first sniper

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Down the mountain.

Yusuke Inoue stood up.

The gunshot wound on this guy's arm has been bandaged with gauze, and his arm is also hung above his neck with gauze.

This guy looked at Niangniang Mountain with a telescope, carefully observing the direction of Niangniang Mountain.

It's already at this time, although this guy is terrified, but he still doesn't give up... This guy knows the consequences of his going back like this, and in order to avoid such consequences, he still wants to fight again.

Even though the little devils and the second devils under him no longer have the intention to fight any more, the morale of the army has already been dissipated, and there is no possibility of fighting again... But he still wants to fight again .

This guy is a gambler's mind, when his own life is almost out of his control, how can he care about other people's lives.What's more, since he came to the foot of Niangniang Mountain, he never took the lives of those little devils and second devils under him as human lives, and how did he care about it!

"Neutenant about we retreat!"

A devil next to him couldn't see Yusuke Inoue's thoughts.This devil has been with Inoue Yusuke for a long time, and he knows that Inoue didn't take his own life seriously, let alone other people's life.But now, he only takes his own life seriously, and still doesn't take other people's lives seriously.

But that fellow Inoue doesn't take the lives of the little devils and the second devil seriously, they take it seriously, so they have to come out and say no, they can't just watch Yusuke Inoue take them My little life to send.

Of course, their words are also soft-spoken, and Yusuke Inoue, a little devil, may not listen to them.However, the little devil who said this at this time is a little devil with ideals. He dreams of making his own life his own decision. He doesn't want to die here for nothing.

I don't even want to be used by Inoue Yusuke as a moth. A moth will die miserably if it flies into the flame.

More importantly, he knew Yusuke Inoue's thoughts, and the devil saw through that Yusuke Inoue wanted to gamble his own life with their lives.Because the devil who spoke knew that if Inoue Yusuke returned from the battle, he would definitely end up miserable.However, he still stood up and said it, because he dreamed that he could decide his own life!

"Baga!" Hearing this, Inoue Yusuke gave the little devil who was talking next to him a vicious look, and roared loudly: "I am the supreme commander here, and you all have to obey my orders. This matter is beyond your concern." say!"

The devil next to him looked disappointed, knowing that he might not be able to escape the fate of being cannon fodder, he was filled with despair.

The little devil Inoue Yusuke continued to talk. He looked at the cottage on the top of Niangniang Mountain in the distance, and he was still roaring, "No one knows the situation here better than me. We just need to work harder and launch another attack. Damn all the enemies of Niangniang Mountain will be wiped out by us here!"

Ha ha……

The little devil next to him has [-] grass mud horses running in his heart, and he really wants to say something to Yusuke Inoue, ha ha.But he didn't dare, because Yusuke Inoue was angry, and if he wanted to continue talking, he was afraid that because of Yusuke Inoue's personality, he would have to pull out the gun and shoot him. At that time, he might have to die here.

"Give me an order to go down, prepare for me, mobilize all troops, kill none of them, and kill all of them up the mountain, vowing to take down this damn Niangniang Mountain!" Yusuke Inoue continued.

The devil next to him sighed secretly, although he was very reluctant, he still said: "Hi!" and then went down.

Seeing the little devil go down, Yu Inoue showed a ruthless look on the interface, he has made up his mind, he wants to lead the team to kill himself.If you don't succeed, you will succeed.In fact, the main thing is that this little devil knows that even if he is not successful, if he loses, he will be able to go back without becoming benevolent. If he dies at this time, he will still be honored with the honor of dying in battle!

Thinking about it, the little devil couldn't help pulling out the bastard box at his waist, glared fiercely in the direction of the top of Niangniang Mountain, and rushed towards his army angrily.


Everything is in progress.

It can even be said that everything is in the plan of the bandits.

He watched the little devil and the second devil at the bottom of the mountain surge again, and the little devil was rectifying the team again, making preparations before charging.The barbarian knows that this is his mother's rhythm of preparing to attack again, little devil.This is exactly what he wanted, he was about to hit the little devil hard, and he took the initiative to attack.Well, if the devil charged forward, it would be much easier for him to take the initiative to attack.

Thinking about it, the bandits feel excited.

Some of the devils are quite obedient, they will do whatever the young master thinks.Is this the son raised by his mother's young master? !

Thinking to himself, Hu Bandit couldn't help being happy, just now he was worried that the little devil would run away early, and their plan would come to nothing... So now, Hu Bandit can only be happy.

"Prepare me for the fuck, the little devil is watching, he is about to kill him. At that time, I'll beat the fuck up..." Said, Hu bandit looked even more murderous Scanning the foot of the mountain, "Did you see the foot of the mountain?! Can you see how many little devils there are?!!"

The brothers did not speak, but they all looked towards the foot of the mountain. Of course they knew how many little devils and second devils there were at the foot of the mountain!

Bandit Hu said, but raised the corner of his mouth, and said cruelly: "In a short while, the little devil and the second devil at the foot of the mountain will be left alone, and they will all be wiped out! If even one little devil is let go, we motherfuckers will die!" I will swear not to be human!"

Hearing this, the brothers in Niangniang Mountain secretly admired each other, who has such courage?I'm afraid I'm the only big brother Hu!
He is really the most ruthless person in the world!

Bandit Hu, on the other hand, had already turned his gaze to the distance, to a place farther behind the little devil at the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain, Yusuke Inoue also looked at the mountain viciously. The guy was mobilizing his devil soldiers. I have to say that Yusuke Inoue is very good at speaking. After a while, those ghost soldiers under him were already fighting bravely one by one, and their inner Bushido spirit was ignited, and they all stared at the mountain, making a stance that they would never destroy Niangniang Mountain ...

It would be a pity if this guy didn't become a master of pyramid schemes and brainwashing.

However, even if this guy was killed, he would never have imagined that he was fanning the flames and instigating his devil soldiers and the second devils to kill up the mountain. He thought there was still a chance to win the damn Niangniang mountain, but he never Thinking about it, it is actually ten deaths and no life!



(End of this chapter)

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