first sniper

Chapter 398

Chapter 398
Not only Wang Youming understood, but also Zhao Yingjie and Cui Dakuo who were beside him saw it, and they were all very excited.

It's not that they are worthless, but that they have never seen such a scene before.

This is the first time for them all.

Black Tiger Mountain used to have cannons, but it was the first time that such a large-scale artillery battle was launched against the little devils, because there was no such opportunity before.Even if there was, it was only one, at most two cannons fired at the little devil at the same time.

And Niangniang Mountain is not much better, or a few days ago, when Yusuke Inoue led his troops to attack Niangniang Mountain, the bandits went and took out a few cannons from the cottage to attack the little devil.But that was just a few cannons.

But now?

Heihushan brought all the cannons seized over the past year, even the mortars from Niangniangshan.Now the cannons from the two cottages of Heihushan and Niangniangshan have been collected, and the total number exceeds ten, and they have brought all the cannonballs, and they are all aimed at the little devil.With such a scale and such momentum, how could they not be excited.

But bandit Hu smiled slightly, looking extremely calm.

This is the result he wants.

According to him who has experienced the military life of later generations, bullets should never be used for things that can be solved by shells, and knives should never be used for things that can be solved by bullets.Anyway, he felt that if weapons and ammunition could be exchanged for things, he would never use human lives to fill them.The brothers who can follow them to fight the little devils are not born by their parents. Their lives are also their lives. The horse bandits have to be responsible for their lives, so it is very appropriate to use this shell to bombard them.As for what to do when the shells run out?
In the eyes of the bandits, this is even simpler. There are no guns or cannons, and we have our own enemies.It's time to snatch his mother's little devil again.

So Bandit Hu watched the shells behind him bombard the little devils as if watching a show.

within the county.

The little devil's reaction was not slow, after being bombarded by shells.The little devils had reacted as quickly as possible. Not long after, shells flew out of the county town towards the outside of the county town.Watching the shells passing through the air, they flew towards a small hill behind him.

You don't need to look, the Bandit Hu also knows that the little devil's shell is heading for the artillery position under him.The little devil was in a hurry, so he was in a hurry to get rid of the artillery position under him.However, Bandit Hu was not in a hurry. Instead, he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, because he didn't need to look, just by the sound of the shell, he knew that the impact point of the shell was not at the artillery position under him at all.The little devil's shell missed.

It was at this time that the brothers under the bandit Hu had already started to act.

In the county town, those little devil artillery eyes standing on high places and looking in the direction of the artillery positions of the Hu bandits never thought that they had been targeted, but even if they didn't know it, they couldn't change the god of death. Facts are coming towards them.

Then there were bursts of gunshots, and the bullets flew towards those little devils...

These brothers are all good marksmen, and their aim is at the sharpshooter level.

As soon as this rain of bullets flew over, several little devils were shot down the city wall by the bullets.

Seeing it in his eyes, Hu Bandit felt even more beautiful in his heart, hehe, little devil, he fucking wants to take away my artillery position, what the hell is he thinking!Don't even look at who I am, can I get my soldiers if you want to get them?Bandit Hu thought secretly, but he was not in a hurry.

Zhao Yingjie and Cui Dakuozi had already organized their troops and entered the reserve position, and they were waiting for a while to rush towards the county town.

At this time, Wang Youming saw two shells flying towards the city wall of the northern city, but only knocked down the towers on the city wall and missed the gate. Just a little bit, just a little bit!"

Bandit Hu laughed, and said, "Old Wu, don't be in a fucking hurry. This is just the beginning. The little devil's gates are just a few gates. Let's blow his mother into scum in a while!"

Wang You took a look at Bandit Hu and said, "Who said I'm in a fucking hurry!? I just feel it's a pity."

"..." Bandit Hu smiled lightly, well, I didn't bother to talk to this guy, so he took the binoculars and looked at the situation ahead.

at the same time.

Miyamoto 24 was pulled out of the ruins by his devil soldiers.

The few shells just now blew up his office building into rubble, and it was fortunate that this guy ran out of his office building in advance, otherwise, he would have to follow after being bombed by this bombing. His office building was bombed to the sky!

Although this guy was not killed by the bomb, the devil who threw him under him was not so lucky. He was hit by two pieces of shrapnel and was already dead. All over the body, this fellow has been dyed into a blood man.

This guy just felt like he came out of the gate of hell, the seven souls of this guy were scared away, three souls and two souls were scared away, and he peed under his crotch, that is, at this time his body was full of the blood of that little devil, His body was completely wet, and no one could tell that he had urinated, and the strong smell of blood covered the pee, and he couldn't smell it... No, I can laugh at this guy to death, and make this guy feel ashamed.

After the guy was rescued, he took a few breaths, only took a moment to slow down, but turned his face straight, and immediately roared fiercely, "Baga, Baga is pressing the road, damn enemies, all of you Die, die! Give me an order to go down, be sure to defend, and don't let an enemy in! Destroy the enemy's artillery positions for me..." This fellow said, looking like he wanted to eat the enemy at the city gate!
And this time.

"Brother Hu, Brother Hu!"

A brother and a person ran towards the bandit Hu in a hurry.

The bandit Hu saw that it was Heihushan's brother, and the bandit Hu also knew the one next to him, but that brother was from Niangniangshan, and his name was Wang Laohei.Bandit Hu saw it and couldn't help being taken aback, because among the brothers Cui Dakui brought yesterday, there was no brother named Wang Laohei at all.

Bandit Hu asked suspiciously, "What's the matter!?"

The brother had already approached, and said, "This brother from Niangniangshan just rushed over from Niangniangshan, and he said that he has something important to ask Cui Dadao to take over!"

And the brother from Niangniangshan saw Bandit Hu, as if seeing a relative, he rushed forward and cried, "Brother Hu, Brother Hu... I, he who is our second leader..."

When Bandit Hu saw the brother's appearance, he immediately became anxious, "What's wrong with Old Cui? Don't you fucking cry, boy, you just say it!"

"Tell me quickly! What's going on..." Wang Youming also became anxious all of a sudden.




(End of this chapter)

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