first sniper

Chapter 407

Chapter 407

There are many devil defenders in the city.

At least in terms of the information Meng Xiaoyu retrieved, it was quite a lot.

After the bandit Hu killed several little devils in a row, he changed his position again.

There is no way to transfer.Wang Youming and the others killed them too quickly.The brothers in the front are constantly advancing, but in the back, due to too many buildings, if the bandits don't keep up, they won't be able to provide long-range fire support at all.Therefore, the actual needs had to let the bandits move forward.

After leaving this sniper point, Hu Pi did not follow up with Wang Youming and the others immediately.Because near Wang Youming and the others, there are many sharpshooter brothers around, not only that, but also those shadow brothers are helping them in the dark, with them, the bandits can rest assured.As for the bandits, there are more important things to do.That's the big picture.

In addition to being a sniper and ensuring absolute control of a part of the battlefield, he is also a person who looks at the overall situation.First, Zhao Yingjie, Wang Youming, and Cui Dakui trusted him, and they all followed his plan to attack Wuyi County this time. He had to be responsible for them. Second, he had to take responsibility for those who responded to his attack. Those brothers who came to attack Wuyi County are responsible for the plan of Wuyi County.

Therefore, he wants to ensure that this battle can be won and that the losses of his brothers can be minimized. He needs to see the overall situation clearly and try his best to win this battle.

After Bandit Hu left the sniper point, he found a very high place in the county, where he could see the situation of the entire county clearly.

After just looking at it, he saw clearly the situation on the entire battlefield.

After nearly half an hour of fighting.The little devils kept backing away.But at this time, it has shrunk into a small circle with the devil's barracks as the center. Around this small circle, the brothers from Heihu Mountain and Niangniang Mountain are still heading towards that circle from different directions.

Constantly eating away at the little devil's circle.

However, as the fight got to the end, the progress slowed down.Bandit Hu took out the binoculars in his hand and looked at it, and he saw the problem.It turned out that the closer the circle was to the center, the tighter the little devil's defense would be.Moreover, there are more and more fortifications, more and more troops, and stronger weapons and ammunition.Therefore, the further the brothers fight back, the harder it is to move forward.

Seeing it in his eyes, the barbarians knew that this was the devil's last resort.The little devil resisted desperately because he wanted to delay the time.Bandit Hu looked at the Seagull watch in his hand again, and looked into the distance with the binoculars. He was secretly relieved when he saw that there was no sign of the little devil's reinforcements coming in the distance.But he also knew that there was not much time left for them.Although Meng Xiaoyu and his brothers were guarding the periphery, delaying the time for the little devil's reinforcements to arrive, but the bandits knew that the more time they spent attacking Wuyi County here, the more important it was for this battle. The more dangerous it is, the more brothers will die here.

Bandit Hu's brain was spinning rapidly, looking for a way to break the situation.

This is a dilemma, and Hu Bandit has to find a point to break this deadlock.

Suddenly, a wooden building appeared in Hu Bandit's sight.Bandit Hu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, then picked up the gun in his hand and rushed towards the wooden building.The two brothers beside him followed his rhythm.

The shadows are scattered in small groups. In addition to helping the brothers attack the little devils with firepower, they are also responsible for guarding the surroundings to prevent the little devils from shooting black guns in the dark, or where there are traps for the little devils. They have to be on guard all the time. .Escort the main force of the attack.

The main task of the attack still fell on Wang Youming and other Heihushan brothers.

The bandit Hu moved quickly, and he came to the wooden building.He found a hammer, smashed a shooting hole on the wooden building, and set up his gun...

"Baga presses the road, stand up for me, stand up for me." Miyamoto 24 saw that their living circle was getting smaller and smaller, this little devil was in a hurry, so he yelled at the little devils under his command up.It's like wanting to eat people bitterly.

Those little devils and the second devils couldn't tell what they were suffering.

They relied on their superiority in fortifications, their superiority in weapons and ammunition, and the fact that they had a large number of people.But the enemy's weapons and ammunition are not necessarily inferior to them, and the number of enemies is even more than them.The most important thing is that the fighting power of these enemies is too strong.Even though these little devils have a geographical advantage, they can't get any advantage in the hands of those enemies. Not only that, but they are about to be beaten to the point of being powerless by those enemies.

Seeing that the enemy is about to kill them, all these positions will be taken by the enemy at that time.

They were complaining one by one, but Miyamoto 24 didn't understand them and was still yelling and cursing behind them.These little devils and the second devils are extremely resentful one by one.But he had to obey Miyamoto 24's order.

Miyamoto 24 saw after he shouted.Those little devils and second devils under him worked harder.He couldn't help but smile in relief.In his opinion.This was their last resort. If they couldn't hold on, not only would they not be able to wait for reinforcements, but they would all have to die here.

thinking.This guy is so anxious in his heart.Looking at the direction outside the city bitterly, I couldn't help cursing my mother, Baga, why haven't those damned reinforcements come yet!
This guy was thinking, but at this moment, he heard a very different gunshot.Suddenly, he saw the figure of a ghost soldier in his line of sight paused and fell to the ground with a bang.This was originally a very ordinary thing. After all, when the two sides are fighting, it is normal for soldiers to die.But Miyamoto 24's eyes widened because he suddenly saw that this shot was accurate and ruthless!Yes, there are many enemy sharpshooters around the battlefield, and it is not surprising that they can hit accurately and ruthlessly.However, Miyamoto 24 clearly saw that the bullet of this shot seemed to have a larger caliber than the bullets fired by other sharpshooters, and a bullet hole the size of an egg was directly burst out of the devil soldier's forehead.

Seeing this bullet hole, Miyamoto 24 suddenly panicked.

Seeing that only a moment later, the same bullet hole appeared on the heads of two devil soldiers, this guy was even more panicked.In order to eliminate the bandits and others, he has studied for a long time.Looking at those bullet holes, he could clearly see that it wasn't the hole that the gun in the hand of the horse bandit that he dreamed of killing was what it was!Can't be wrong, can't be wrong.Because he had seen no less than ten corpses of the little devil and the second devil who were killed by the 98K in the hands of the horse bandit, he clearly remembered that the holes made by the horse bandit's gun were like this!
Confirmed, Miyamoto panicked even more.




(End of this chapter)

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