ocean hunter

Chapter 220 made a fortune

Chapter 220 made a fortune

"Catching the sea means catching stranded fish and shrimp while the tide is ebbing. You can check the weather forecast for the tide schedule."

"Also, let me say one more thing. Catching the sea is actually a bonus. Don't expect it to make money. It's better to focus on fishing boats and fishing licenses."

When Menglin heard this, he asked doubtfully, "How does the village chief say you spend seven or eight hundred a day driving the sea?"

"I'm different. I'm not bragging. Anyway, it's like this. You'll know once you go there."

Lu Xiaolu didn't know what to say, could it be that I have a cheat, forget it, believe it or not, let him do it, practice is the only truth, he will understand after going there twice.

After Menglin left, Lu Xiaolu continued to go back to the boat to clean up. After not coming for such a long time, the boat was full of bird droppings.

There is no way, whoever makes Xiamen's climate warm, it becomes a paradise for birds in winter.

Xueli was about to step on the ladder to climb up, but Lu Xiaolu hurriedly dragged her down: "I'll fix it in the cabin, don't fall on you again."

"It's okay, just pass me the water."

"oh oh."

Shirley climbed onto the cabin, carried the bucket, and rushed down with a "crash".

"Hey~ah! Heh bah!" Lu Xiaolu wiped the bird feces washed up on his face and spat.

"Hahahahaha! Ah!"

"Take it easy!"

It took two days to clean up the boat, and Lu Xiaolu bought a few windmills and stuck them on the boat to drive the birds away.

It turned out that these seabirds were different from the sparrows. Not only were they not afraid, but they were very interested in the windmill, and within two days the windmill was pecked to pieces.

Well, just pull it, and I'll clean it up later.

Because the Spring Festival has passed, the streets have returned to their former prosperity, and Kenjiro Seki has also returned.

I wanted to introduce my son to Lu Xiaolu, but he had just started school and had a heavy workload, so I didn't go.

In the past few days when he was studying in seclusion, many things happened at the pier.

The group of people in my hometown finally settled down after countless twists and turns.

The boats have already been bought, one boat for several people, so many people bought more than a dozen boats in total, and the sales staff of the shipyard were so happy.

The inventory of this kind of small boat is enough, and they can just drive away. After finally driving the boat to the fishing village where they live, they can't drive the boat to the net.

Some people couldn't bear it anymore and decided to go to the sea first to make a fortune first.

But they haven't driven the sea before, just heard from the village chief that Lu Xiaolu earns seven or eight hundred a time by driving the sea.

So what to do, search the Internet, now that smart phones are popular, a group of people gather together, I don’t know where to find some catch-up videos to watch.

Looking at people, you can catch a bucket of big crabs by picking up a rock, and you can catch razor clams on the beach with a bag of salt and a shovel.

There are even more powerful ones, a few random fish are said to be sold for thousands of yuan, and everyone's eyes are red when they see it.

This money is too good to earn.

So, a large group of people rushed to the beach, but their hands were scratched a lot, and the crabs they caught were not as big as fingernails.

However, a few people had good eyesight and were lucky enough to get a few groupers and snappers, and they were very excited.

Because they watched the video of catching the sea, those anchors caught this kind of fish, and they sold it for 200 yuan for more than [-] catties, which means [-] yuan per catty on average.

Now that it's developed, several people who caught fish ran to the pier with buckets, yelled, found the fish dealer, and almost started a fight after asking.

25 a catty!
They insisted that the hawkers were too dark, and others charged 200 yuan a catty for fish.

The peddler also became angry: "Where did you hear it, 200 yuan a catty? I have as much as you want!"

"I read it on the Internet, so who is rushing to the sea?"

"Fuck off, those people talk like fart, and they still pay 200 yuan a catty. If you ask him how much he wants, I'll sell it to him for 100 yuan a catty."


The peddler is right. In order to attract attention, many anchors of catch-the-sea videos catch fish by themselves, and the prices are all nonsense.

It would be thousands of dollars to catch a few fish casually, so he would also be a hammer anchor, and after a few years of catching fish, he could be on the Forbes rich list.

If they really want to make money so easily, do you think their home can still be so dilapidated?Whoever has money can live in a good house and drive a luxury car.

Well, 25 is 25, dozens of yuan is earned, and the family's food expenses for a day.

But after all, only a small number of people caught fish, and more people spent several days at the beach, with nothing but more and more wounds on their hands.

"This Lu Xiaolu is obviously a braggart, and he earns seven or eight hundred a day. I think he is a deadly liar just like those stupid anchors."

Someone fished for a long time, and finally got a small bowl of sandfish, which was about the size of a fingernail, and couldn't help gritting his teeth and cursing.

"I think so, hey, just wait until the fish season starts. If you spend a day at sea, you can catch a few hundred catties of fish. You can make a fortune at 25 catties."

"Hey, isn't that Lu Xiaolu? What he is carrying looks like a fish!"

Lu Xiaolu went to the sea for the first time in a year, and encountered an octopus the size of a washbasin hiding in the crevices of the rocks. rush back.

He had already seen those old family members, but he didn't care about it, he poured the fish into the big basin, and prepared to go back with a bucket of sea water.

"Wait, Lu Xiaolu, let me see how many you caught."

A few rough men ran up and looked into the basin. Damn it, there were more fish in the basin than the hawker at the pier.

"Did you use a fishing net?"

As soon as this remark came out, the others suddenly realized that this kid should have been secretly arrested, no wonder he said he could make seven or eight hundred a day.

Lu Xiaolu rolled his eyes: "If I use a fishing net, I won't be caught."

"Hehe, we understand, don't worry, they are all old family members, can I order you?"


After Lu Xiaolu left, several people looked at each other and smiled, and they got rich now.

"Do you want to tell others?"

"You are stupid, tell others that so many people use the net, the fish will not be caught."

"And you have to be sneaky to do this, or it will be broken if you get caught in it."

"Okay, then go back and wait, come here tonight."

At twelve o'clock in the night, a few black shadows carried snakeskin bags and groped towards the beach in the dark.

It was four o'clock, and looking at the small bucket of fish, several people couldn't help frowning.

The fish was caught, but it was less than half of what Lu Xiaolu had yesterday. There were only three of them, so what went wrong.

"It's almost dawn, and the gill nets and ground cages are put away. I'll go back after casting a few more nets."

As the man said, he walked to the seaside with the net in his hand, twisted his waist abruptly, and the net in his hand fell into the water with an open hand. It was a very beautiful flower in the net.

"I'll go, there are big fish in this net, it's a fortune!" The man who cast the net was full of excitement, he could already feel the weight on the rope.

"Lu Chao, someone is coming over there, quickly hide!"

(End of this chapter)

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