ocean hunter

Chapter 132 Shirley's gift

Chapter 132 Shirley's gift
Back at school, Lu Xiaolu finally knew what Shirley bought him.

A pixiu bracelet, a gold pixiu in the middle, and three gold beads. After wearing it, Lu Xiaolu felt like a nouveau riche, only a big gold chain was missing.

"Do you like Donkey Oppa?" Shirley looked at him expectantly.

Lu Xiaolu is also an ordinary person, and ordinary people like gold, besides, Pixiu keeps money, which is auspicious.

Looking at the three golden beads and the Pixiu in his hand, he was very satisfied: "Yeah, I can't just have it, let's go, I'll buy one for you too."

Xue Li grabbed him, pulled up his sleeves, and waved her little hand in front of Lu Xiaolu: "Dangdang, I have it too, hehe."

Shirley also has the same one, but it's much smaller than Lu Xiaolu's.

Lu Xiaolu rolled her eyes and said, "Then I'll pick out a necklace for you." After speaking, he led Xueli to the jewelry store.

I picked left and right, and finally bought a white gold and white crystal necklace, which was very thin and matched Shirley's pair of silver earrings very well. It cost 9800 yuan.

Xueli said that she disliked it because it was too expensive, but in fact she liked it so much that Le's eyes narrowed.

But it doesn't mean that the two of them are prodigals and spend any money they have. Gold is a store of value, which is similar in nature to depositing in a bank.

And this time going to sea to earn so much, it is understandable to reward each other.

As the saying goes, those with tattoos are afraid of heat, those with apples have no pockets, those with watches love to slap their legs, and those with gold teeth grin.

Naturally, Lu Xiaolu couldn't be exempt, of course, it wouldn't be that exaggerated, at most he just rolled up his shirt sleeves on purpose, so as not to bore Pai Yao, what would he do if he didn't help him keep his money.

When we arrived in the classroom, the golden brave and the three golden beads almost blinded the students.

Zang Huazhuang leaned over, stretched out his hand and said, "My dear, it's so bright, give me a bite to see if it's real."

"Fuck you, I'll buy fake ones? You're the only one who can do this."

The students burst into laughter when they heard this, and remembered that some time ago, Zang Huazhuang and the others dangled around wearing fake big gold chains, which are probably rusted by now.

The faces of Xi Yue and the He brothers were not very good-looking, and Zang Huazhuang went to join Lu Xiaolu right after they separated.

And he didn't hide the fact that Lu Xiaolu helped him find fish. He boasted as soon as he came back, saying that Lu Xiaolu just showed him the way and made him earn more than 4800 yuan, which was more than what he earned in the past two months. There are many.

Chen Liangjie said sourly that he was bragging. Just Lu Xiaolu, a selfish, penny-pinching guy who earned so much money, gave each of his classmates a box of lunch and couldn't get enough to eat. Can such a person lead him to earn money?

When Zang Huazhuang heard this, he directly revealed today's income, which shocked the students, especially Xi Yue and the He brothers.

They were all fishing together. They still don't know how much Zang Huazhuang weighed?In the past, when the luck was the best, it was only a few hundred yuan more, and it had to be divided equally with Xi Yue.

Today, he got Lu Xiaolu for four thousand and eight dollars. It would be a lie to say that he is not jealous.

A few people took a chance and found Lu Xiaolu, could they also take them along, after all Zang Huazhuang is also brought along, there are not many more of them.

It's a pity that Lu Xiaolu didn't agree, he went out to sea with Zang Huazhuang just to have fun, the fish in one place were enough for Zang Huazhuang and Xiaobei to catch.

Two more boats would definitely not work, the nets would not be able to be lowered, and it would not be tiring enough for Lu Xiaolu to deliberately search for fish for them.

The next day, Lu Xiaolu was dragged onto the pirate boat again by Zang Huazhuang, and Xiaobei followed suit, not surprisingly.

After repaying my second uncle’s debt yesterday, I bought a box of milk and eight-treasure porridge to send. I had more than 1000 cash left, so I went to the fishing tackle shop to buy a 200-meter gillnet.

Originally, the money was not enough, and the net cost 2000 yuan, but the owner of the fishing tackle shop is his cousin, and he has a good relationship, so 1000 yuan can still give him credit.

No matter how stupid he is, he can pay back the money after going to sea for a month, not to mention that Xiaobei is not an idiot.

This time, Lv Xiaolu took them to find a super large school of sardines, which covered the sky and sun on the bottom of the sea, and they broke their positions after only one time, and they hadn't finished catching them yet.

Xiaobei really had no choice this time, without a winch, the fishing net covered with sardines could not be pulled at all.

Even if Lu Xiaolu and Zang Huazhuang went into battle together, the three of them could only pull his 50-meter net together.

Zang Huazhuang originally said that after getting his fishing nets up, he would use a winch to pull up Xiaobei's nets as well.

But too many fish were caught. What is the concept of two 200-meter fishing nets? They were just pulled up from the bottom of the water, and they were full of water.

His boat had no room for people to stand on, and it was impossible to put fishing nets on Xiaobei's boat. This is not the shore, and if you don't use your strength or pay attention, it will capsize.

Decompose the fish first. The sardines are too small and densely packed. It takes two hours to decompose the fish.

Going on like this is not an option. Seeing that the sardines were almost suffocated, Xiao Bei was sweating profusely, but it was Lu Xiaolu who boarded his boat, and the two sailed back to the port.

The Mei Li and Xiao Bei's boat sailed out together.

The voyage was less than half an hour, and when they arrived, Zang Huazhuang was still buried in the net, sweating profusely from removing the fish.

After Lu Xiaolu taught Xiaobei how to start the winch, he sat on his boat, lit a cigarette, and watched the scenery of the seabed leisurely.

It's a pity that I didn't see the little seal, that guy loves sardines the most.

In fact, many predators on the bottom of the sea prefer to eat sardines, saury, etc. The meat is good and nutritious, and they appear in groups.

About an hour later, Lu Xiaolu almost fell asleep, and Zang Huazhuang and Xiaobei had reached their limit, and couldn't take it any longer. After a long time of cleaning the fish, there were still not many people on the Internet, and there were not many in the live water tank.

The sardines are still too small, and they are usually caught by seine or trawler, which can save a lot of trouble, just get them up and down in the cabin.

Unlike gillnets, which have to be taken down one by one, under the sun, people's eyes are dazzled.

Seeing Lu Xiaolu's happy fairy-like appearance, Zang Huazhuang dropped the fishing net in his hand: "I don't want to do it anymore, I'll do it when I return to Hong Kong, the sun is too strong here."

Xiao Bei thought it was the same, and he could let Xiao Nan do it together when he returned to the port, so he scooped up a few buckets of seawater and poured it on it, so as not to be burned to death by the sun.

"Brother Donkey, get up and go back!"

"Ah? Are you done?" Lu Xiaolu rubbed his eyes and yawned. He was playing King of Glory last night and slept a bit late.

"No, we're going back to the shore to do it, the sun is shining brightly here."

"Okay." Lu Xiaolu also felt uncomfortable lying here, so he won't come in the afternoon.

The three boats sailed to the port. On the way, Zang Huazhuang and Xiao Beikai had to stop and pour two buckets of water after a while to prevent the sardines from being sunburned, and they had to scoop out the excess water, otherwise the boat would sink.

(End of this chapter)

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