ocean hunter

Chapter 225 I Should Choose You as the Village Chief

Chapter 225 I Should Choose You as the Village Chief

As soon as she walked out of the restaurant, Xue Li ran to the flower bed and sat down, kicked off her white shoes, put on high heels, stood up and walked a few steps, walking around Lu Xiaolu two laps.

"Donkey Oppa, is it good looking?"

"Looks good, but your clothes don't match." Lu Xiaolu muttered, bending down to pick up Xue Li's kicked shoes.

Shirley rolled her eyes, she couldn't speak at all, she wanted to kick him, but thinking about the high heels she was wearing now, let's forget it, this kick won't make him useless.

"I'm going back to wearing skirts!"

Lu Xiaolu put her little white shoes in a bag and held them in her hand: "No, you can't catch cold these days."


The rented car will have to be returned tomorrow morning, and it still doesn't feel like it. Even if it is a Mercedes-Benz, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li don't want to post it on Moments.

And Lu Xiaolu always felt that this car was too stingy, and it was the car he saw in the county last time when he went back to his hometown.

The body of the car was two heads taller than him, and the diameter of the wheels was estimated to be 1.5 meters. It was enjoyable when it ran.

Without a skirt, Shirley also lost interest in shopping. She rolled her eyes and said, "Donkey Oppa, let's go racing."

"Puff, cough, cough, don't tease Shirley, there are thousands of roads, and safety comes first."

Just kidding, he has only had his driver's license for a few months, and he is still in the internship period.

Besides the coach car, he had never touched any other car. When the car rental company drove out the Mercedes-Benz, it turned off the engine twice.

The automatic transmission can be turned on and off. The staff of the car rental company were stunned and almost gave him a refund and stopped renting it to him.

"Oh, it's not that kind of drag racing. Go to the government service hall. It's more enjoyable to drive there."

"Well, that's fine." Lu Xiaolu nodded, turned the steering wheel, and the car drove towards the new city.

Tianhong Avenue, where there are notoriously few cars, wide roads and good scenery, there are maple trees as thick as a person on both sides of the road, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

There are courts, industry and commerce bureaus, land bureaus and so on. There are no businesses, so it has been very quiet.

This was discovered when I bought a house last time and went to transfer ownership.

Before entering Tianhong Avenue, the traffic here was obviously much smaller, and Lu Xiaolu was driving faster and faster, with a smile on his face.

Men, we must pursue speed.

Rolling down the car window, the wind blew in, making Lu Xiaolu and Xueli even more energetic.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Shirley kept urging.

There were only a few cars driving on the four asphalt roads, and Lu Xiaolu drove even more unrestrainedly, and the dashboard once hit the [-] mark.

Driving on this kind of road is a pleasure, Shirley should connect the bluetooth and play the DJ.

"Xue Li, would you like to try driving it?" Lu Xiaolu suggested.

"I do not want."


After going around a few times, I was satisfied, and there was still an hour before the time to return the car. Lu Xiaolu drove the car to the car rental company and returned it.

The staff circled around the car a few times and found no signs of being hit, so they were relieved. When Lu Xiaolu was renting a car, the three nods at the start frightened him.

"Tsk tsk, 500 yuan is gone now, and this money is too easy to earn."

Lv Xiaolu sucked her teeth, and took the subway to school with Xue Li, where the tricycle was left.

Back home, Shirley rushed upstairs at the first time, Xiao Hei thought Shirley was coming to hug him, and ran up wagging his tail, but was almost kicked away.

After a while, Shirley wore a pure white dress and a pair of crystal high-heeled shoes, stepped on the stairs, and walked down the stairs.

"Donkey Oppa, does this look good?"

Lu Xiaolu was playing lol, the stone man was on the top, and the line Nuo hand, you came and went, the fight was very lively, and he didn't lift his head: "It's beautiful."


"Little donkey Lu!"

"Ah? Aww~"

"Xue Li, do you want to cut your nails? I'll cut them for you." Lu Xiaolu rubbed his arms and took a deep breath.

Shirley gave him a blank look, and went to the kitchen to cook, but she didn't try hard.

The next day, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli started to get busy again, contacting the oil seller to come over to refuel.

Shirley stood in front of the tank truck, turned off the fuel gauge, and suddenly pointed: "Donkey Oppa, look, isn't that the person we quarreled with last time?"

Lu Xiaolu looked up and saw that it was Lu Yuanyuan, Li Wei, and his father, Lu Liang, who were playing with the boat.

"Well, I saw it when I went to apply for a certificate last time."

"Oh, how do you feel that you are leading the whole village to become rich? They should choose you as the village head."


The wharf has now returned to its former appearance, with busy fishermen arranging their nets and inspecting their boats.

Those tuna fishermen have also come back, and they have more work. Some of them drove their boats for maintenance a few years ago, and now they are driving back.

Now there are three small tank trucks on the pier, and a tricycle pulling barrels of diesel, which are sold to those small boats.

The oil salesman with his briefcase between his hands was spreading cigarettes on the pier, his face wrinkled all over his face.

The boss who sells ice and bait is not to be outdone, and registers here with a notebook to see how many people need it, so they can stock up.

Lu Xiaolu jumped off the boat: "Boss Ice, Boss Fish!"


For this title, the two bosses have nothing to do, forget it, let him go.

"Boss donkey, is it still the same?"

Lu Xiaolu handed over two cigarettes: "Well, two thousand ice cubes and four thousand frozen baits, you should give me priority when the time comes."

"That must be done." The two bosses agreed and wrote it down in their notebooks.

"By the way, is there any live sardines?" Lu Xiaolu asked suddenly.

"How can there be? The fishing ban has been banned for several months, and that stuff won't last long."

"That's fine."

He can save some trouble if he has live bait, and it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have it, as one night’s fishing is enough for several days.

The uncle and other old family members were also refueling the boat, tidying up the fishing nets, looking at the keg in his hand, and then at the oil tank truck that was fueling Lu Xiaolu's boat.
The bait and ice were fixed, and the diesel fuel was added. After paying the money, Lu Xiaolu and Shirley climbed into the boat again, and re-changed the oil for the boat engine, car, and crane.

Although engine oil is quite expensive, it costs a thousand dollars less to change it, but this money cannot be saved, otherwise the fishing boat will be in trouble if there is a problem at sea.

For example, if the crane and winch are broken, at most it will return to Hong Kong.

If the ship breaks down at sea, it will be troublesome. For those in the vast ocean, call the rescue team to pull the boat once. The starting price is 5 yuan, and the larger ship is more expensive.

If there are no patrol boats around, it will be more troublesome. I don't know how long it will be floating on the sea.

After cleaning up the bird droppings again, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli took off the quilts and took them home to dry in the sun. They will be able to go to sea in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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