ocean hunter

Chapter 189 The Pectoralis Major Band

Chapter 189 The Pectoralis Major Band

Time flies, and it will be winter in a blink of an eye. Not to mention, the winter here is not much colder than autumn, and there is no need to wear cotton coats.

But Lu Xiaolu and Xueli still bought it, because they were going to Rongcheng, and they agreed to go with her during the winter vacation.

The chickens and ducklings in the family eat food every day, grow fast, and can already cook.

Lv Xiaolu couldn't wait to butcher one and made a meal of ground pot chicken stick pancakes.

Well, this little chicken is still very tender, and it is the best time to eat.

Then Lu Xiaolu tied five chickens and gave one each to the old lady's family, Qiu Wei's family, Mizi, Xiaobei and Kenjiro Sekiki.

All the rest were brought to the gate of the school to sell.

Seeing that he sold chicken instead of fish today, the street vendors in the neighborhood were speechless. Why does this young man always take an unusual path?

The price of serious local chickens is more than twice that of those broiler chickens, especially those handsome roosters, which are sold on a per piece basis, 150 per piece.

Now people pay attention to a healthy and original ecology in everything they eat. Lu Xiaolu’s batch of chickens and ducks were sold out in half a day, and those chickens and ducks that were given away and eaten by himself were removed. The ducks were sold for a total of 1500 yuan.

If you calculate the cost, when you bought the cubs, the chickens cost one yuan, the ducks cost two yuan, and the total food cost was only two or three hundred yuan. Those chickens still flew out every day. Plane and eat.

Well, the harvest is okay, full of sense of accomplishment.

The main reason is that he doesn't have a car. If he had a car, he would have to take a few away and save them for the New Year.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, both he and Shirley took the driver's license test.

For a person who knows everything and knows how to drive boats, the driver's license test is still very simple. Xue Li passed all of them, and Lu Xiaolu only passed the third test twice.

Shirley said to use their money together to buy a car, and give him a face when he goes home during the Chinese New Year.

But Lu Xiaolu always felt that if he didn't keep some money on him, his back would not be straight.

Let's put off buying a car for now.

He also joked that it would be great if there was a river that could lead to his hometown, and it would be more face-saving than driving directly by boat.

In fact, it is not impossible, from the East China Sea to the mouth of the Yellow River, and then to the tributaries of the Yellow River, you can also reach his home county.

But that gas money is probably enough to buy a car, prodigals are not so prodigal.

In a few days it will be the school's New Year's Eve party, after which I can go home.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaolu, as the only one in the class with an electronic piano, was selected by the cultural and entertainment committee to form a temporary band to represent the class in the performance.

Been rehearsing for days.

The name is ridiculous, the pectoralis major band, the lead singer is Xuexue, the entertainment committee member, the guitarist Xingxing, the drummer Yuyu, and the keyboard player Donkeyi.

At the beginning when he heard this nickname, Lu Xiaolu refused.

But Xuexue said that this is the selling point of their band, maybe it will become popular.

So Lu Xiaolu accepted, no one has a rock and roll dream yet.

The program they rehearsed was Beyong's gray track, and Xuexue's serious Cantonese was a plus. Although she was a girl, she sang rock and roll with a special flavor.

Xuexue became the lead singer, and the logistics work was entrusted to Squad Leader Chen.

Squad leader Chen arranged for a few girls with delicate lives to be in charge of makeup and styling.

Well, just go rock punk style.

Lu Xiaolu's cropped hair was obviously unqualified, and the wigs were all shawls.

Fortunately, I didn't take the non-mainstream route, otherwise I would have to wear smoky makeup.

And then there's the studded leather jacket, the kind that opens up.

Well, not to mention, Lu Xiaolu's body is not bad, at least much stronger than the beer bellies of Xingxing and Yuyu.

As for Xuexue, there is no comparison, the conditions are here.

There was no one in the class who could play bass, but fortunately, the class leader, Chen Da, had great powers, so he found a girl from the music club.

He is a serious rock player, and his outfit is extremely chic. It is not 01:30 better than Lu Xiaolu and these few forcibly put together monsters and goblins.

If it hadn't been for the face of Big Squad Leader Chen, the girl would have left at the first sight of these goods.

Especially during rehearsals, except for Xuexue, the lead singer, everyone else would either show off the beat or go out of tune, disrupting the rhythm of the bass girl.

"Stop, stop, what's going on, keyboard player, donkey, why is the gray trajectory bounced to the sky!"

"Saury, Sorry, Babe."


Beibei rolled her eyes, this nickname was also given by them, but it's okay, at least it's better than a donkey.

Seeing Lu Xiaolu play it twice, Bei Bei finally found out the problem.

This guy's sheet music didn't have time to turn the page, so he either missed a shot, or didn't turn the page at all, and played blindly.

This group is full of talents, Beibei feels very tired, if Chen Zhenzhen and her are best friends, she wouldn't come here even if she was beaten to death.

Finally, Beibei thought of a trick.

"You copy this score on a larger piece of paper."

"Um, I don't know how to draw music." Lu Xiaolu was a little embarrassed.


In the end, it was Xuexue who drew a score for Lu Xiaolu and rehearsed it again, um, let alone, it was a bit interesting.

Finally, when the New Year's Eve party arrived, Shirley had already made reservations for the old lady and the others.

The old lady and Xiao Xiao, Qiu Wei and Hua'er, Xiao Nan Xiao Bei, Seki Seki Kenjiro, Miko, all came and sat in a row with Shirley.

This position was entrusted by Lu Xiaolu to Chen, the squad leader, and her current status in the student union is not low.

After hearing that Lu Xiaolu was going to perform on stage tonight, Kenjiro Sekiki nodded and praised: "Mr. Lu is really versatile, he even knows how to play musical instruments!"

Hua'er's little face also showed a smile, this show doesn't need to be watched with eyes.

Miko started the live broadcast with the title: Brother Captain's Rock and Roll Dream.

Xue Li couldn't help but think of Lu Xiaolu's performance in the tavern last time, well, it was worth looking forward to.

As a world-class prestigious school, Xiamen University held a grand New Year's Eve party. The first program actually invited the Nautilus.

This is a rare item, you can't buy it even if you have money.

Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li were naturally praised again.

Xiao Xiao clapped her hands happily: "Sister Xue Li, that uncle was talking about you and brother donkey just now."

Nautilus was invited down after the show, the host announced the curtain, and one program after another began to appear.

Until the three guys who danced to the social shaker appeared, the atmosphere on the scene reached its peak.

"Next, please enjoy the rock music brought by the pectoralis major band, gray track, please!"

The students in charge of the logistics had already brought the musical instruments to the stage. Under the leadership of Xuexue, the band appeared on the stage collectively.

"Hey, didn't you say there is Mr. Lu? Why didn't I see it?"

"Brother Donkey is the one with the keyboard! I recognize his piano."


(End of this chapter)

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