ocean hunter

Chapter 144

Chapter 144
The old lady insisted on making dumplings for the two of them to eat at home, yes, let's go, the dumplings don't take up their stomachs.

On the way back, Shirley brought another bag of egg yolk pies to Xiaoxiao.

At the dinner table, Lu Xiaolu received a call from Guan Guanjianjiro, saying that he would invite him to dinner. Lu Xiaolu was not very interested in Japanese food, the taste was too bland, but it would be good to go for a massage, and agreed tomorrow past.

Shirley received a call from Miko again, saying that she would also invite them to dinner. When she saw the news, she was very worried.

Lu Xiaolu thought, since this is the case, it's better to invite her herself, the old lady and Hua'er miss her very much, so they specially made noodles and bought meat stuffing to make dumplings at such a late hour.

There are also two brothers and sisters, Xiaobei and Xiaonan.

When I called Kinjiro Sekiguan and told him, he immediately patted his chest and said that it was still his treat, but Lu Xiaolu refused.

Kenjiro Sekiki just invited himself and Shirley, it's the rule not to bring guests, even if he doesn't care about it, Lu Xiaolu has to care about it himself, and can't let this devil look down on him, and say he doesn't know how to be polite.

"Well, you listen to me, you come over tomorrow, I'll take you to eat something good, don't eat fruit all day long."


Please invite them all, Lu Xiaolu was also unambiguous, and also called Xiaobei: "Xiaobei, are you free tomorrow, brother treats you to dinner."

He knew that Xiaobei wanted to make money, so he didn't insist on forcing him to come, he said it very tactfully.

When Xiaobei heard it, there was no reason not to agree, so what if he lost a day's money.

"Well, then bring Xiao Nan over here tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Xiaolu said to Qiu Wei who was eating dumplings and garlic, "Brother Qiu, are you free tomorrow? I would like to invite everyone to have a meal together."

Qiu Wei nodded again and again: "It happens that there is no work tomorrow, so I'm free."

Both the old lady and Hua'er looked unhappy: "Why do you please? It's not easy for you to earn that money, so save some money."

"It's okay, old lady, I'm just greedy."

Lu Xiaolu was really greedy for big dinners and small stir-fries, the last time he ate them was during the class team building, and he himself fried them a few times on the boat, no one tasted like that.

Xiao Xiao is still young, so she doesn't know these things, but she just heard that going to the restaurant to eat is very happy, and she is jumping around with egg yolk pies.

It accidentally dropped on the ground, and was just about to pick it up, but the little civet cat rushed over and swallowed it in one gulp.

Just before the school closed, Lu Xiaolu sent Xueli back and made an appointment to pick her up tomorrow.

At noon the next day, Lu Xiaolu rode a tricycle and pulled a load of people to the school gate, including men, women and children, and a lazy cat.

Xiaonan and Xiaobei have arrived, and Shirley and Miko are sitting on their tricycles.

Fortunately, they came on a tricycle, otherwise they would not be able to sit down.

"Sister Shirley, I'm going to sit with you!" Xiao Xiao shouted while hugging the lazy cat.

"Okay, come here."


Lu Xiaolu rolled her eyes, Xue Li bought this girl snacks twice and she was bribed.

"Okay, Kenjiro Seki is already waiting there, let's go there." Lu Xiaolu led the way, and Xiaobei followed behind on a bicycle.

With so many people, it looked like a family gathering.

Crouching in the back of the car, Qiu Wei was knocked twice, and made a fuss again.

"Little donkey, you can't do this. You drive a broken tricycle every day. Look at the boss. The big car that brought us back last time seems to be called a pickup. It's comfortable to sit in."

"Er..." Before Lu Xiaolu could speak, Hua'er said angrily, "Dad, what are you talking about, you can go down if you don't eat."

The old lady secretly laughed, only Hua'er can cure his father.

Qiu Wei raised his neck, and said sternly, "Damn girl, why did you talk to your father?" After that, he didn't dare to speak out against Lu Xiaolu.

When we arrived at the restaurant where the group built last time, Kenjiro Seki has been waiting here for a long time. When he saw them, he smiled wrinkled.

He came up to meet her and helped the old lady down. It seems that Lu Xiaolu has a very good relationship with the people in his yard.

After entering the house, the proprietress arranged for everyone to sit down at a table.

Lu Xiaolu humbly, no one ordered food, everyone said what to do, so he ordered a 688 banquet, which was a bit more upscale than the last team building.

688 You can't eat much at Kenjiro Sekiseki's place, but not here. The good guy has a table of dishes, eight cold and eight hot soups, and four bottles of drinks.

After eating two mouthfuls of fried pork, Lu Xiaolu was already sweating, so he took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves.

Shirley gave him an annoyed look, this guy must have been smug on purpose, otherwise he wouldn't have used his left hand to ladle soup on purpose.

Sure enough, Mizi's eyes widened suddenly: "I'll go! Brother donkey, you watch!"

Others also looked over, but they didn't see anything famous, including Kenjiro Sekiseki. Although he was rich, he had no interest in luxury goods. He just thought the watch was pretty.

Not to mention Qiu Wei, the first thing he saw was the Pixiu bracelet, the golden Pixiu, and the three big gold beads, which nearly blinded him.

Lv Xiaolu chuckled, took off the watch, handed it to Mizi, and looked at her with a smile, finally someone who knows the goods.

Mizi took the watch carefully, looked left and right, and suddenly said: "Little donkey brother, you must not buy a fake watch."

"Pfft~" Shirley spat out a mouthful of soup, asking you to pretend.

Lu Xiaolu's face darkened, and he said dissatisfiedly: "How could it be fake? Look at the craftsmanship."

Miko nodded. This craftsmanship is indeed extraordinary. If such a watch can be made, there is no need to fake it.

However, as far as she knew, the starting price of this brand was more than 70 yuan. No matter how powerful Lu Xiaolu was, she couldn't make so much money at once.

"Brother Donkey, can I start a live broadcast? Someone must know me."

"Okay, open it." Lu Xiaolu also wanted to know how much this watch was worth.


Mizi started the live broadcast, and her current popularity is not bad, with thousands of people watching since the broadcast started.

"It's time for dinner again, I don't know what to eat, let's see what Miko eats."

"Hey, what is this? A watch? When did Miko bring the goods?"

"I'm going, Richard Mille! Bring a chicken feather, who can afford it?"

At this time, Miko showed up and said that it was the captain's watch. She took it to ask if it was true or not, and then showed the watch in front of the camera.

"Brother Captain? It must be fake, so don't ask."

"Hahaha, the answer upstairs is correct."

"Wait a minute, Miko, show me again. I repair watches."

After all, there are capable people in the live broadcast room. As soon as the professionals came, everyone else fell silent.

Miko showed the watch again, front, back, left, and right.

(End of this chapter)

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