ocean hunter

Chapter 252 Methods

Chapter 252 Methods
The moment the green lobster was pushed out, Lu Xiaolu hurriedly reeled in the line and pulled the lobster out of the coral reef to prevent the fishing line from getting caught.

The lobster is different from the fish. It leaves the ground and has no place to hold on to it. How can it be stopped by flicking its tail? Lu Xiaolu dragged it straight up from the bottom of the sea and threw it directly onto the deck .

This guy was not being honest when he got on the deck, and he was going to back away as soon as he twitched.

Lu Xiaolu quickly ran forward and grabbed him. "Where are you going!",
"You still want to slap me?"

Lu Xiaolu brought the lobster to Xue Li, and said as if offering a treasure. "Xue Li, let's see how big this lobster is. I'll use it to make porridge at night."

"Ah? It's so big, tie it up and put it away, take it back and sell it."

"That won't work, I'll make porridge for you to drink at night." Lu Xiaolu said, and was about to go to the kitchen to kill the lobster.

Xue Li grabbed him and said angrily: "You are stupid, I think this lobster is almost six or seven hundred, I'm crazy to eat it, don't eat it!"

She turned around to look for the rope, but she was afraid that Lu Xiaolu would kill the lobster while she was turning around, so she dragged him outside.

"Hey, what are you dragging me for?" Lu Xiaolu was dragged out by Xue Li's arms, until Xue Li found the rope and tied the lobster.

Xue Li raised her finger and stared at Lu Xiaolu: "I warn you, don't kill it."

"Then what are you having for dinner?"

Shirley gave him a blank look: "Oh, I'm not a rich lady, I can't eat without lobster? When did you become so hypocritical hahaha."

Lu Xiaolu was stunned, yes, when did he become so pretentious, he had to enlarge the lobster to cook porridge?

Shirley's condition is much better now, as long as she cooks it lightly, she can eat it.

Standing in the live water tank and looking around, Lu Xiaolu brought up the small tuna that Ah Wei caught. This is not expensive, and the fish is not fishy.

"Xue Li, why didn't you use this fish for fishing?" Lu Xiaolu chatted with Xue Li while killing the fish.

Small tuna is an excellent choice for live bait fishing.

"I was thinking of using it for you. Who knows that it won't be needed now. I would have used it if I knew it. Maybe I caught a bigger one."

Lu Xiaolu was in a cold sweat when he heard that: "Grandma, it's a good thing you didn't use this fish, so if you caught a few thousand catties, you'd be fine?"

Shirley sat on the chair and laughed loudly: "How can I have that ability, hahaha."

Fish meat is no better than lobster meat. If you want to make porridge, you have to remove the fish bones.

Lu Xiaolu took a knife and carefully scraped off the fish bit by bit, not too much, just enough to make porridge.

He didn't want to bother with the rest, so he threw it into the sea to feed the fish.

After the meal, Shirley took the fever medicine again and yawned. The fever medicine is like this, which makes people sleepy.

"Donkey Oppa, I'm going to sleep."

"Well, let's go."

At night, Lu Xiaolu didn't want the crayfish to go to the coral reef to disturb those guys who were looking for food.

Otherwise, if you turn on two light bulbs and scare those guys, you will be in trouble if you don't get into the cage.

There is no signal on the mobile phone, Shirley is sleeping again, and there is no one to chat with.
There were people talking on the radio from time to time, and Lu Xiaolu and these middle-aged people had nothing in common.

"Then let's tidy up the living water tank."

With nothing else to do, Lu Xiaolu took the net and fished out the dead or dying fish in the living water tank and threw them away.

The ones that can be sold for money are kept, and the worthless small fish are also released.

These caught fish are not easy to feed, otherwise they can be put in the fish tank as rations for them.

The four of them caught three small barrels of fish that day, all of which could catch up with gillnets in the inland sea. The resources are different after all.

Especially now that there are so many fishing boats in the inland sea, it won't last long if they fight like this every day. This is the beginning of the fish season, and it will be even more difficult later on.

This is why fishermen's harvests are getting worse and worse.

It is estimated that the local fishermen have scolded Lu Xiaolu to death. There are not many resources in the first place, and they brought so many people from their hometown.

It's good for him, he patted his ass and went to the outer sea, and let his old family compete with them for the resources of the inner sea, what a loss.

No, the villagers of Yangguang Village gathered together to discuss what to do. This year's fish season has just started, and their income has directly decreased by one-third compared with previous years, and it is getting less and less.

The children in the family have to spend money to go to college. The living expenses of two to three thousand a month are really worrying.

Da Huangya sucked his teeth: "This Lu Xiaolu is really not a thing. When he was beaten, he was beaten too lightly."

The village chief gave him a blank look: "What's the matter, isn't the compensation enough? It's been on the news that Lu Xiaolu rescued people, you didn't see it."

Da Huangya's wife exploded again: "It's none of our business for him to save people, old coffin, how dare you say that if you hadn't taken the lead, our family would have lost so much money!"

The village chief shrank his head, he didn't want to be shitted at the door of his house again, old lady, who will save you if you fall into the water someday!

A few older people said impatiently: "Okay, all the old sesame seeds and rotten millet have been found out, let's think about what to do now, so many people are crowded in Butterfly Bay, making everyone earn money." No money."

"It's not that those outsiders came to make trouble, so that we have no place to catch fish." Xiao Ba complained, and he was annoyed when he thought about Lu Xiaolu.

He was greedy for a few fishing nets, but his joy turned into sorrow. He lost the Apple Plus he just bought, and the blind date failed. He heard that the girl was engaged to someone this year, which made him feel so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Then what can we do? Didn't you hear that the Public Security Bureau came to popularize the law? The sea is not the property of our village."

The villagers scoffed at what this man said. In their view, this is the property of their village, and what is in front of their house is their own.

But when it comes to making troubles, everyone shrank their necks and pretended to be dead, and no one wanted to be this early bird.

It's because the family has too much money to spend, and I still want to go to prison for a few days.

"I think it's better to go overseas this year, Xiao Ba, Lao Wu, the three of us are partners?" someone suggested.

The resources to go overseas are good, but the cost has also increased, and the fuel cost alone is quite a lot.

The space of the small boat is small. If you bring a few oil barrels, you can’t even put a few fishing nets. If you bring less, the fish you catch will not be enough for the oil.

So if you want to bring more nets, you have to join forces with several companies to pull more nets, and then have a special boat for loading fish, so that the fish can be sent back halfway, and others continue to fish.

In addition, there must be a boat with a shed, so that you can sleep at night, and the round trip costs so much fuel, who is willing to come back if you don't stay there for a week or so.

(End of this chapter)

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