The splendor of the red mansion

Chapter 385 Yuanmingyuan Residence

Chapter 385 Yuanmingyuan Residence (2)
Yinzhen sighed softly, stretched out his hand and sighed at her still beautiful face, and said seriously: "Yu'er, there will be no more people entering the palace."

Daiyu looked at Yinzhen quietly, Yinzhen lowered his head and kissed her smooth forehead and said, "You, Fourth Brother, Yan'er, Chen'er, Hongyao and the others, we are one family. Those in the palace should be It is for Huang Ama and the Eight Banners dignitaries to save face, and there will be no more in the future. Besides, we will live in Yuanmingyuan most of the time in the future."

"Huh?" Daiyu was surprised. Putting aside everything else, choosing between the Imperial Palace and the Old Summer Palace, she would prefer to live in the garden.Seeing her unexpected appearance, Yinzhen laughed softly and said, "Aren't the Qinzheng Hall and the Zhengda Guangming Hall under construction over there? It should be ready next spring, and we will move out when the time comes." Daiyu smiled. With crooked eyes and anticipation in his eyes, he said with a slight smile, "I don't know what those ministers and censors will say about me then?" Yin Zhen sneered and said, "How do I want to live my life without them talking too much?"

Putting this topic aside, Yinzhen said: "When I came here just now, I met Mu Lian and said that the old lady of Jia's family was dying and wanted to see you." After speaking, Yinzhen frowned.He didn't have a good impression of either Jia's family or Jia's mother, and he didn't want Daiyu to deal with them any more.But this person is Daiyu's maternal grandmother, and Yinzhen doesn't want Daiyu to have any regrets.Hearing this, Daiyu frowned slightly and said, "Are they in prison at the Ministry of Criminal Justice?" Because of Kangxi's sudden abdication, the Baoyi family who had been confiscated along with Yinti's successor before were temporarily detained at the Ministry of Criminal Justice.Yinzhen was busy with government affairs and had no time to deal with them.Yinzhen nodded and said, "If you don't want to see her, don't worry about it." Daiyu shook her head and said, "I'll just go and see her."

The Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice was as gloomy and cold as usual, and even though it had just passed the Mid-Autumn Festival, one could feel a chill as soon as one entered the door.There is also a rotten smell that lingers all year round in the cell, which makes people frown.

Prisons of the Ministry of Criminal Justice are all places where repeat offenders are locked up. Many prisoners are settled by officials from various places themselves, so there are not many people.During this period of time, it was extremely crowded inside. Several big Baoyi families in the capital were confiscated and imprisoned. The two prison cells in the north and the south were almost not enough. The new emperor had just ascended the throne, so no one paid any attention to these people.The innermost cells were locked up by people from the Rongning and Ningfu prefectures. Perhaps someone had ordered that Mother Jia be locked up alone in a relatively clean cell with a quick quilt.Others can only be male or female, several people were randomly locked in a cell.Now that Mother Jia has been dragging her days in bed, she is powerless to pay attention to these unworthy children and grandchildren.

"Old lady... old lady..." Baoyu climbed the bars of the cell and looked eagerly at Mother Jia who was lying on the bed in the next room.Jiamu moved her head with difficulty and looked at Baoyu.Baoyu said with a mournful face: "Old lady, when can we go out? It's so dirty here... Baoyu is so hungry, so cold..." Mother Jia sighed helplessly, looked at Baoyu and said, "Baoyu, in the future, you should be more self-sufficient. Right. The old lady won’t take care of you’s the old lady who hurt you..." Looking at her grandson who used to be like a phoenix egg like this, Mother Jia couldn’t help but feel pain.But I also deeply regret that I was too pampered and raised Baoyu completely ignorant of the world.How will such Baoyu live in the future after escaping this catastrophe?The only fortunate thing is that after such a time, Baoyu woke up from the previous muddle.

"Old lady..." Baoyu looked at Jia's mother helplessly, not knowing why she was a little panicked.He didn't understand why he was caught and locked up in a big prison. "Old lady, isn't sister Lin the princess? Why didn't she come to rescue us?"

Jia Mu sternly said, "No nonsense!"

Jia She on the other side's eyes lit up and said: "Old lady, Baoyu is right. The eldest girl is now a queen, so asking the emperor to forgive us is not a trivial matter? Maybe even the titles can be returned to us." Sister Feng Sitting in the corner with Li Wan, watching Jia She's whimsical ideas with cold eyes, secretly rejoicing that Qiao'er is now serving Baoying Gege, otherwise he would have been sent to the cell with him?

Jia Zheng said: "The current emperor is the most disciplined, I'm afraid he is not so easy to talk to." The current emperor was notoriously ruthless when he was still Prince Yong, and it is even more difficult for him to forgive him.What's more... Whether the queen is willing to intercede for them is another matter.

Jia Amnesty glared at Jia Zheng, and said with a sneer, "Those rotten things are all about your second wife, your unworthy man who sat down, and have nothing to do with our first wife! By the way, now it's too... the second master is not After being released, is she still named Prince Li? Miss Yuan is Prince Li, why didn't Fujin come and leave us?"

"Enough!" Mother Jia frowned, "Girl Yuan doesn't know what's going on now, so let her live on her own."

As soon as Jia Mu spoke, Jia Amnesty stopped angrily even though she was unwilling.

The sound of opening the door came from far away from the cell, and the jailer's flattering voice could be heard vaguely.Jia Amnesty and the others, who were still furious just now, immediately stopped, looking eagerly at the end of the narrow passage.As soon as I heard it, I knew that there must be noble people coming. I don't know if the empress sent someone to let them out.After a while, footsteps came from far to near, and a handsome teenager in his teens came over accompanied by the officials in charge of the prison from the Ministry of Punishment.Everyone was in a trance for a while, only felt that the young man in front of them was both familiar and strange, but couldn't remember who it was for a while.

The young man glanced at the cells on both sides indifferently, and then his eyes fell on Li Wan who was leaning on Sister Feng with her eyes closed, "Mother..."

Li Wan was startled, opened his eyes in a daze and raised his head, seeing the tears of the young man outside the door suddenly falling, he recovered and asked anxiously: "Lan'er? Why did you come here? Could it be... ...Could it be..." Did things at home still implicate her Lan'er?Li Wan was suddenly heartbroken.Jia Lan hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, mother, my son returned to Beijing with elder brother a few days ago. Lan'er is unfilial and only came to pick up mother today." Li Wan looked at his tall and handsome son whom he hadn't seen for a long time, tears fell down his cheeks. Even more powerful, "Lan''s fine if you're fine, mom...can I really go out?" Li Wan is newly married and widowed, and she has been devoted to guarding her son for so many years. As long as Jia Lan is fine, how will she treat herself? I don't care too much.He suddenly heard Jia Lan say that he would take him out, and he didn't believe it.Jia Lan nodded and said: "Lan'er begged for grace from Prince Yi, and Prince Yi said that there was no guilt on Mother's part, and she had kept the festival for many years, even if Lan'er didn't ask to turn back, she would release her. Although the Jia family's case has not yet interrogation, but it doesn't matter if Lan'er picks up mother first and goes out."

(End of this chapter)

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