ocean hunter

Chapter 235 Herring Swarm

Chapter 235 Herring Swarm

In these places, many local fishermen cannot squeeze in. Only those who can quarrel and swear can occupy a place.

Most of them are couples, the woman is in charge of the literary fight, and if the fight breaks out accidentally, the man will start fighting.

If the couple are both civil and military, they can occupy the best position.

Lu Xiaolu didn't have the ability to compete with these civil and military champions, so he bypassed them far away.

Although the fish rafts are not as good as Butterfly Bay, the harvest has been very stable, and those who can't grab Butterfly Bay will go there.

As for those who can't grab anything, such as the two brothers and sisters Xiaonan and Xiaobei, it can only depend on luck and one's own experience.

If you encounter a large group of seabirds gathering, it is luck to encounter a school of fish.

It's a pity that such a scene is rare, at least Lu Xiaolu didn't encounter it all the way, but it is often encountered in the open sea, but it's a pity that the Golden Sailfish is not a seine fishing boat.

Lu Xiaolu stopped the boat: "Xue Li, come and drive for a while, I will observe and observe."

"Okay." Knowing that it was Lu Xiaolu who was looking for fish, Xue Li walked past Xiao Hei.

"Slow down."


Xiao Hei was so frightened that his legs went limp, but fortunately, he was in good health and showed no signs of vomiting.

Lu Xiaolu put the crayfish into the water. There were some scattered fish here, including some big ones weighing more than ten to twenty kilograms, but they were not his target.

A 100-meter-long gillnet dedicated to catching these fish is too wasteful.

The Meili moved forward slowly, and Lv Xiaolu finally found a nice coral clump.

"Come on, Shirley."


Without stopping the boat, Lu Xiaolu submerged five crab cages into the water, each spaced six to seven meters apart. Before coming, these cages were filled with bait.

Lu Xiaolu didn't have time to pick up dead fish, so he took some raw beef in the refrigerator, and he didn't need to put too much, the beef worth ten yuan was enough.

"OK, keep going."

After marking, Lu Xiaolu threw down five eel cages that were one meter long and thick as a bowl.

These guys hide in caves on the seabed during the day, and only come out to hunt at night. When they smell the fishy smell of beef, they burrow into it like chicken blood.

"Huh? School of fish, is this herring?"

"Donkey Oppa, there are schools of fish!"

Lu Xiaolu raised his head and looked, good guy, even the crayfish are gone, these fish have washed up on the surface of the sea.

"Steer the boat, it's like a herring, go faster." Lu Xiaolu threw a big foam into the sea.

"Okay." Shirley twisted the throttle of the propeller, and the Mei Li rushed out quickly. Just now, Xiao Hei felt better, and was so scared that he fell into the cabin again, his eyes full of panic.

Lu Xiaolu didn't have time to take care of it, he had to keep an eye on the gillnet for any mess.

It is still very simple to lower the gillnet. When the boat is driving, it will be pulled down by itself. Just pay attention to the speed of the boat.

If it is too fast, the net may be torn, and if it is too slow, the net may fall crookedly, affecting the harvest.

Shirley is also an experienced sailor and knows what speed is most suitable.

With Xueli around, Lu Xiaolu was much less troublesome, he didn't need to use his hands to throw the net, he just had to be on the side to pay attention to whether he was caught or not.

Four fishing nets, under the command of Lu Xiaolu, blocked the fish on both sides.

This school of fish is too big to surround it.

Without Lu Xiaolu's greeting, Xue Li had already driven the fishing boat around to drive away the fish.

The roar of the engine caused the fish on the surface of the sea to flee everywhere. Some were lucky and jumped to find a way out, while some were unlucky and directly stuck in the fishing net.

The reason why fish schools are fish schools is that they like to act in groups. Wherever the large group goes, the remaining fish will go there.

The deeper fish are also fleeing with the school of fish.

Some predators who were chasing them also rushed left and right with them, and finally stuck in the fishing net.

Shirley turned off the engine and drove it once or twice. It's unnecessary to keep driving, and it's a waste of diesel.

The next thing they have to do is to wait quietly.

Lu Xiaolu originally wanted to go back to collect the crab pots and eel pots first, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

Come and come back, not to mention wasting oil, but also tossing people, and the longer the crab cage is kept, the better.

It takes a day and a night, or even two days and a night to collect the cages that are put down by ordinary crab boats.

Because they don't know where the crabs are, they can only rely on bait. Some crabs have come from afar and haven't climbed into the cage yet.

Lu Xiaolu was much simpler, he delivered the goods directly to the door, and put the cage at the door of the crabs' house, and they could see it when they went out, a few hours was enough.

After tossing until now, the sky is slightly bright, and I look at the watch at 05:30 in the morning, it is not early.

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly told Xueli to start the winch, and together they tied the rope of the first gillnet to the winch.

As soon as the net port was lifted, four or five herrings of more than 20 centimeters were pulled up.

I saw the school of fish just now, and Xue Li was not shocked by such a harvest, she just smiled and dragged the twisted gillnet to the back of the cabin, otherwise the second, third, and fourth fishing nets would be destroyed later. There is nowhere to put it.

"Xiao Hei, go back." Shirley kicked Xiao Hei who was in the way.


Xiao Hei must be very wronged if he can speak, and you two brought me here just to torture me.

"Ah! It's turbot!"

The two flat fish were pulled up, and Shirley smiled very happily.

Turbot is an excellent species of flounder. The meat is tender and delicious. It costs more than 30 yuan a catty. Both fish are five catties or more.

"It should be a male and a female, and they all hit the Internet."

This thing lay on the sand on the bottom of the sea every day and didn't like to move. It was lucky to be caught by them. After all, the gillnet didn't go down to the bottom of the sea.

All four nets were pulled up, and the most were herring, as well as some black bream, yellow bream, golden drum, perch, meow shark and so on.

A big bumper harvest is a bumper harvest, but it is too troublesome to remove the fish.

Turning off the boat, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli both put on gloves, one sat in the bow and the other sat in the stern, quietly untangling the fish.

The piled up fishing nets are taller than Lu Xiaolu sitting on. If you don't have the patience to fish the fish, just looking at those nets is enough to give you a headache.

But to the fisherman, the struggling fish on the net is like a farmer looking at the full rice, it is all money.

"Little donkey!"

Lu Xiaolu was carefully untying a fist-sized conch, when he heard someone calling him, he looked up in confusion, um, it was full of fishing nets.

"Behind you."

"Zang Huazhuang, go back?"

"Yeah, I caught a big golden thread fish, let's see how it goes, hahaha."

Zang Huazhuang's front teeth were all exposed in a smile, and he lifted a big thing from the living water tank.

(End of this chapter)

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