ocean hunter

Chapter 199 Mutual Respect

Chapter 199 Mutual Respect
Hearing what Lu Xiaolu said, Xue Li was also very happy. Whether it's a friend or something, the two need to give each other to get along.

Your devotion is affirmed and responded by the other party, and only then can you go to the end for a long time.

No one is a fool, if blindly giving and being taken for granted by others, cracks will appear in the best relationship.

Fortunately, neither of them was such a person, nor had they met such a person.

"Since you know I've worked hard, you can help me wash my feet at night, hum." Xue Li said proudly with her small face raised.

"That is required."

The weather was getting colder and colder, Lu Xiaolu dug out two salt water bottles from home, filled them with hot water, and stuffed one under the quilt for each of them.

This is a trick he came up with when he couldn't bear the cold before. The salt water bottles were picked up from the trash can at the entrance of the clinic. There were two in total, one by his feet and one in his arms.

"It's better than a warm water bottle." Lu Xiaolu muttered, but he couldn't afford a warm water bottle at that time.

"Go get another one for Xiao Hei tomorrow."


The next day, Lu Xiaolu took Shirley to the street, and it was time to take a bath again. They discussed whether to wash once a week.

This time they didn't dare to leave Xiao Hei at home, Shirley went to wash first, Lu Xiaolu watched Xiao Hei at the door, and then exchanged.

There are two-dollar stores on the street, which are said to be two-dollar stores, and there are more than a dozen 20-yuan goods.

"Xiao Hei, what color warm water bag do you like?"

"Wang Wang."

"Oh, I like the pink one, so that's it."


Of course, warm water bags are easier to use than salt water bottles, and now that medical waste is handled more formally, you can't find it if you want to find it.

They came to buy three warm water bags this time.

Originally I wanted to buy a little sun, but Shirley said that it was not good, it would make my skin dry and dangerous, if I got up in the middle of the night and touched it, I would burn my scars, so I didn’t buy it in the end.

"Donkey Oppa, do you think that is your classmate?" Shirley suddenly pointed to the front.

Lu Xiaolu took a look, isn't this Zhao Jingxin and Sun Xiaocao?Why are there just the two of them today.

"Zhao..." Lu Xiaolu was about to shout, about to invite him back to dinner, but Xue Li covered her mouth with one hand.


"Don't talk, didn't you see someone dating?"


Lu Xiaolu's eyes widened, he really didn't think of this.

"Then please come back next time." Lv Xiaolu rode a bicycle and drove Xue Li and Xiao Hei away, why did he never have a chance to invite him back for this meal.

The last time Zhao Jingxin paid for the rice noodles for him, he has been thinking about it until now, and he always feels uncomfortable owed to others.

They are quite a match, although Sun Xiaocao is not good-looking, but he is not bad, he used to give Lu Xiaolu some snacks when he bought them, but he didn't want them.

The winter in the north is so cold, if it is just the temperature, it will be easy to handle, and it can be carried by wearing more clothes.

But the north wind blows like a knife, and it hurts people's faces unbearably.

They used to walk with their backs when they went to school to keep out the cold wind. Just like that, their ears and noses were red from the cold.

On the street just now, Shirley bought two more sets of cotton hats, scarves, cotton gloves and goggles. She and Lu Xiaolu each had a set, plus down jackets. Not leaking.

Lu Xiaolu's hat is a military hat, and it would be more like a military coat if it is paired with it.

Shirley's is a white cotton hat with a few white cotton balls on top, and the gloves are also connected together with cotton threads and hung around the neck, so you don't have to worry about losing the gloves when you take out your hands.

Lu Xiaolu's down jacket was also bought with Shirley, the style is the same, with Mount Everest printed on it, only one big and one small.

Xiao Hei was too small to fit into a piece of clothing, but it wasn't cold either.

Xue Li put it in her bosom, wrapped her hands around Lu Xiaolu's waist, and Xiao Hei was caught in the middle, ensuring that no wind would blow, and everyone fell asleep.

On the other side, Meng Lin was startled by looking through the circle of friends boredly. Although he knew that Lu Xiaolu was well-off, he always thought that he only had two small coins. After all, he was still a college student. He had to go to class, so how could he have time to earn money.

What the hell is this house? He also saw Lu Xiaolu wearing this watch yesterday. It turned out to be Richard Miller. I checked it online, and the minimum was more than 70 yuan.

This is wearing a suite in the county seat on your hand.

He talked about it with his parents during the meal, but unexpectedly they already knew about it.

"Is this true? I thought the village chief was bragging."

"Well, this is his circle of friends, you see."

When he saw the house and the watch, he still felt a little unreal, but when he saw the photo of Lu Xiaolu, Xue Li and various tunas behind him, Qing Chao's eyes became hot.

He also likes fishing, and he is a master. Although he is fishing for freshwater fish, he never thought of making money with it.

Lu Xiaolu, a rookie, can earn so much, so isn't he, a master fisherman, tens of thousands of dollars every minute!
That six-meter sailfish was a frightening sight.

"This monster was really caught by Lu Xiaolu?"

"Menglin, what do you think about changing careers? Let's go to the sea to pick up money too." Qing Chao's eyes were full of fire.

Menglin is much more rational.

"If it were that simple, everyone wouldn't have to go to work, and those fishermen by the sea would also be rich."

"Hahaha, they can't make a fortune because they are incompetent and don't know how to fish."

Meng Lin is helpless, the old fishermen who have been fishing for a living for generations, how can their skills be so bad?Dad thought it was too simple.

But if Lu Xiaolu can make a lot of money with this, then maybe they can really make money.

Could it be that the fishing method of the northerners has a miraculous effect on these guys?

"Golden Sailfish, this is their ship, it's quite beautiful."

"At that time, our father and I will make a good fortune and buy a big boat."

Menglin couldn't help but start to look forward to the life at sea, after all, he lives in a plain area, hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest LYG sea.

The most important thing is that the last job was too tiring and hurt his body. If it wasn't for the good salary, he would have quit his job a long time ago.

"Then we will rent a house by ourselves, two bedrooms and one living room, and I will ask Zhu Camellia to go too."

"It's fine, then I can wash clothes, cook and so on, and most importantly, let your mother and I have our grandson as soon as possible."

This kind of thing is happening at the same time for several other families in the village, as long as the labor force that can cultivate is left.

Those who have many brothers plan to do it alone, and those who have no brothers, they will find a partner by themselves.

Buying a boat, renting a house, eating and drinking are all considered

Clearly, as many as there are a few evenly distributed.

For a time, the whole village was full of good expectations for future life.

(End of this chapter)

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