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Chapter 209 The Attraction of Changhe Town

Chapter 209 The Attraction of Changhe Town

A piece of wasteland was reclaimed following the footsteps of the cattle, and straight lines were printed in the soil.

Simple thatched cottages in twos and threes are scattered in this wasteland, as if they are in a huge chessboard.

But if you pay attention carefully, you will find that the distance between these thatched cottages is basically the same.

An old man turned around and pushed open the door of the thatched hut, took out a wooden basin filled with clean water, and then walked to the cowshed next to the thatched hut.

The ox dragged a full set of tools and was driven by the old man into the wasteland. A child ran to this place happily, followed by a woman.


A crisp voice rang in my ears.

The old man looked over quickly, showing puzzled eyes: "Why did you come outside the city?"

"How could you play truant at such a young age?" Thinking of the private school, the old man was so angry that he picked up the bullwhip and wanted to beat the child.

The child was startled, stepped back hastily, and loudly argued: "Sir, he said he had a rest today, so he didn't need to go to private school."

"Really?" The old man's eyes were full of suspicion.

The woman who followed explained: "What he said is true, if you don't believe me, you can go to the school and ask."

"That's why grandpa blamed you, but it's all rough work here, you can't learn it when you go to school." The old man's face softened.

The tone gradually slowed down: "Go play by yourself, don't learn how to cultivate the land like grandpa, you are people who go to private schools"

"Master said that everything is knowledge, why can't I watch grandpa plowing the land?" the child asked.

The old man glared like a child: "Why are there so many? Go aside"

"Look for your partner to play with, and remember not to learn to cultivate the land," the old man said loudly.

The child pursed his mouth: "But Tang Daniu and the others know how to fish. Isn't it good for me to learn how to cultivate the land?"

"You child, if grandpa won't let you learn, then don't learn," the woman said softly.

Just as the child was about to continue to say something, he heard a voice behind him.

"Ah Peng, come quickly!" Tang Daniu ran wildly with Tang Jiabao.

Hearing the familiar voice, Yang Peng quickly turned around to look, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Here we come."

"Go quickly." The old man and the woman said at the same time, with smiles on their lips.

Tang Jiabao and Tang Daniu respectfully called out to the old man: "Grandpa Yang!"

"You play your tricks, we still have to plow the land," the old man said with a smile on his face.

Tang Jiabao scratched his head: "Grandpa Yang, why do you always feel so busy? Busier than us going to school"

"Have you seen these weeds?" The old man pointed forward.

Tang Jiabao and Tang Daniu nodded: "I see."

"The weeds are now withered and yellow. If these wastelands are reclaimed, then next year we will be able to grow food. Only when the food is harvested will you have food," the old man said softly.

Tang Daniu interjected: "But some time ago, you didn't seem to be so busy."

"Also, I heard from grandpa and the others that the wasteland here is not allowed to be reclaimed?" Tang Jiabao asked.

Seeing Tang Jiabao and Tang Daniu's frowning faces, the woman couldn't help laughing: "Because there are no water thieves, these places can be reclaimed."

"Let's play, we are still busy," the woman urged.

Tang Daniu, Tang Jiabao and Yang Peng glanced at each other, frowning and turned away like little adults.

Looking at the backs of the three children, both the old man and the woman couldn't help smiling.

"Elder, can we ask you something?" At this moment, three young men in ragged clothes came from the front.

When the old man and the woman heard the strange voice, they didn't show a flustered expression, instead they asked and looked over.

"I heard that there are as many water thieves in Chaohu Lake. Why did what we saw along the way not be what we described? Could it be that the head of Chaohu wiped out thousands of water thieves with just a hundred soldiers from Changhe Town as rumored?" The leader, Qing Zhuang Ask cautiously.

Originally, I came to Chaohu Lake with the heart of death, but I didn't expect to see a magnificent scene like a paradise.

The two young men who followed behind also showed a light of expectation, and their hearts were beating violently.

The old man and the woman looked up and down at the three young men.

"Are you refugees fleeing from the north?" the old man asked.

The young and strong leader replied: "Don't dare to hide from the elders, we are all refugees who fled from Xuzhou"

"Xuzhou? Where did you escape from in Xuzhou?" The old man felt a sense of intimacy.

The three young men looked at each other, seeming a little hesitant.

The young and strong people headed by "Xuzhou Xiapi County" responded.

The old man looked at the women beside him: "Go, bring them three bowls of water."

The "okay" woman turns and walks away.

The old man smiled: "I didn't expect to be from the same town. The old man also escaped from Xiapi, but it was just a while earlier than you."

"The elder is also from Xiapi County?" The three of them were overjoyed and asked loudly.

The old man nodded slowly: "I'm not a water thief, so what's the benefit of lying to you?"

"Come to Chaohu Lake, you have come to the right place," the old man sighed.

The leading young man hurriedly asked: "Please tell the elders the details of Chaohu Lake."

"Did you see this farm ox?" the old man asked.

The three looked forward and nodded at the same time: "Of course I saw it."

"We saw cattle plowing the fields along the way, and the wasteland around Chaohu Lake was being reclaimed, so we were puzzled," a young man asked.

Another young man showed doubts: "Aren't they thousands of water thieves? They were really wiped out by a hundred soldiers?"

"Could it be that what you see with your own eyes is all false? Or is it that the water thieves will let us reclaim wasteland?" The old man laughed.

The three saluted at the same time: "This is also what we don't understand."

"Naturalized Changhe Town can rent farm cattle and lend us houses and thatched huts for free. We only need to hand in half of the output of the field in the coming year." The old man paused for a while.

He changed the subject and asked them: "If it is a water thief, how can it give so many benefits?"

"And children can go to private schools, so we don't have to worry about the future," the old man said with emotion.

The three showed expressions of disbelief: "Private school"

"Free tuition for one year. As for the harvest in the fields in the coming year, we can cultivate more wasteland. Judging from the fertile land around Chaohu Lake, it is not a big problem to provide a school for a child." The old man made the calculations clear .

Then he seemed to think of something again: "Now that the news has not been fully spread, you are at the right time."

"Quickly go to Changhe Town to apply for naturalization, get some things and houses, and hurry up to reclaim wasteland. It is said that after ten years of cultivation, the land will be our own," the old man urged.

Perhaps because of their fellowship, the three of them didn't have much doubt about the old man's words. After all, the sights along the way couldn't be deceiving.

"Thank you, elder, for letting me know. We're going to Changhe Town right now." The three saluted solemnly, turned around and walked in the direction they had come and gone.

(End of this chapter)

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