first sniper

Chapter 387 What should be said is always what should be said

Chapter 387 What should be said is always what should be said

The bamboo rat meat is ready.

This is not enough.

The horse bandit sent people to catch more than [-] rabbits.The bandits still have this right, and even Dong Tianyuan, the political commissar, would not say anything to the bandits.In addition, there are too many rabbits in the cottage now, killing a dozen or twenty of them will not affect the food of other brothers.So, catch them and kill them.

Of course, these bamboo rats didn't dare to kill more, and they had to save more for breeding rats, so since they were not enough, they had to get some rabbits to make up for it.

After all, this bit of bamboo rat meat is too little, and it would not be enough to stuff the teeth without adding some rabbit meat.

In the past few days in Niangniang Mountain, they didn't care much about their appetites, they just ate whatever they had.But there is no shortage of work, either helping to repair the houses in Niangniang Mountain that were blown into ruins by the cannons of the little devils, or helping Niangniang Mountain to build a new camp, which is tiring and not eating well.

But after all, it was because Niangniang Mountain had just encountered a catastrophe, and the damage was serious, and the cottage was destroyed in a bad way. How could they care too much about food there!Make people laugh again.

But their natures like to eat delicious food, there is no way, they are all used to by the old man Wang Yishao, whoever makes the old man cook the dishes can be called the best in the world.

Although Cui Dakuo was really sorry on the way, and the brothers couldn't persuade them, and killed more than a dozen bamboo rats to entertain them, but there were not enough for so many brothers to stuff their teeth, and it was just a taste.

It’s rare to come back this time, and the brothers haven’t had a drink together for a few days. I thought I brought back the bamboo rat. Today I came back victorious from beating the little devil. No matter what, I have to have a good drink and let the brothers taste the bamboo. The smell of rats.What's more, there are also two masters who breed bamboo rats, so they have to entertain them well and do their best to the landlord.

So, this dish was prepared richly.But the master from Niangniang Mountain was dumbfounded.

Hu Bandit's workmanship is not bad either. Not long after, he has already prepared the rabbit meat, and not only finished it, but also made several dishes in different ways, one braised rabbit meat, one spicy diced rabbit, and one There is a stewed rabbit meat with mushrooms, and there are several big pots full... There are many brothers who came back from Niangniang Mountain this time. In addition to the more than 100 people brought by Wang Youming, there are more than 50 shadow brothers. I haven't eaten yet, so the amount of this dish cooked by Hu Pi can be called a full word!
Every table and every dish is filled with big pots.

The old man's bamboo mouse dish is also ready, and it is exactly as the old man said, the old man's craftsmanship is really powerful, and I haven't tasted it yet, just smelling the fragrance makes people intoxicated.It smells so good.The old man shoveled a piece with a big spoon and let the bandit taste the saltiness. With just one mouthful, the bandit accepted it and immediately gave him a thumbs up.

The meal is also ready.

The bandit Hu greeted and asked the food to be delivered, and everyone was starving, so they started eating.

Bandit Hu divided the old man's dry pot of bamboo rats and the dishes he had made into several small bowls, and asked Zhao Hu to send them to Wei Yuhan and Dai Ruliu!After Zhao Hu left, Hu Bandit called the brothers in the kitchen to drink and taste the taste of bamboo and rat meat, but he didn't go.Bandit Hu smiled and didn't persuade much.Then he took the three big pots of the three dishes he made by himself, and the dried bamboo rat made by the old man, and headed towards Wang Youming's house.

Wang Youming had already prepared it. When he came back from the road, this guy yelled that when he came back, he must let the bandits catch two fish and come back to cook a few dishes, and everyone had a good drink.Tonight, I saw that the food was good. In addition to bamboo rat meat, there were also some rabbit meat made by horse bandits.This guy couldn't bear it any longer, so he went looking for wine and invited people over.

Dong Tianyuan still didn't come.

However, the other brothers are all here.It can be said that Hu Pi and Wang Youming successfully helped Niangniang Mountain to defeat the enemy who committed the crime, and gave them a celebration banquet.


"Heh, look, we have been exposed to Yu Han's light, so the treatment is different."

Zhao Hu left, but left behind a few good dishes, which were still hot and fragrant.Although they had already eaten, the two girls, Yang Xiaoni and Liu Xiaohua, were drooling.

Seeing Dai Ruliu teasing him like this, Wei Yuhan's little face blushed again, and he said, "Okay, stop talking, Sister Liuer, if you want to tease me like this again, be careful that I ignore you!"

"Hey, you little girl, you still ignore me, and you can't talk about it. Well done, if you don't talk about you, I won't talk about you..." Dai Ruliu smiled, and said, "There is food , Hu Pi and the others are back today, everyone is in a good mood, how about we have a drink!?"

Wei Yuhan was overjoyed and said, "Sure."

So these girls also drank.Drinking, eating, chatting, bursts of laughter like silver bells came out from time to time, which was particularly pleasant in this Heihu Mountain full of men.


The gangsters drank happily.

I haven't seen you for a few days, and tonight, the dishes are cooked well, and the air on the mountain is extraordinarily cool. The more you eat, the more you drink, the more you eat. It didn't take long for them to eat up all the dishes. Wang Youming prepared The wine that was placed was also eaten up.Even Wang Youming didn't enjoy himself to the fullest, so he made another bowl of rice, poured the soup in the pot together, and ate a bowl of rice with it, before giving up.

"Hey? Why is this wine gone!? Fuck, this can't be done. Brothers are all waiting. I'll get the wine..." Wang Youming stood up unsteadily.

Zhao Yingjie and bandits Hu hurriedly stopped him.He said he couldn't drink any more, and he still had things to do these days, but he couldn't get too drunk and miss things.Wang Youming just gave up.After eating and drinking enough, the brothers sat together again, drank the hangover soup made by the old man, and bragged for a while before leaving.

As for the matter of beating Wuyi County, it was just a few random words when I started drinking.Not much to say, after all, walls have ears, just in case, the less people who know about this for the time being, the better.Even the brothers in the cottage didn't know that Meng Xiaoyu left the cottage for this reason.

Everyone bid farewell, Hu Bandit was already seven or eight percent drunk, followed Wang Youming, and wanted to send him back. Fall again.

"Old Hu, wait a minute, buddy has something to tell you!" After Wang Youming was sent into the house, Wang Youming grabbed the bandit Hu and refused to let him go.

Bandit Hu looked at it. When this guy was talking, his mind was still very clear. He knew that it was not a joke, but it was a real thing, so he picked up the teapot on his table and poured a bowl of vegetables, " Let's have a sip of tea first, let's talk slowly!" After finishing speaking, Bandit Hu also sat down.Coincidentally, Bandit Hu also has something to say to this kid, but he doesn't know where to start. After all, Bandit Hu is very good at beating little devils, but when talking about feelings, even Bandit Hu feels that he is still Not as good as Wang Youming.

But what has to be said always has to be said.

Bandit Hu felt that it was good to say it at this time, so he forced himself to make things clear to Wang Youming today.




(End of this chapter)

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