiaolu didn't suspect him, so she ran to boil hot water to wash her feet.

Under the moonlight, Cheng Min sang the parent's song to Shirley, a cheerful tune.

Soon, Shirley also joined in, and the two sang loudly, even without the sea breeze blowing, as if they wanted to hear their singing.

Xiao Hei seemed to feel the cheerful atmosphere, jumping around beside the two of them.

"Xue Li, Cheng Min, the water for washing feet is ready, you guys wash first."

After saying hello, Lu Xiaolu wanted to run into the toilet.

The place is too small, it's embarrassing to go to the bathroom, like this morning.

It's better to go up while they are washing their feet.

Normally, with Xueli on board, Lu Xiaolu didn't smoke when she went to the bathroom, otherwise the whole room would smell of smoke.

I can't play on my mobile phone, I don't smoke, and I go to the toilet quickly, and he comes out in 5 minutes.

Shirley and Cheng Min were squatting on the deck, brushing their teeth and washing their faces. On board the ship was no better than at home. Toiletries could not be placed in the toilet, they would only be brought in when washing.

Just after using the toilet, the smell was still there, so Lu Xiaolu squatted on the deck to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Speaking of which, before he met Shirley, he used to wash his face, wash his feet, and take a bath in one basin.

It’s the kind of porcelain basin with two goldfishes in it. The family had it a long time ago, and it broke down a few times. It was repaired by a tinkerer for [-] cents a time.

Mai Tai is pretty good, but the people over there do it like this, even if there are several pots in the family, it will be split after a long time.

Discovering his habit, Shirley immediately changed it for him and bought basins and towels of different colors.

One set on board, one set at home.

While soaking their feet, the three of them slapped on toner, but they didn't need to remove their makeup. Who would wear makeup on the boat.

After soaking in hot water, I felt tired and sore all over my body. Seven fish a day is not a joke.

The next morning, Lu Xiaolu searched for another spot and caught a bigeye tuna, which couldn't fit in the ice bin, and would pile up to the top of his head.

There were still two pieces of frozen bait left, it would be a pity to throw them away, Lu Xiaolu took them to the kitchen, peeled off the meat with a knife, made sure there were no thorns in these two pieces, and threw them to Xiao Hei to eat.

It can be seen that this guy likes to eat raw meat, and he ran to lick the blood of swordfish yesterday.

On the way back, I ran into the cruise ship again by accident, and drove back side by side.

Lu Xiaolu was ready to scold, the old men and women didn't come out.

Instead, the captain chatted on the radio for a while, and was relieved to hear that Lu Xiaolu and the others were going to Xiamen Wharf.

Fortunately, they are not from the same place, otherwise the journey would not stop. Those old men and women were very angry yesterday, and they are still lying in bed.

Their company is in Quanzhou next door, and they let Lu Xiaolu and the others go on a seven-day sea tour when they have time. In order to give back to the customers, the original price was 4999, but now it only costs 999.

"Brother, your discount is a bit strong, there will be no bundled consumption."


The two chatted happily, but an old man got up to urinate, and happened to see the Golden Sailfish driving alongside them, and hurried into the cabin and shouted.

"Come out! Those little bastards are here again!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the old men and women who had been lying on the bed with their corpses crawled up and ran to the deck to curse.

(End of this chapter)

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