ocean hunter

Chapter 107 Lu Xiaolu's Music Enlightenment

Chapter 107 Lu Xiaolu's Music Enlightenment
"Hehe, you are very interesting, 18 yuan."

"Well, we will count together later." Lu Xiaolu took the potato and beef rice bowl, and was really hungry.

"I see that you are very interested in music, so how about we make a deal." The old man said suddenly.

Lu Xiaolu was stunned: "What deal?"

"You participated in the sea fishing competition, right? I want you to give our local fishermen a face."

Lu Xiaolu was not in a hurry, and listened to the old man's continuation while eating.

To put it simply, old man Yang felt that the local fishermen were too poor, and there were only five ocean fishing boats in several fishing villages.

In this sea fishing competition, although it is said that it does not care about the species of fish, everyone knows that the chances of winning are basically locked in the tuna fishermen.

The price of a single fish is tens of thousands, which is comparable to fishing any fish.

You must know that in this competition, the loss is not considered when calculating the results. Even if you spend 2 yuan and only catch 1 yuan of fish, your score is 1 yuan.

The reason why tuna fishing is not cost-effective is that the loss is too large. If it is only for the title of champion, you don't have to care about it.

Regardless of whether you earn money or not, it is true if you catch fish.

However, it is impossible for fishermen to go fishing for tuna just because of a title and a bonus of 10 yuan that they are not sure whether they will get.

Didn't you see how miserable Zhu Quide's family is now? They caught two tunas and made 500 yuan after they were sold.

To put it bluntly, even if a family begs for food on the street, they still need more than this amount of money for a week.

There are also a few who can make money, but compared with so many fishermen from other places, the difference is really not 01:30.

As for the captain of the Shanfeng, Lao Wangtou, his skills are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Lao Wangtou's boat is his own, and he recruited two crew members, both from his village. They are strong men in their 40s and [-]s, who can endure hardships and stand hard work.

It is said that the three once found a good fishing spot, fished for three days and three nights in a row, and caught 12 tuna, which was extremely sensational.

What is the concept of an average of four tuna per day? Although luck is a big factor, tuna fishermen have always eaten ingredients.

The name of the Yamakaze was also a hit since then, and it is also well-known in the circle of tuna fishermen all over the country.

Just yesterday, a group of out-of-town fishermen came to the tavern and said boldly that they would impress the local fishermen and teach them how to fish.

The local fisherman was also violent, and almost got into a fight, and was ridiculed by the old Wangtou that he would do it if he had no skills.

The villagers of Yangguang Village wanted to refute, but found that what they said was true.

In their village, only Zhu Quode has a sea fishing boat, and he is still a creature whose mud can't support the wall. If this boat is still in the hands of his cousin, it won't be what it is now.

His cousin didn't rent a boat last week. Due to family pressure, he went out to work and will not come back until the fish season starts next year.

A good fishing master was also driven away. At this time, facing the menacing fishermen from other places, he simply didn't have the strength to fight against them.

It's not impossible for other boats to go, but no one dares to show off their abilities. Don't lose tens of thousands of bait and ice in the end if you don't get the title, you can't make it through.

Old man Yang saw all these things in his eyes. Although he hadn't fished for many years, he was a native born and bred after all, and he wanted to do something.

No, Lu Xiaolu came to your door.

Lu Xiaoku nodded. Isn't it just a matter of face? If you have strength, you can just admit that you are not as good as others.

"But I'm not from here."

"Don't you have a temporary residence permit?"

"Is that okay?"

"Anyway, it doesn't matter where you are, as long as you don't let those outsiders get the first place."

It turned out that the old man's purpose was for this purpose, indeed, that's fine.

"However, don't you think highly of me? With so many people participating, it's not like I'm the first to be the first."

The old man swallowed his wine again: "Don't be too modest, you have only been here for a few months, and you have worked on one fishing rod to two boats now."

"You are really weird, a fisherman who has been around for more than ten or twenty years is not as good as you, a college student, so why not justify it?"

Lu Xiaolu also finished his meal at this time, took a tissue and wiped his mouth: "Didn't you say a deal, then what will you give me?"

The old man turned his head towards the stage and said, "Here, pick any musical instrument over there, don't look down upon it, they are all genuine brands."

Lu Xiaolu was also interested, with a strange expression on his face: "Really?"


It happened that no one was singing now, and there were not many people in the tavern, so Lu Xiaolu walked up to the stage and looked around.

Guitars, basses, drums, African drums, electronic pianos, etc., are very complete.

Lu Xiaolu didn't know much about other things, so he fell in love with the electronic piano immediately.

"You give this too?"

Seeing him pointing at the electronic piano, old man Yang's eyelids twitched: "You really know what to buy, this electronic piano is the most expensive, Casio's, 2 yuan."

When he heard 2 yuan, Lu Xiaolu was also taken aback. In fact, he didn't know what brand it was.

The reason why he fell in love with this electronic piano is because he has a little basic knowledge of it and has touched it a few times.

The music teacher in junior high school has a hand-rolled electronic organ, which is often brought to the class for display.

It just so happened that during that time, Lu Xiaolu was so whimsical that he wanted to rely on music to feed himself, so he plucked up the courage to find a teacher.

In the countryside, music lessons are just a decoration, and there are no exams, and music teachers just make a living.

Of the three music lessons a week, two could be taken up by the language and math foreign language teacher. Like the physical education teacher, I get sick when I have nothing to do.

Suddenly a student came to her and said that she wanted to learn music. The music teacher who felt the sense of presence could not be unhappy. Anyway, she was idle, so she would teach.

Lu Xiaolu is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart and willing to endure hardships, otherwise he would not have been admitted to Xiamen University.

Others are playing table tennis, and he is learning music in the office; others are having puppy love, and he is still learning music in the office.

Soon, all the theoretical knowledge about scales was finished. If you want to learn more, you can just go back and read the books by yourself. The teacher also gave him two books.

The rest of the practice could not be in the office, the teacher took him to the music classroom.

It would be nice if the music room could be opened twice a week, as no one would come over.

Lu Xiaolu is learning music here, and he doesn't need to care about the ridicule of other students, and the speed of learning is a bit faster.

There is nothing in the music classroom in the countryside, except for the blackboard, which is a hand-rolled electronic organ, which is still the teacher's own.

One was willing to teach, and the other was willing to learn. In this way, Lu Xiaolu learned the electronic organ. Although the technology is not very good, at least he can listen.

Only later, forced by life, he also realized the reality.

In order to fill my stomach, I extinguished my music dream that hadn't started yet, and made the music teacher sigh for a long time, but didn't say anything to him, after all, I have to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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