first sniper

Chapter 367

Chapter 367
"Damn it!"

Behind this wave of little devils charging towards the gate of the cottage on Niangniang Mountain, there was a devil second lieutenant holding a bastard box and waving it forward, causing the little devils and second devils under him to attack.

This cry seemed to have magical powers, and the little devil and the second devil rushed even harder.It's like shouting like a certain monster in the movie, magical body protection, invulnerable to swords and guns, so that those who work hard will not be afraid.Of course, this is just the influence of the little devil's Bushido.As for those two devils...

If they didn't follow the little devils to attack more violently, then the guns in the hands of the little devils standing around them would have to be aimed at them.

Moreover, behind these second devils, in order to save their own lives, the officials of those second devils had no choice but to take the lives of these second devils.Anyone who doesn't charge after the little devil gives the order to charge will be an enemy of these second devils and officials, and will kill these second devils officials, and these second devils officials will be the first to deal with them He can't!

Of course, these two devils can also see that the little devil Yusuke Inoue is really angry, and he is extremely angry. If this battle cannot be won, then facing them, the little devil will be punished even more horribly. At that time, I'm afraid they will have to make their lives worse than death.Instead of this, these two devils also charged.After all, in their view, if you don't rush, you will die. If you rush, you may still survive!If the little devil wins and survives by chance, then he doesn't have to die! ?


The little devil and the second devil are getting closer.

Cui Erkua held the gun and just looked at it like this, watching the little devil and the second devils charge like crazy one by one, and then got closer, closer, and then even closer.

At the same time, behind the trenches, sandbag bunkers, and bunkers, the brothers looked tense, like leopards waiting for their prey to approach, and then they could launch a fatal blow. up.

They narrowed their eyes, they hid their murderous intent, they waited for the prey to get closer, and then a little closer, and then...

The murderous intent hidden in their eyes erupted suddenly, like a volcano erupting.

"Hit me hard!"

Then they saw the guns in their hands roaring, and the bullets fired were like their vigorous posture when hunting their prey, and they rushed towards the enemy.Then those bullets bit the little devils and the second devil one by one, and threw them all to the ground, killing them.

clap clap clap!
The two box cannons in Cui Erkuazi's hands are extremely vicious, every time a bullet is fired, it can kill a little devil or the second devil.In just the blink of an eye, the lives of the three little devils and the second devil were already gone.

Not only that, but Cui Erkuo, who has rich combat experience, is not only tricky with marksmanship, but even more tricky with his fight. The devils aimed at his opportunity, waited behind the cover, found the right timing again, and after locking on to the prey, he dodged out again, with a few more shots...

It's not just him like this, the brothers around him also have the true biography of Cui Erkuazi, all of them only take advantage of it and don't suffer from it, they hide after fighting, and kill when they find the right opportunity.

In this way, it also showed some power.

The little devils and the second devils were constantly shot and killed in the process of charging.However, the little devils are not bad, after all, they are all well-trained professional soldiers.They kept approaching, looking for everything that could be used as a cover, and then used these so-called cover to fight back against the positions above.Not only that, they also hid themselves behind those second devils, used those second devils to block guns, to attract frontal firepower, and then looked for opportunities to attack the enemies in front of them suddenly!
So after a short period of time, the second devil had fallen a lot, and there were still many little devils left.

Moreover, some little devils have already taken advantage of the gap, lying behind the corpses of some devils, and fired grenades with grenades towards the position above.

In addition, some little devil machine gunners also took the bodies of the dead second devils or little devils as cover, and launched an attack on it.

The little devil is desperately trying to attack, Cui Erkuazi and the others are also desperately trying not to attack the little devil.Both sides showed their housekeeping skills and firepower. The two sides were fighting to the death, and the situation on the battlefield had already become a fierce stalemate.

The little devils couldn't move forward, and Cui Erkuozi and others couldn't drive the little devils back.

call out……

Cui Erkua raised his hand and slapped a shot, and when he was about to shrink back into the trench, he heard a black figure flying towards him in the sky.As a person who has survived many battles, when Cui Erkuo saw the thing and heard the sound, his back felt cold and he broke out in cold sweat.He subconsciously lay down, and even yelled: "Be careful, you fucking lie down!"

Immediately, at the trench where Cui Erkuo was, the grenadier grenade that flew over exploded, kicking up a burst of mud, seeing it, the hearts of the brothers beside him tightened...

"Second master!"

"Second boss! Ah, little devil, I, fuck you, grandma! I've fought you hard..."

Everyone shouted, and two of them rushed over directly, concerned about the safety of Cui Erkua.

Cui Erkua shook his head, shaking off the dirt all over his head, and kept spitting in his mouth. Seeing two mournful faces beside him, he couldn't help cursing: "What the hell are you crying for?" Cry, I'm not dead yet!" When the brothers heard this, their tears turned into laughter.

"Second boss, you are injured!" a brother shouted.

But Cui Erkuo's left arm was suddenly punched by the grenade from the grenade.Cui Erkua gritted his teeth, tore a piece of rag, and tied it there, "Scream, I'm not dead yet! Hurry up and fight back, the little devil is about to hit me!" What! Hurry up, let me put the little devil down..."

When the brothers heard that Cui Er's crotch sounded like Hong Zhong, and he seemed to be in trouble, they couldn't help letting go of their hanging hearts, so they focused on hitting the bottom hard.

At the foot of the mountain, Yusuke Inoue looked at the halfway up the mountain. The little devils and the second devils under him kept charging, but they failed to take down the position on the halfway up Niangniang Mountain. The firepower of several bunkers was too strong, causing huge losses to the little devils and second devils under him. He couldn't help frowning, knowing that if he didn't blow up those bunkers, he might still be beaten in this wave of attack return.So he issued an order to let the artillery shell the bunker in the middle of the mountain!



(End of this chapter)

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